Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Senior Management Of CAC Presents 2016 Annual Report to the Parliament

400A4020Dili – On Tuesday (25/4) afternoon, the Senior Management of the Comissão Anti Corrupção (CAC) comprising by Commissioner Adérito Pinto Tilman, two Deputy Commissioner; Manuel Bucar and Rui dos Santos and also accompanied by directors presented the 2016 Commission’s annual report to the National Parliament.

According to Law No. 8/2009 of 15 July, the commission is obliged to submit its annual report to parliament and this the seventh time after the ministerial council adopted organic law and regime of anti-corruption specialist career in 2015. The commission has also nominated EAK (Espesialista Anti-Korrupsaun) in several positions that approved by the civil service commission. Commissioner Tilman said that in 2016, the commission continues to be highly consulted by implementing legal procedures to ensure the commission’s work orientation, ways of acting, one perception, definitive cooperation and producing balanced outcomes.

“However, the commission still faces some preoccupation because of the equipment facilities are inadequate for sophisticated offenses arising from the circulation of goods, money, people, and communication inside the country and across national borders. This modus has not able to guarantee the work of the government and the state as well as the whole society in the strategy of preventing and combating corruption”

Commissioner Tilman informs to MP’s about four point of Commission priorities based to the CAC’s strategic plan 2012-2020; Strengthen institutional capacity and cooperation, discover and disconnect networks and practices of corruption and connection crime, strengthen the integrity of the private sector and the active participation of communities, associations, civil society, formal and informal education sectors role on prevention.

Commissioner Tillman said that in 2016, the criminal investigation directorate successfully completed 29 cases and files them out to the prosecutor’s office. Seven cases currently being prosecuted by prosecutors and in the trial process to the suspects, four cases were archived and three other cases were postponed for further processing in 2017. In 2016 the commission also identifies public work areas that are at risk of providing opportunities in creating corrupt practices such as procurement, internal controls, quality controls and financial management related to tax payments and fine.

Directorate of prevention and awareness during 2016, held seminars (public subvention) which is focus on group discussions, talk shows, ToT (Training of Trainer), quizzes and sweepstakes, meticulous intelligence, speeches, and RUAK training and research throughout the territory.

This activity is targeted to students, local leaders, political parties, religious leaders and ordinary people.75 pages of the CAC’s 2016 annual report that presented two hours by commissioner Aderito at the plenary session in Parliament was moderate by PN president’s Aderito Hugo da Costa and gained high appreciation from member of parliament for the tireless efforts by the commission for a whole year. (*)

Senior Management CAC Aprezenta Relatoriu Annual 2016 nian ba PN

400A4020Dili – Senior Management Comissão Anti Corrupção (CAC) kompostu husi Komisariu Adérito Pinto Tilman akompanha husi Komisariu Adjuntu nain rua Manuel Bucar, Rui dos Santos no direitor sira iha loron Tersa-feira (25/4) loraik ba hatoo pareser relatoriu servisu Komisaun nian durante tinan 2016 iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN).

Tuir lei No. 8/2009, loron 15 fulan-Jullu, Komisaun nian obriasaun hato’o relatóriu anuál anualmente ba PN no ida ne’e ba dahitu ona hafoin aprovasaun Rejime ba Estrututra Orgánika no Rejime Karreira Espesialista Anti-Korrupsaun (EAK) nian hetan aprovasaun husi Konselhu Ministru iha tinan 2015. Komisaun mos halo ona nomeasaun EAK ba kargu ne’ebé hetan omologasaun hosi CFP.

Komisariu Tilman hateten tinan-2016, CAC kontinua tau konsiderasaun a’as hodi implementa prosedimentu legál sirak ba servisu Komisaun nian hodi garante orientasaun servisu, meiu atuasaun, persepsaun únika, kooperasaun definitiva no produz rezultadu adekuadu.

