Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Komisáriu CAC Koalia iha TVTL nia Programa Intrevista Ekskluzivu

Dili 27/07/2012– “CAC la’os inimígu públiku nian…ami nakloke nafatin no sei servisu hamutuk ho governu no parlamentu nasional foun halo prevensaun no kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste,” tenik Komisáriu Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun Adérito de Jesus Soars iha televizaun nasional (TVTL) nia intrevista eskluzivu ohin dader.

Intrevista ekskluzivu oras ida ho TVTL ne’e  husu Komisáriu Adérito atu fahe informasaun ruma konaba progresu no dezafius nebe hasóru durante hala’o servisu no oinsa servisu ba futuru, no mos husu ba Komisáriu atu koalia konaba importansia atu iha mekanismu aproriadu ida konaba deklarasaun rikusoin husi ofisiais públiku sira nebe seidauk preve didiak iha Lei No. 7/2007 konaba Estatutu Titulares no Orgaun Soberanu.

Intrevista ekskluzivu ne’e tuir kalendáriu TVTL sei públika orsida kalan tuku 7:00PM liu husi Programa Ekskluzivu no sei repete iha Sigunda dader 30 Jullu 2012 tuku 7:00AM.

Intrevista oras ida nia laran ne’e lidera husi Prezidente TVTL Expedito Diaz Xiemenes.

CAC Commissioner in the National Television’s Exclusive Interview

Dili 27/07/2012— “CAC is not an enemy of the public but as a partner…we continue open and look forward to work with the new government and national parliament in preventing and combating corruption in Timor-Leste,” said the Anti-Corruption Commissioner Adérito de Jesus Soares in the national television (TVTL)’s exclusive interview this morning.

The exclusive interview by the TVTL was meant for Commissioner Adérito to share some progress and lessons learned regarding CAC’s work so far and the way forward and also for Commissioner to address the importance of having an appropriate mechanism for asset declaration by government officials, which has not been clearly stated in the Law No.7/2007 regarding Statutory Law of the Sovereign Entity.

The one-hour interview is expected to broadcast by TVTL later tonight at its 7:00PM Exclusive Program and will be replayed on Monday morning, 30 July 2012 at 7:00 AM.

The one-hour exclusive interview was led by head of the TVTL Expedito Diaz Ximenes.

Komisáriu Adjuntu Neves fo Aula kona-ba Transparensia no Accountability

Komisáriu Adjuntu Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun José António de Jesus das Neves ohin dader fo aula durante oras rua nia laran kona-ba transparensia no accountability nudar mekanismu kontrolu iha Timor-Leste iha Universidade Nasional Timor-Leste (UNTL). Hamutuk estudantes UNTL nain 60 resin mak partisipa iha semináriu loron baluk ne’e—estudante sira barak liu mai husi Departementu Siensia Polítika no Administrasaun Públiku.

Palestra ne’e hanesan parte programa serial ida husi Misaun Integradu Nasoens Unidas iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT) hamutuk ho Universidade National Timor-Leste ho nia objetivu atu hasa’e tan estudante sira nia koñesimentu krítiku no analítiku no loke no habelar tan sira nia matenek no pontu-de-vista konaba aspeitu sirak nebe relasiona ho governasaun diak, partikularmente iha kontekstu Timor-Leste.

Iha nia aula, Komisáriu Adjuntu Neves koalia konaba pontus xave balu konaba importansia husi transparensia iha luta hasoru korrupsaun nebe promove acoountability no governasaun diak. Accountability tenki sai nudar mekanismu kontrolu ida hodi prevene ema husi abuza poder, uza sasan/osan estadu nian ba interese privadu. Accountability mos bele tulun vigora implementasaun norma regulatóriu no sansaun ba hahalok sira nebe la tuir dalan.

Komisáriu Adjuntu ramata nia palestra ho perguntas and respostas lubuk ida husi estudantes. Perguntas barak liu foka konaba papel CAC nian iha kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste no saida deit mak CAC halo ona durante ne’e.

CAC Deputy Commissioner Neves Gives Lecture on Transparency and Accountability

Deputy Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission José António de Jesus das Neves gave a two-hour lecture today on transparency and accountability as control mechanism in Timor-Leste at the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL). The seminar lecture was attended by more than 60 UNTL students whom mostly from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration.

The lecture is part of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor’s series of organized lectures with the University to increase the students’ critical and analytical knowledge and open up their horizons on various aspects related to good governance, particularly in the context of Timor-Leste.  In his lecture, Deputy Commissioner Neves highlighted some key points regarding the importance of transparency in the fight against corruption as to promote accountability and good governance in Timor-Leste. Accountability should become a control mechanism to prevent people from abuse of power and miss use of public good/ funds for private interest. Accountability could help enforce the implementation of laws and regulations and sanctions over the wrong doings.

Deputy Commissioner Neves ended his lecture with a good number of questions and answers from students. Most of the questions touched upon CAC’s role in combating corruption in Timor-Leste and what has CAC done so far in the last two years of its existence.