Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC Realiza Semináriu ho SES Konaba Minimiza Risku no Prevene Korrupsaun

Dili, 28/9/2012—Iha Tersa semana ne’e, iha Salaun Centro Convenção de Dili, Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun realiza semináriu ida ho Sekretáriu Estadu Siguransa (SES) kona-ba oinsa minimiza risku no prevene korrupsaun iha área siguransa. Tema semináriu ne’e mak: “Haforsa knar funsionáriu SES  no ninia orgaun sira hodi minimiza risku no prevene korrupsaun.”

Orador prinsipal iha semináriu loron tomak ne’e mak Komisáriu Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC), Adérito de Jesus Soares, Komisáriu Adjuntu José António de Jesus das Neves no Komisáriu Adjuntu Manuel Cotinho Bucar Corte-Real.

Iha sira nia aprezentasaun, Dirijentes Altu CAC na’in tolu ne’e, koalia kona-ba CAC nia disponibilidade iha kualker tempu atu servisu hamutuk ho SES halo asaun prevensaun no hadia instituisaun Estadu hodi minimiza risku no deteta krími sosial ne’e liu husi kría mekanisnu kontrolu ida efíkaz iha servisus administrásaun no rekursus umanus, finansas, no aprovizionamentu nian. Risku korrupsaun ne’e mosu tamba iha motivasaun, oportunidade no kondisaun favorable.  Atu deteta no prevene korrupsaun, persija hatene didiak abut no risku korrupsaun nian, nune mekanismu kontrolu ne’ebé efikaz bele deteta lalais.

Sekretáriu Estadu Seguransa Fransisco Guterres apresia tebes inisiativa instituisaun CAC hodi realiza semináriu ne’e hodi tulun loke no habelar funsionáriu SES sira nia hanoin no koñesimentu kona-ba polítika kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.

Partisipantes iha workshop ne’e hamutuk ema nain 100 resin husi diresaun Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL), Bombeirus, Imigrasaun no Seguransa Sivil neb’e hamahon aan iha SES nia okos.


CAC Holds a Seminar on Corruption Prevention with the Secretary of State for Security

Dili, 28/9/2012—Tuesday this week, the Anti-Corruption of Timor-Leste convened a seminar on corruption prevention with officials of the Secretary of State for Security (SSS) at the Dili Convention Center. The theme of the conference: “Strengthening the Secretary of State for Security to be able to minimize the risk and preventing corruption.”

The one-day seminar featured keynote speakers from all the three CAC Senior Management: Commissioner Adérito de Jesus Soares, Deputy Commissioner José António de Jesus das Neves and Deputy Commissioner Manuel Cotinho Bucar Corte-Real.

In the their presentations, the CAC Senior Management affirmed about CAC’s commitment to work closely at any time with the Secretary of State for Security and its line-agencies and focusing on prevention side. CAC is committed to help strengthening the SSS and its line agencies’ capacity to minimize the risk of and detect corruption and creates an effective control mechanism in the area of administration, human resources, finance and procurement in order to help prevent corruption. One of the Senior Management said, in order to prevent corruption, we need to be well-informed about the roots and risks of corruption—this well help us to come up with effective control mechanism detect such wrong doings.

Secretary of State for Security Francisco da Costa Guterres in returned, appreciated the great initiative of CAC in holding such important conference with SSS and its line agencies as this will help widening the horizon of his staff about the corruption issues and the policies to combat corruption in Timor-Leste.

More than 100 people participated in the conference and they were from the Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL), Bombeirus, Imigration, Civilian Security Unit.