“Mesmu nune’e, Komisaun sei infrenta preokupasaun balun tanba fasilidade ekipamentu sirak seidauk adekuadu ba krime sofistikadu sirak ne’ebé mosu hosi sirkulasaun sasán, osan, ema, komunikasaun iha rai laran no ultrapasa fronteirisa. Meiu sirak ne’e, seidauk bele garante servisu sirak ne’e hosi Estadu ka Governu no mós sosiadade tomak ba polítika prevene no kombate korrupsaun,”.

Komisariu Tilman relata ba Nai Deputadus sira Komisaun nian prioridades hat (4) bazeia ba Planu Estratéjika CAC 2012-2020; fortalesimentu kapasidade institusionál no kooperasaun CAC, deskobre no hakotu rede no prátika korrupsaun no krime koneksu sirak, fortalesimentu integridade iha setór públiku no privadu no partisipasaun ativa sidadaun, asosiasaun, sosiedade sivil no setór edukasionál, formál no la-formál iha papel prevensaun.

Iha tinan 2016 katak Komisariu Tilman Diresaun Investigasaun Kriminal konsege finaliza kazu hamutuk 29 hodi haruka ona ba iha Ministeriu Públiku. Kazu hitu (7) mak oras ne’e iha MP halo ona akuzasaun a aruido sira, kazu hat (4) arkivu no kazu tolu (3) seluk pendenti hodi kontinua ninian prosesu iha tinan 2017.

Iha tinan 2016, Komisaun mos identifíka área servisu públiku ne’ebé mak sai risku hodi fó oportunidade ba hamosu aktu korrupsaun mak hanesan área aprovisionamentu, kontrolu internu, kontrolu kualidade no jestaun finanseira relasiona ho pagamentu ba taxa no multa sirak.

Diresaun Prevensaun no Sensibilizasaun durante tinan 2016 halao semináriu (subvensaun publiku), Focus Group Discusion (FGD), talk show, entrevista, ToT (Training of Trainer), kuis ka sorteiu, sertame, konkursu, diskursu no formasaun RUAK no peskiza  iha teritoriu Timor laran tomak. Atividades hirak ne’e tarjeitu ba estudantes, lider komunitariu, partidus politiku, konfisoens relijiosos no komunidade bain-bain.

Relatoriu annual CAC tinan 2016  nian ho 75 pajinas ne’e Komisariu Adérito Tilman aprezenta iha plenaria durante oras rua resin nian laran modera husi Prezidenti PN Adérito Huo da Costa  no hetan paresiasaun aas husi Nai Reprezentantes povu ba esforsu tomak ne’ebé Komisaun halo durante tinan tomak. (*)

All Ministries Are Not Clean, Almost All Committed In Mall-Administration

400A3293Dili – The CAC commissioner stated that all ministries in Timor-Leste are not clean and are involved in administrative errors and irregularities. The commissioner made this statement when he was the keynote speaker at a seminar organized by PDHJ on Monday (17/4) afternoon at MSS hall Caicoli Dili.

The Commissioner recommends to Inspector General of State to conduct auditing to all ministries in order to avoid the same mistakes in the future. This case occurs on the public service commission because there is no good audit for all ministries to avoid corruption errors.It is an obligation of IGE to conduct auditing to avoid the same mistake in all ministries.

The commissioner advised the MSS and the entire ministry to avoid allocate staff in one department for a long time in order to avoid corrupt practices, especially in the financial and procurement department. He also advise to the director of finance and procurement to control and fiscalize the staff to avoid them falling into corruption temptation.

“Because working for a long time in financial and procurement departments as “lahan basah – wetlands” is a risk for staffs falling into corruption temptation” The seminar was participate from the level of general director, national director, regional director and minister to the ministry of MSS amounted to more than 30 people and enthusiastically listening to the commissioner’s presentation.

The commissioner also explained about the CAC’s work, challenges and obstacles that have been faced by the commission within 7 years. One day seminar for the Ministry of MSS staff is organized by PDHJ with the topic of “preventing and combating corruption, to promote good governance and protecting human rights in public administration services”

The Commissioner in his presentation also explained to the participants about the anti-corruption law in which the commission has contributed and currently in the national parliament for discussion and to be approved.

