Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Ekipa CAC Reuniaun ho Embaixadora EUA

Dili – Ekipa Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) ne’ebé integra antigu Sekretáriu Eksekutivu CAC Alxandre Freitas, Director Servisu Apoiu no Kooperasaun Carlos Bento Mau Bere no Chefe Unidade Kooperasaun João do Rosario boas-vindas Embaixadora Estadus Unidus Amerika (EUA) iha Timor-Leste Senhora Kathleen Fizpatrick akompanha hosi Chefe-Polítiku, Ekonómiku no Seksaun Consular Channa Cummings no Senior Conselho Anti-Corrupção Peter J. Ainsworth hosi Departamento de Justiça loron Segunda-feira (27/8) ohin iha edifisiu CAC Farol Dili.

Objetivu hosi reuniun ida ne’e, parte rua diskuti kona-ba kontinuasaun assistensia ne’ebé Departamento Justiça, através Embaixada Estadus Unidus nian iha TL sei fornese hanesan implementasaun programas kapacitasaun no assistensia teknika ba CAC.

Embaisada Estadus Amerika mai Timor-Leste tulun ona CAC hodi fasilita formasaun ba Espesialistas Anti-Korrupsaun (EAK) sira ne’ebé fornese husi the Homeland Security Investigations (ICE) and Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) baze iha Singapura.

Embaisada EUA iha Dili mos fornese assistensia iha programa hasae kapasitasaun ba EAK liu-liu investigator sira hanesan the Criminal Intelligence and Investigations training nune’e mos, fasilita no finansia investigador CAC nian sira ba atende programa annual iha Akademia Internasional Polísia iha Bangkok, Tailândia. (*)

CAC Team Meet with US Ambassador

Dili – The Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) team that comprises of former Executive Secretary of CAC Alxandre Freitas, Director of Support and Cooperation Services Carlos Bento Mau Bere and Chief of Unit of Cooperation João do Rosario held a meeting with US Ambassador to Timor-Leste Her Excellency Ms. Kathleen Fizpatrick accompanied by Chief-Political, Economic and Consular Section Channa Cummings and Senior Anti-Corruption Counsel Peter J. Ainsworth from Department of Justice today (27/8) at CAC office Farol Dili.

The meeting objective was to discuss about further assistance that Department of Justice through the United States Embassy in TL would be provided such as implementing capacity building programs and technical assistance to CAC.

The United States Embassy in Timor-Leste has assisted CAC in facilitating training for anti-corruption specialists provided by the Homeland Security Investigations (ICE) and Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) based in Singapore.

The United States Embassy has also provided assistance in capacity building programs to anti-corruption specialist such as the Criminal Intelligence and Investigation training. Yet, facilitated and funded CAC’s investigators to attend the International Law Enforcement Academy Bangkok (ILEA) annual training Thailand. (*)

CAC Team Presents Budget Execution Reports and Proposals to Commission A of Parliament

Dili – The Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) team compost of former Executive Secretary, directors and chief of unit presented a report on the execution of 2017 budget and additional proposals for the 2018 budget to the Commission A of National Parliament On Friday (17/8). The meeting was held at the National Parliament Conference Room.

The objective of the Commission team in presenting 2017 budget execution report to the National Parliament is a part of accountability that the Commission done annually. Hence, the Commission also requested an additional budget to finance important activities of the Commission for the next four months.

The Commission will use additional budget to realize big and important activities such as; to continue doing criminal investigations, awareness rising programs on corruption. As a State Party to UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) review mechanism, Timor-Leste will be assessed of its implementation of UNCAC by two countries reviewer namely Bulgaria and Marshal Islands this year.

The additional budget will cover Commission’s necessary works with urgent category such as to recruit an adviser, local and international travels, and office and vehicles maintenance.
The National Parliament ratified and TL became a full member of the UNCAC Review Mechanism in 2008. Timor-Leste will get a UNCAC mechanism review on corruption prevention methods adopted by TL in preventing and combating corruption and its progress achieved.

The Commission will hold a national seminar in recognizing the international anti-corruption day that will invite sovereign bodies; the President of Republic, the House Speaker and the Prime Minister to be keynote speakers of the national seminar on 9th of December 2018. At this one-day seminar, they will convey their commitment and genuine intention in the fight against corruption in this beloved country, Timor-Leste.

