Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Category Featured Stories

“Moris ho Honestidade”: Mensajem CAC ba Estudante Sira konaba Kombate Korrupsaun

Dili 04/07/2012– Ekipa Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) husi Diresaun Edukasaun, Kampaña no Peskiza (EKP) iha fulan Juñu foin lalais ne’e hala’o simináriu sosializasaun kona-ba papel CAC iha kombate korrupsaun ba estudantes ensinu báziku no sekundária besik rihun ida iha distritu tolu: Bobonaro, Aileu no Liquiça.

Semináriu ho tema “Hamutuk Ita Kombate Korrupsaun” ne’e hanesan esforsu ida atu tulun eduka jerasaun foin sa’e sira atu tane a’as espíritu honestidade iha sira nian moris loron-loron.

Iha nia aprezentasaun sirak ne’e, Diretór Interinu EKP Rosário de Araújo koalia kona-ba hahalok diak nebe refleta moris ho honestidade–hanesan: la’o tuir dalan los no hakru’uk ba lei hodi la monu ba tentasaun halo korrupsaun, evita a’an husi bosok inan-aman, edukador sira, no sosiedade iha sira nia moris lor-loron. Iha fatin hanesan, ofisiais EKP Almério Álvares Maria Barros hatutan ba estudante sira kona-ba atu hatoman a’an hodi promove kultura moe, tauk, no arepende wainhira estudante ida monu ba sala ruma.

Durante semináriu, estudante no edukador sira iha distritu tolu ne’e hatudu entuziasmu bo’ot hodi tuir no rona aprezentasaun sirak husi ekipa CAC. Iha sesaun perguntas, partisipante sira iha kuriosidade tebes hakarak atu hatene liu tan papel CAC nian iha esforsu kombate korrupsaun. Nunemos, estudante no edukador sira balu propoin atu CAC  bele estabelese nia iskritóriu iha distritu atu fasilita no habelar tan servisu kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.

Estudantes husi eskolas públiku no privadu ne’ebe tuir semináriu  sosializasaun CAC durante semana rua ne’e mai husi eskola Ensinu Báziku Suku Male-Ubu Bobonaro hamutuk 129, Pre-Sekundária no Sekundária Aileu Vila hamutuk 559 estudantes, no Liquiça hamutuk 265. (*)

Timor-Leste and Liberia Jointly Selected as Reviewers for Angola’s UNCAC Implementation

Dili, 29/06/2012–During the 3rd session of the Implementation Review Group (IRG) of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)  in Vienna, Timor-Leste and Liberia were selected  to jointly review the implementation of this convention by  Angola. The joint selection took place on 18 June 2012 through a new drawing of lots before the representatives of the State Parties to the Convention.

The review process of Angola, as part of the First Cycle Review Mechanism on UNCAC’s implementation, is expected to begin later this year with the preparation of a self-assessment by that country, followed by a desk review.  For reviewing countries like Timor-Leste, it will   entail studying and analyzing laws and regulations, and other evidence related to UNCAC implementation by the reviewed country.  It may also involve an on-site visit to the reviewed country if Angola wishes to do so. The UNCAC’s review focuses on Chapter III regarding Criminalization and Law Enforcement and Chapter IV on International Cooperation.

Timor-Leste submitted last week a list of five governmental experts for this review to the Secretariat of the Review Mechanism in Vienna

Timor-Leste’s role as one of the UNCAC reviewers is the country’s first experience to carry out such international task. The Anti-Corruption Commissioner Adérito de Jesus Soares said, “Timor-Leste’s participation in this international taskforce shows that the country is very responsive and committed to implement its duty as a State Party to the Convention.”

Last year, Timor-Leste differed to become a State Party Reviewer for Cape Verde. It decided to be first reviewed by Namibia and Fiji and to give more time to prepare and to learn from other countries’ experience before exercising its duty as reviewer.

Timor-Leste’s participation in the IRG meeting was represented by Deputy Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission José António de Jesus das Neves and was accompanied by UNMIT Judicial Affairs Officer (Institutions), Claudia Sayago.

Timor-Leste no Liberia Selesionadu nudar Reviewer ba Implementasaun Konvensaun ONU kontra Korrupsaun iha Angola

Dili, 29/06/2012—Durante sesaun ba datoluk grupu halo revizaun  ba implementasaun (Implementation Review Group) ba Konvensaun Nasoens Unidas kontra Korrupsaun (UNCAC) iha Vienna, Timor-Leste no Liberia selesionadu atu halo revizaun hamutuk ba Angola nia implementasaun. Selesaun ne’e hala’o iha 18 Juñu 2012 iha reprezentantes Estadu Parte ba Konvensaun sira nia oin.

Prosesu halo revizaun ba Angola ne’e halo parte husi Siklu Dahuluk husi Mekanismu halo Revizaun konaba implementasaun Konvensaun ONU ne’e. Iha espetativa katak servisu halo revizaun ne’e sei hala’o iha tinan ne’e nia laran, tuir  preparasaun nebe Angola sei halo wainhira sira prosesu revizaun liu husi meza (desk review) remata. Ba Timor-Leste nudar Estadu Parte nebe sei halo servisu revizaun ba Konvensaun nia implementasaun, servisu ne’e sei involve halo estudu no análiza kle’an ba leis no regulamentus no evidensia sira seluk nebe iha relasaun ho UNCAC nia implementasaun iha Angola. Nunemos, servisu ne’e karik sei involve vizita direta ba terenu wainhira Estadu Parte Angola permite. Revizaun ba Konvensaun ne’e konsentra ba Kapitúlu III konaba Penalizasaun no Implementasaun Lei no Kapitúlu IV konaba Koperasaun Internsional.

Semana kotuk, Timor-Leste aprezenta ona lista peritus governantes na’in lima ba Sekretáriadu Mekanismu halo Revizaun (Secretariat Review Mechanism) atu halo selesaun. Peritu sira ne’e mak sei partisipa iha prosesu halo revizaun ba Angola nia implementasaun.

Timor-Leste nia papel nudar Estadu Parte halo revizaun ba UNCAC ne’e hanesan esperiensia ba dahuluk hodi hala’o tarefa internasional ne’e. Komisáriu Anti-Korrupsaun Adérito de Jesus Soares hatete katak, “Partisipasaun Timor-Leste nian iha prosesu halo revizaun ne’e hatudu katak Timor-Leste iha komitementu bo’ot atu implementa nia dever hanesan membru Estadu Parte ba Konvensaun ONU ne’e.”

Tinan kotuk, Timor-Leste a’adia nia dever sai nudar Estadu Parte atu halo revizaun ba Cabo Verde nia implementasaun. Timor-Leste deside hakarak atu estadu parte seluk, Namibia no Fiji, mak halo revizaun uluk ba nia implementasaun, atu nune bele fo tempu atu prepara didiak no bele aprende husi rai seluk nia esperiensia antes kumpri nia dever.

Reprezentante Timor-Leste nian iha eventu sorumutu sesaun ba datoluk grupu halo revizaun  ba implementasaun ne’e mak Komisáriu Adjuntu Anti-Korrupsaun José António de Jesus das Neves no akompanha husi Claudia Sayago husi UNMIT.