At the anti-corruption law also described that civil servants from the department head level until the president of the republic must declare their wealth. However, the parliament has not discussed the law in the near future while the parliamentary mandate is coming to an end. This is the real obstacle for all of us in preventing and combating corruption.

This one-day seminar is an implementation of the quadrilateral MoU signed between CAC, PDHJ, IGE and CFP on 22 October 2015 at MSS memorial hall Caicoli Dili. (*)

Ministeriu Hotu La Iha Ida Moos, Kuaze Komete Mal-Administrasaun

400A3293Dili – Komisariu Comissão Anti Corrupção (CAC) Adérito Pinto Tilman hateten ministeriu hotu iha governasaun nasaun doben TimorLeste (TL) la iha ida mak moos no kuaze komete error, mal-administrasaun no irregularidade. Komisariu Tilman kasu lia hirak ne’e wainhira sai orador prinsipal iha seminariu organiza husi PDHJ iha loron Segunda (17/) loraik iha Salaun MSS Caicoli Dili

Komisariu rekomenda atu Inspector General Estado (IGE) halao auditoria ba ministeriu tomak hodi evita erro hanesan iha futuru. Kazu hirak ne’e akontese iha funsaun publika nian ezersisiu, tamba seidauk  iha auditoria ida diak kona-ba lalaok servisu ministeriu nian hotu hodi evita aan husi erro korrupsaun.

“Ida ne’e obrigasaun IGE nian hodi halo auditoria atu evita erro hanesan iha ministeriu hotu,” katak Komisariu Tilman iha nian intervensaun.

Komisariu sujere ba MSS no mos ministeriu tomak atu evita koloka funsionariu iha departamentu ida kleur atu evita pratika korrupsaun, liu-liu iha departamentu finansas no aprovizionamentu. Sujere mos ba direitur finansas ho aprovizionamentu atu kontrola no fiskaliza funsionariu sira atu evita monu ba tentasaun korrupsaun.

“Tamba servisu kleur iha fatin finansas ho aprovizionamentu hanesan “lahan basa” sai risku atu funsionariu monu ba iha tentasaun korrupsaun,” Komisariu hatutan teni.

Partisipantes seminariu husi nivel Direitur Jeral, Direitur Nasional, Direitur Rejional, Chefe Departamentus iha MSS hamutuk kuaze nain 30 resin ne’e ho antusiasmu boot partisipa iha aprezentasaun Komisariu nian. Komisariu esplika mos ba servidor povu iha MSS kona-ba servisu CAC nian, dezafius no obstakulus ne’ebé durante ne’e komisaun infrenta iha tinan hitu nian laran.

Seminariu loron ida ba funsionariu Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial (MSS) organiza husi Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) ho topiku “Prevene no Kombate Korrupsaun, Hodi Promove Governasaun Diak no Proteje Direitus Humanus iha Servisu Administrasaun Públika nian”.

Komisariu iha ninian intervensaun esplika mos ba partisipantes sira kona-ba Lei Anti Korrupsaun (LAK) ne’ebé Komisaun halo ona ninian kontributu no oras ne’e iha ona meja Parlamentu Nasional (PN) atu deskute iha plenaria hodi aprova sai lei.

“Iha Lei Anti Korrupsaun (LAK) mos preve atu servidor Estado husi nivel Chefe Departamentu too ba iha Prezidenti Republika tenki deklara sira ninian rikusoi. Maibe, PN seidauk deskute no iha tempu badak nian laran deputadu sira nian mandatu atu remata ona, entaun LAK sei kaduka. Ida ne’e mak obstakulu ba ita iha luta prevene no kombate korrupsaun,” katak Komisariu Tilman.

Seminariu loron ida ne’e hanesan implementasaun MoU Quadrilateral entre instituisaun Estado nian CAC, PDHJ, CFP no IGE ne’ebé asina iha loron 22 Outobro 2015 liu ba iha salaun MSS Caicoli Dili. (*)