Also presented to Parliament the progress of budget execution in 2017, which is categorized into three items; salary and payments, good and services and minor capital with a 76% total percentage of budget execution. Likewise, the CAC institution in the total execution of the transitory budget has been reached $ 80,592 in January – August 2018.

The CAC team that present at the meeting was former Executive Secretary Alexandre Freitas, Director of Support and Cooperation Services Carlos Bento Mau Bere, Director of Investigation Augusto Castro, Director of Prevention Rosario Salsinha and several Chief of units.

The meeting was chaired by MP Carmelita Caetano Moniz, President of Commission A of National Parliament and attended by 11 other MPs. (*)

CAC Aprezenta Relatoriu Ezekusaun no Proposta Orsamentu ba Komisaun A PN

Dili – Iha loron Sesta-feira (17/8), Ekipa Comissao Anti-Corrupção (CAC) kompostu hosi eis Sekretariu Ezekutivu, Direitur Servisu Apoiu no Kooperasaun, Direitur Investigasaun, Direitur Prevensaun no Chefe Unidades balun ba halao aprezentasaun relatoriu ezekusaun orsamentu 2017 no proposta orsamenu addisional 2018 ba Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional (PN). Enkontru ne’e halao iha Salaun Konferensia Parlamento Nacional (PN) durante oras tolu nia laran.

Objetivu ekipa CAC aprezenta relatoriu ezekusaun orsamentu 2017 ba Komisaun A PN nudar parte ida husi akuntabilidade ne’ebé Komisaun halo tiha ona kada tinan. Nune’e, Komisaun hatoo proposta orsamentu addisional atu finansia aktividades importantes CAC nian iha fulan hat (4) ba oin.

Orsamentu addisional ne’e Komisaun sei utiliza ba aktividades boot no importante ne’ebé Komisaun sei halo; kontinua halo investigasaun criminal, programa sensibilizasaun korrupsaun, nudar estadu parte ba self-assesment iha ne’ebé tinan 2018 ne’e delegasaun nasaun rua Bulgaria no Marshal Island sei halo review mai TL.

Proposta orsamentu addisional ne’e sei kobre nesesidade servisu Komisaun nian ho kategoria urjente hanesan rekrutamentu asesór, viajen local ho estrajeiru no manutensaun edifisiu no kareta.

Parlamentu Nasional TL ratifika ona nudar membru Estado Parte UNCAC nian iha tinan 2008 liu ba. Iha self-assessment ne’e, TL sei hetan review kona-ba sa metodu preventive korrupsaun mak TL adopta iha luta kombate korrupsaun ho ninian progresu ho atinji tomak.

Komisaun sei komemora loron mundial anti korrupsaun ne’ebé sei konvida membrus orgaun soberanu sira; Primeiru Ministru, Prezidenti PN no Prezidenti Pepublika atu sai orador prinsipal iha seminariu Nasional iha loron sia (9) Fulan Dezembro 2018. Iha Seminariu ne’e, lider orgaun soberanu importante sirak ne’e sei hatoo sira ninian komitmentu no intensaun jenuina ba luta kolektivu kontra korrupsaun iha nasaun doben Timor-Leste.

Aprezenta mos ba PN progresu ezekusaun orsamentu iha tinan 2017, iha ne’ebé fahe ba kategoria tolu; Salariu no Vensimentu, Bens no Servisu no Kapital Menor ho total persentajem ezekusaun atnji 76%. Nune’e mos, instituisaun CAC iha ezekusaun orsamentu Rezime Duadesimo iha fulan Janeiru – Agustu 2018 total gastus hamutuk $ 80,592.

Aprezentasaun ne’e halo husi eis-Sekretariu Exekutivu CAC Alexandre Freitas. Diretór Servisu Apoiu no Kooperasaun Carlos Bento Mau Bere, Diretór Investigasaun Augostu Castro, Diretór Prevensaun no sensibilizasaun Rosario de Araújo no chefi unidade CAC balun.

Enkontru ne’ebé preside hosi Prezidente Komisaun A PN Deputada Carmelita Caetano Moniz ne’e akompanha ho deputadu Komisaun A nian hamutuk nain 11. (*)