Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

PM Alkatiri Launches a Public Subsidy Book in Commemoration of the 8th Anniversary of CAC

websiteDili – Today, Thursday (22/2) the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) celebrates its eighth anniversary and his Excellency Prime Minister Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri officially launches a public subsidy book produced by Directorate of Prevention and public Awareness staff. In this ceremony, Prime Minister Alkatiri was accompanied by Senior Management of CAC and several members of the government cabinet at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS) Caicoli Dili.

Commissioner of CAC Aderito Pinto said that this year’s CAC anniversary invites special Prime Minister Alkatiri to launch public subsidy book as a pressure to CAC and all state institutions to carry out its work professionally for the good people of Timor-Leste in the fight against corruption.

“The principal aim of inviting the honorable Prime Minister Alkatiri to this event is that he is a national leader and one of our founding founders of RDTL to put strong pressure on CAC and all public institutions to carry out our duties professionally and dedication in the fight against corruption in this country,” Commissioner Adérito Pinto Tilman said.

The theme of this year’s celebration is “The use of state resources with effectiveness for national development, effective for the integrity and prosperity of the people” through serial seminars in various ministries to open up the conscience of public servants in avoiding the temptation of corruption in the workplace

The theme of this anniversary was a reminder and as a reflection to all Timorese leaders and senior public servants to use positive efforts fights against corruption. Senior public servants in line ministers were invited to this event today as they are the key of transformation and have moral responsibility to defend the value of integrity, transparency, professionalism, impartiality, honesty and accountability in the workplace.

The purpose of raising the use of country’s resources as theme to CAC’s anniversary this year is to call upon the attention of public servants conscience on how to manage and use public assets with responsibility for the prosperity of the people of Timor-Leste.

Participants and members of government who took part in this anniversary celebration demonstrated their happiness and enthusiasm in this event. (*)

PM Alkatiri Lansa Livru Subvensaun Publiku Iha Komemorasaun Aniversariu CAC Ba Dawaluk


Dili – Ohin loron Kinta-feira(22/2), Comissão Anti Corrupção (CAC) Komemora loron estabelesimentu nian ba Dawaluk ho serimonia lansamentu livru Subvensaun Públika ne’ebé lansa ofisialmente husi Nai Primeiro Ministro Dr. Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri akompanha husi Senior management CAC no membrus governu balun iha Salaun Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial (MSS) Caicoli Dili.

Selebrasaun aniversario CAC tinan ne’e konvida special Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri  hodi halo lansamentu ba livru subvensaun publika atu fo presaun ba CAC no entidades Estadu nian tomak hodi halao knar ho professional no dedikasaun tomak ba povu no nasaun nian diak iha luta prevene no kombate korrupsaun.

“Objetivu principal konvida Sua Exelencia Primeiro Ministru nudar lider nasional no fundador Estado RDTL atu fo presu politika makaas ba instituisaun CAC atu halo servisu ho profesionalismu no dedikasaun tomak iha luta prevene no kombate korrupsaun,” katak Komisariu Tilman.

Tema selebrasaun tinan ida ne’e nian mak “Utilizasaun Rekursu Estado nian ho efetividade ba dezenvolvimentu nasional, efeitu ba integridade no povu nian moris diak” ho aktividades seminariu atu haklean horizonte servidor Estado sira nian atu evita aan husi korrupsaun iha servisu fatin.

Seminariu sira ne’ebé hahu husi loron 6 too mai loron ohin 22 Fevereiro 2018 ne’e foka liu ba funsionariu Estado nivel Diretor Jeral, Diretor Nasional, Chefe Departamentu, Chefe Unidade iha linhas Ministeriais no instituisaun autonomos sirak ne’e atu fo hanoin ba Timoroan sira atu dedik aan tomak atu tane aas transparensia, integridade, akuntabbilidade, honestidade no responsabilidade iha servisu fatin ba povu no nasaun nian moris diak.

Objetivu foti tema utilizasaun rekursu Estado atu bolu atensaun konsiensia servidor Estado sira oinsa utiliza patromoniu Estado nian ho responsabilidade ba moris diak povu nian.

Partisipa iha selebrasaun loron CAC nian ne’e Senior Management CAC, Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri, Ministra Solidaridade Sosial Florentina Smith, Vice Ministro Comercio, Industria no Ambiente (MCI) Jacinto Gusmão, Sekretariu Estado ba Asuntu Veteranos L-4, Inspector Geral do Estado (IGE) Francisco Carvalho, Adjunta PDHJ Jesuina Gomes hamutuk ho Servidor Estado senior husi linhas ministeriais no staff CAC sira hotu. (*)

Senior Management of CAC Hold a Courtesy Meeting With Prime Minister Alkatiri

IMG_8467Dili – Senior Management of Anti-Corruption Commission (Comissão Anti-Corrupçao – CAC) comprising of Commissioner Aderito Pinto Tilman, Deputy Commissioners Manuel Bucar and Rui Pereira dos Santos hold a courtesy meeting with his excellency Prime Minister  Mari bin Amude Alkatiri at the Palacio Governo Dili on Wednesday (21/2).

This courtesy meeting was talked about functionality of the CAC that focuses on the result of last year 2017 criminal investigation, prevention and public awareness and cooperation. in this meeting the leaders of the CAC and the Prime Minister also talked about the inadequate CAC workplace in Farol Dili and the future government’s plan for CAC. (*)

Senior Management CAC Halao Audiensia Kortezia ho Nai PM Dr. Mari Alkatiri

IMG_8467Dili – Senior Management Anti Corruption Commission (Comissão Anti- Corrupçao (CAC) kompostu husi Komisariu Adérito Pinto Tilman, Komisariu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar no Rui Pereira dos Santos halao Audiensia kontezia ho Nai Primeiro Ministro Dr. Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri  iha Palacio Governo Dili iha loron Kuarta-feira (21/2).

Iha Sorumutu kortezia dader ne’e koalia kona-ba funsionamentu CAC nian focus iha rezultadu servisu investigasaun criminal iha tinan 2017, servisu Prevensaun no Sensibilizasaun no servisu Kooperasaun. Iha oportunidade ida ne’e koalia mos kona-ba espasu servisu fatin CAC nian ne’ebé la favoravel lokaliza iha Farol no oinsa programa governu nian ba programa CAC nian iha future. (*)