Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC Hato’o Relatóri Annual ba Dahuluk iha Sesaun Plenária Parlamentu Nasional

Dili – 17/05/2013—Iha tersa loraik semana ne’e, Komisáriu Komisaun Anti-Korrrupsaun Adérito de Jesus Soares hetan opportunidade primeira-vez husi Uma-Fukun Parlamentu Nasional hodi ba aprezenta Relatóriu Annual 2012 iha Sesaun Plenária. Oportunidade ne’e nudar premeitu no previlejiu bo’ot ida ba CAC atu hato’o nia panorama servisu hafoin Komisaun ne’e haríi iha tinan tolu liu ba.

Plenária ne’e Presidente Parlamentu Nasional Vicente Guterres mak prezide. Membrus Parlamentu Nasional nebé partisipa iha Sesaun Plenária ne’e liu 2/3 nebé reprezenta bankadas hat husi Partidu Konseilhu Nasional Rekonstrusaun Timorense (CNRT); Frente Revolusionária do Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN); Partidu Demokrátiku (PD); no Frente Mudansa (FM).

Iha aprezentasaun ne’e, Komisáriu Adérito la’os deit saliente kona-ba aktividades CAC nian nebé hala’o deit iha tinan 2012, maibe, iha oportunidade ida ne’e Komisáriu mos aprezenta panaroma jeral Komisaun nian nebé hahu servísu husi zero iha área prevensaun, investigasaun kriminal, edukasaun kampanya no peskiza durante tinan tolu nia laran. Progresu iha áreas balu nebé Komisáriu Adérito hato’o inkluindu kapasitasaun ba rekursu umanu iha rai-laran no rai-liur iha áreas investigasaun, audit, sistema buka tuir gastus publiku no formasaun iha lingua ingles no Portugues. Iha mos progresu seluk mak hanesan kampaña públiku ba distritu 13 nebé involve ofisiais governantes iha ministériu, autoridade lokal, estudantes no sosiedade sivil sira.

Iha aprezentasaun ne’e, Komisáriu Adérito ho orgulhu hato’o progresu servisus nebé CAC hala’o ona tuir lei no plánu servisu anual nomos dezafius nebé infrenta. Membrus Parlamentu Nasional sira apresia tebes ho progresu nebe CAC atinji ona maski ho rekursu nebé limitadu no reafirma sira nian apoiu politika ho moral atu CAC kontinua hala’o nafatin servisu hodi prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. Nunemos, deputadu sira husi partidu politiku governantes no husi opozisaun nian ho unanimidade fo korajen ba instituisaun CAC atu mantein servisu nebé halao tiha ona durante tinan tolu nia laran no kontinua depozita sira nian korajen atu CAC halao servisu ba oin no labele tauk ba se karik iha ameasas ruma nebé mosu iha tempu oin.

Aprezentasaun nebé hetan akompanhamentu husi Jerente Senior CAC seluk, hetan transmisaun direta husi Televizaun no Radio Timor-Leste ba teritóriu tomak iha Timor-Leste.

CAC Presents Its Annual Report in Plenary First Time

Dili 17/05/2013—This last Tuesday, Anti-Corruption Commissioner Adérito de Jesus Soares presented the Commission’s 2012 Annual Report in Plenary Session of the National Parliament. This was the first time the Commission was given opportunity to present its progress report before the lawmakers since the Office was established three years ago. The plenary was presided by President of the National Parliament Vicente Guterres and was attended by more than 2/3 members from the four party benches, namely, the Conselho Nacional Reconstrusaun Timorense (CNRT); Frente Revolusionária do Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN); Partidu Demokrátiku (PD); and Frente Mudansa (FM). In his presentation, Commissioner Adérito was not only presenting CAC’s 2012 progress, however, since that was the first given opportunity, the presentation also covered the Commission’s progress report for the last three years that was started from scratch in the areas of prevention, criminal investigation and education campaign and research activities. Among other areas were highlighted included capacity building of staff in country and overseas in the areas of investigation, auditing, expenditure tracking system and English and Portuguese languages; the public outreach campaign throughout 13 districts which involved government officials in line ministries, local authorities, students and civil society organization. In his address, Commissioner Adérito was very keen in stating CAC’s progress based on the law and its annual workplan as well as the challenges. The lawmakers were pleased with the Commission’s work progress despite many challenges continue to face. They reaffirmed their political and moral supports and encouraged the Commission to continue working for preventing and combating corruption in Timor-Leste without fear. The presentation which was accompanied by other CAC Senior Management members was broadcasted live through Timor-Leste Radio and Television.

CAC-Komisaun A PN Forma Ekipa Trabalho ba Diskusaun Projetu Lei Deklarasaun Rikusoin.

Dili, 22/05 /2012Iha Kinta semana kotuk, Komisáriu Adjuntus Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) Manuel C.C. Bucar C. Real no José António de Jesus das Neves hasoru malu ho Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional, diskuti kona-ba forma ekipa trabalhu ka working group ba projetu esbosu lei deklarasaun rikusoin.

Ekipa trabalhu ne’e mosu hafoin liu tiha sorumutu no diskusaun balun liu husi meza redonda entre CAC no Parlamentu Nasional no diretores linhas ministériais iha tinan kotuk no prinsípiu tinan ida ne’e. Ekipa trabalhu ne’e sei kompostu reprezentante sira husi CAC, Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun A no instituisaun relevante seluk hanesan Ministériu Públiku, Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa, no Inspeitor Jeral Estadu. Ekipa ne’e mak sei responsabiliza ba halo diskusaun kle’an no sistemátiku to’o hamoris esbosu ba lei deklarasaun rikusoin.

Tuir planu, primeira diskusaun grupu traballu nia ba konseitu deklarasaun rikusoin sei realiza iha loron 6 fulan-Juñu mai, iha Parlamentu Nasional,.

Relasiona ho asuntu anti-korrupsaun, iha sorumutu ne’e mos CAC-Komisaun A koalia kona-ba esbosu lei anti-korrupsaun. Tuir Komisaun A katak bankada parlamentar husi partidu opozisaun sia sira oras ne’e iha hela prosesu atu halo submisaun foun ba esbosu lei-anti korrupsaun nebé mak kaduka iha tinan kotuk. Wainhira halo ona subimisaun mak sei konvida instituisaun relevante sira inkluindu CAC no sosiedade sivil sira atu halo apresiasaun ka audiensia públiku.

CAC & Standing Committee A Form Working Group for Asset Declaration Legal Drafting

Dili, 22/05 /2012Deputy Commissioners of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Mr. Manuel C.C. Bucar C. Real and Mr. José António de Jesus das Neves met with Standing Committee A of the National Parliament Thursday this week and discussed about forming a working group to prepare for drafting the asset declaration law.

The working group was formed following a series of meetings and discussions through roundtable meetings between CAC and the National Parliament and directors from line-ministries since last year. This working group will be consisted of representatives from CAC, National Parliament, especially from Standing Committee A and other relevant institutions such as Office of the General Prosecutor, Ombudsman and Human Rights Office and Office of the Inspector General. The working group will be responsible for ensuring in-depth discussion and consultations for the drafting of asset declaration draft law.

The working group is expected to hold its first meeting on 6 June 2013 at the National Parliament Conference Room.

In the meeting, the two parties also discussed about the anti-corruption draft law that was put on hold since last year. The draft law that was proposed by opposition party is now in the process of submission for plenary. There will be a series of consultations and public hearings with all relevant institutions, including civil society groups, after the draft law is presented.