Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC Conducts Public Awareness at Schools in Capital Dili

IMG_2224Dili – A team of Anti-Corruption Specialists (EAK) from the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) conducts raising awareness activities for students of several schools in the capital. The team was led by the Director for Prevention and Public Awareness Rosário Araújo.

The schools visited by EAK team are the Sergio Vieira de Mello Junior High School, the Islamic Senior High School of Annur  Kampung Alor, the Tourism School, the Vocational High School, the Secondary school of Kristal, the Secondary School of 5 de Maio and the Secondary School of 28 de Novembro.

Director of Prevention and Public Awareness Rosario Araujo said the CAC presence in schools is crucial. The early education of students is vital as they represent the future leaders of Timor-Leste.

“If students know early about anti-corruption subjects, when they finish their studies and become leaders they know already what is corruption and what are the risks involved. This will help them avoiding corruption and tackling those risks.” said Director Rosario.

The activities were carried out within the annual public awareness program of the commission. The program targets students, teachers, community leaders, religions leaders, veterans, political parties, private sector and public sector. (*)



CAC Halao Sensibilizasaun Iha Eskolas Iha Capital Dili

IMG_2224Dili – Ekipa Espesialista Anti Korrupsaun (EAK) Comissão Anti Corrupção (CAC) nian iha fulan Janeiro ne’e halao programa sensibilizasaun publiku ba estudantes sira iha eskolas iha capital Dili kona-ba misaun no vizaun CAC nian. Ekipa EAK ne’e lidera husi Diretor prevensaun no Sensibilizasaun Rosário Salsinha Araújo.

Eskolas sirak ne’ebé mak ekipa EAK vizita mak eskola pre-sekundariu Sergio Vieira de Mello, eskola sekundariu Annur Kampung Alor, eskola Tourizmu, eskola SMKK, eskola Kristal, eskola 5 de Maio no eskola 28 de Novembro.

Direitor Rosario Araujo hateten prezensa CAC nian iha eskolas hirak ne’e hanesan edukasaun sedu anti korrupsaun ba estudante sira nudar future nasaun doben Timor-Leste ne’ebé sei kaer responsabilidade boot nudar lideransa nasional.

“Se materias anti korrupsaun mak sira hatene sedu hanesan ne’e, wainhira sira sai lider iha future hatene ona korrupsaun ne’e ladiak no korrupsaun ne’e hahalok aat ida ne’ebé tenki hakribit,” katak Diretor Rosario Araújo.

Programa annual sensibilizasaun publiku Komisaun nian tarjeitu ba estudantes, profesores, lider komunitariu, konfisoens relijiosa, veteranus, partidus politikus, seitor privadus no seitor publiku.(*)

CAC Detekta Areas Risku Ba Korrupsaun Iha Instituisaun Governu Iha Tinan 2016

400A7978Dili – Iha tinan 2016, Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) halao investigasaun ba kazu korrupsaun lubun balun no detekta mos servisu publiku nian ne’ebé sai risku hamosu korrupsaun. Areas hirak ne’e mak aprovisionamentu, kontrolu internu, kontrolu kualidade no jestaun financas relasiona ho pagamentu ba taxa no multa sira.

CAC nia deteksaun hatudu, kazu krime korrupsaun mosu iha area servisu publiku sira ne’e tamba funsionariu no parseiru sira aproveita situasaun hodi buka benefisiu ba ninian an no ba ema seluk nian interese.

Area risku boot liu hamosu krime mak aprovisionamentu ne’ebé projeitu laos kateoria emerjensia maibe bazeia avaliasaun subjectivu konsidera nudar projeitu emerjensia. Aplika tipu adjudikasaun directa ba kompanha ne’ebé la iha espesialidade ba tipu servisu ne’ebé mak projeitu ida ejiji.

Rezultadu investigasaun tinan 2016 mos detekta kotasaun ba adjudikasaun direkta la involve official aprovisionamentu, fo projeitu ba kompanhia estranjeiru sira ne’ebé mak la iha licensa operasaun iha TL, la iha sertifikadu ISO, hamosu projeitu foun la ho koordenasaun diak no superior sira intervein directa ba iha prosesu avaliasaun dokumentus kompanhia.

