Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Komisariu Adjuntu CAC Loke Treinamento Sobre Protesaun Denunsiantes no Testemunhas iha Luta Kontra Korrupsaun

400A0577Díli – Ohin, Tersa-feira (17/4), Komisariu Adjuntu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC), Manuel Bucar Corte-Real, akompanha husi adviser UNODC nian Francesco Checci ofisialmente loke formasaun nasional durante loron rua sobre Protesaun Denunsiantes no Testemunhas iha Luta Kontra Korrupsaun.

Formasaun ne’e fasilita-finansia husi United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) no formador mak adviser UNODC Francesco Checci iha Maubara Room Timor Plaza Dili.

Objetivu husi husi treinamentu ne’e atu fornese konhesimentu espesializada, konhesimentu no habilidades prátikas ba autoridades anti-korrupsaun, investigador, prokurador no sistema justisa kriminal hotu, nune’e possibilita diskussaun kona-ba konseitu dezafius espesífikus iha protesaun ema no testemunha, utiliza medidas sira iha nasaun seluk ho sira ninian forsa no limitasaun sira.

Komissáriu Adjuntu Bucar iha ninian intervensaun hateten ba partisipantes formasaun ne’e, espesialmente ba investigador CAC nian atu uza oportunidade treinamentu ne’e atu aumenta sira nian kapasidade no habilidades.

“Oportunidade formasaun ida ne’e importante tebes atu imi uza, liu-liu investigador CAC uza ho didiak hodi benefisia imi iha luta kontra korrupsaun,” katak Komisariu Adjuntu Bucar

“Hau espera imi bele aproveita workshop ida ne’e ho sinseriedade atu bele benefisia instituisaun CAC no Estado Timor-Leste iha luta kontra korrupsaun,” Adjuntu Bucar hatutan teni.

Treinamentu ida ne’e halibur reprezentantes autoridades anti-korrupsaun, investigadores, prokuradores, juízes ne’ebé envolve iha protesaun keixador sira no testemunhas, Ministério da Justisa, Ombudsman, GOPAC, nune’e mos organizasaun seitor privadu no sosiedade civil.

Formasaun durante loron rua nian laran ne’e nudar suporta kontinuasaun husi UNODC iha tinan hat nian laran ba kotuk UNODC fornese ona treinamentu iha area investigasaun, interogasaun, fase osan-money laundry, computer forensic no digital evidence no seluk-seluk tan. (*)

Deputy Commissioner CAC Opened a Two-day Training on Whistle-blower and Witness Protection in the Fight Against Corruption

400A0577Dili – Today, Tuesday (17/4), Deputy Commissioner of Comissão Anti-Corrupcão (CAC) Manuel Bucar Corte-Real accompanied by UNODC Anti-Corruption Adviser Francesco Checci officially opened a two-day national training on Whistle-blower and Witness Protection in the Fight Against Corruption.

The national training is facilitated and funded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and delivery by UNODC Anti-Corruption Adviser Francesco Checci at Maubara Room Timor Plaza Dili.

The objective of the training is to provide expertise, knowledge tools and practical skills to anti-corruption authorities, investigator, prosecutors and criminal justice system as a whole, to enable the discussion on specific challenges in protecting reporting persons and witnesses, to raise awareness about concepts and measures used in other countries and their strength and limitations.

CAC Deputy Commissioner Bucar in his intervention told all participants, especially CAC investigators to make use of the training as an opportunity to enhance their capacity and skills.

“The training is very important opportunity for you all, especially CAC investigators to learn something new from this two-day training to benefit you in the fight against corruption in Timor-Leste,” said Deputy Commissioner Bucar.

“I hope you all can use this good opportunity with sincerity for the good of the CAC and this beloved country Timor-Leste,” Deputy Commissioner Bucar further saying.

The training gather representatives from anti-corruption authorities, investigators, prosecutors, judges involved in protection of reporting persons or witnesses, Ministry of Justice, Ombudsman, GOPAC as well as private sector and civil society organizations.

The two-day Whistle-blower and Witness Protection in the Fight Against Corruption training is continued support from UNODC for the past four years. UNODC has been provided training in the area of investigation, interrogation, anti-money laundering, computer forensic and digital evidence, etc. (*)