Komisaun detekta area kontrolu interna halo parte mos iha krimi korrupsaun tamba halo relatoriu implementasaun programa no atividades ne’ebé la refleta realidade iha terenu; La iha kumprementu ba ordem de servisu no ordem licenca mediku nian; Dadus funsionariu iha Ministeriu balun dobru nune’e funsionariu balun bele simu salariu dala rua iha kada fulan; Director ou chefe sira asume kargu barak (director, tesoreiru no logistika); Ezekusaun orsamentu ba misaun diplomatiku iha estrangeiru la integradu (pakote) hodi nune’e fo oportunidade ba kada Ministeriu ne’ebé mak ninian reprezentante iha rai liur utiliza osan la ho kontrolu ne’ebé maximu; Utiliza osan la tuir nesesidade servisu ne’ebé mak ezisti; Falsifika recivu pagamentu; Utilizasaun senha kombustivel governu ba interese privadu no Laiha avaliasaunn regular ba priensementu formulariu, fischa, no trip ticket ba kontrolu utilizasaun sasan no ekipamentu estadu nian.

Iha area kontrolu kualidade (quality control) nian mosu krimi korrupsaun tamba Implementasaun projeitu la tuir BoQ no dejeinu maibe kompanhia hetan pagamentu 100%; Kompanhia la kumpri termo de contrato maibe bele hetan pagamentu 100%; La iha verifikasaun (triagen) ba dadus veteranu sira hodi rezulta ema simu osan estadu la tuir ninia tempu partisipasatun iha luta libertasaun nasional; Superior sira iha linha miniteriais halo aprovasaun ba proposta projeitu sira sem halo verifikasaun ba iha terenu; Projeitu formasaun balun la iha estudu viabilidade hodi justifika rasiosinu husi projeitu ne’e rasik; Fornesimentu ba ekipamentus sira ne’ebé mak la kompatibel ho nesesidade servisu nian; Ekipamentus pejadu balun sosa tiha maibe la utiliza tamba ninian teknologia la adapta tuir nesesidade servisu nian no laiha harmonizasaun ba padraun Prosedimentu Operasional ba kontrolu kualidade nian (Standard Operational Procedures).

Iha area jestaun financas ne’ebé mak relasiona ho pagamentu ba taxa no multa sira mosu krimi korrupsaun tamba selu diretamente ba diresaun tutela; La iha konta bankaria; Konta bankaria balun iha maibe kontrola husi Director/Chefe sira; Konta bankaria la iha ligasaun ho kofre estadu; Numeru kliente la atualizadu (up-date); Laiha baze de dadus ba kliente sira ne’ebé mak selu regularmente no la iha recivu pagamentu nian.

Grafiku 6: Numeru kazu nebe mak akontese iha kada area servisu nian


CAC Detects Risk Areas of Corruption in Government Institutions in 2016


Dili – In 2016, the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) conducted several investigations of corruption cases. The investigations highlighted high risk of corruption in several areas and institutions, such as procurement, internal control, quality control and financial management regarding the payments of taxation and fines.

CAC’s investigations show that corruption is a widespread phenomenon in public services and that it gives the opportunity to public servants and their associates to benefit from illicit conducts.

The area where the highest risk level has been identified is the procurement sector. Many public contracts were awarded through single source procedure as emergency contract. However, the requirements for emergency awarding were often based on subjective evaluations and not on objective factors. Moreover, through single source, contracts have been awarded to firms without the required expertise.

Procurement officials were not directly involved in procurement frauds. Investigations highlighted the intervention of high-ranked officials in many single source procedures. Contracts have been awarded to firms not registered in Timor-Leste and without the required certifications.

The Commission found that the internal control area is also highly exposed to corruption. Implementation of programs, activities and reports often do not reflected the reality. Orders are often disregarded and an abuse of sickness leave has been identified. Civil servants are often not properly registered, with cases of double registrations that allowed some officials to receive double salary.  Also, directors and chief of units often assume more than one position (director, finance and logistic). The execution of budget of diplomatic missions is not integrated in the national system of budget control. This gave the opportunity to Ministries with representatives abroad to execute budget under minimal control.

Also, budget is often executed disregarding working needs and payment invoices are constantly falsified. It is also common the use of fuel vouchers for private needs or the falsification of “trip-tickets”; public officials can easily take advantage from the lack of control in this area.

High levels of corruption have also been identified in the area of quality control. Projects are often not completed or properly implemented. However, firms manage to receive 100% of payments.

Data regarding veterans are not comprehensively verified, resulting in a high number of people receiving undue benefits.

High-ranked officials often approved projects without any field visit or a prior viability study to justify the rationality of the project.

Serious problems were identified also in the supply of goods unfit for use: equipment was bought without verifying its compatibility.

Heavy equipment was also bought and never used as the required technology was not available in Timor or because of the lack of capacity in using it.

Tax and fines payment systems have also been identified as highly corruption exposed sectors. In several cases payments were not channeled through the official bank account, but made directly to the directorate to bank accounts not registered in the Treasury. Database of taxpayers was not updated and payment receipts were not always issued.


Graphic 6: Numbers of cases per area
