Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Governu Sira iha Àzia no Pasifiku Lian-Ida atu Hametin Ajensia Anti-Korrupsaun no Promove Protesaun ba Denunsiante sira

Dili, Timor-Leste, 25 Jullu 2013- Ohin, nasaun hamutuk 27 iha Àzia-Pasifika konkorda hamutuk atu dudu ba promove protesaun ba denunsiante sira ba oin no atu hametin ajensia anti-korrupsaun sira hanesan parte ida husi esforsu tomak no komabte korrupsaun.

Komitmentu ne’e halo iha seminàriu rejional 12th Regional Seminar of the asina Development Bank (ADB)/ OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacifik nebè Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun Timor-Leste hanesanuma na’in reprezentante estadu Timor Leste husi loron 24-25, fulan Jullhu 2013.

“Korrupsaun ne’e, ho lian badak hatete katak, istraga valores Timor-Oan sira nia luta ba ukun-rasik aan, nebè ema barak mak mate ona, tenik Prezidente Repùblika Timor-Leste Taur Matan-Ruak iha nia diskursu abertura iha seminàriu rejional ne’e. Ultra-pasa dezafiu sira ne’e nudar prekondisaun ida ba suksesu projetu dezenvolvimentu ekonomia no sosial Timor-Leste.”

Nasaun 27 husi membrus Insiativa ADB/OECD nian hamutuk 31 konkorda atu hametin ajensia anti-korrupsaun sira liu-husi:

  • Hametin liutan ajensia anti-korrupsaun sira mao oras ne’e eziste ona.
  • Asegura suporta sosiedade sivil sira nian, media, seitor privadu no ajensia governu relevante nian sira.

Membrus husi inisitiva ne’e mos konkorda katak denunsia hahalok korrupsaun ne’e hanesan meius ida atu deteta no hamate korrupsaun, tan be’e tenki enkoraja nafatin no tenki fasilita husi:

  • Fornese kanal nebè bele asesu hodi denunsia hahalok korrupsaun sira, no
  • Proteze denunsiante sira nebe mak denunsia hahalok korrupsaun ho boa-fè no ho evidensia sira nebe forte.

“ADB/OECD Inisiative haksolok tebes atu suporta esforsu ninian membrus sira hodi fornese forum ida atu aprende liu tan no fahe esperiensia ba malu, tenik Shane Rosenthal, Reprezentante ADB nian iha Timor-Leste.”

Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun mos nudar na’in ba Insiativa nia Sorumutu Steering-Group nian husi loron 23-24 fulan Jullu, 2013

Textu kompleta kona-ba seminàriu nian bele asesu online iha:

Asian Governments Commit to Strengthen Anti-Corruption Authorities, Promote Whistleblower Protection

Dili, Timor Leste (25 July 2013): 27 Asia-Pacific of their anti-corruption authorities, as part of their overall efforts to combat corruption.

The commitments were made at the 12th Regional Seminar of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)/ OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific, hosted by the Anti-Corruption Commission of Timor-Leste from 24-25 July 2013.

“Corruption is, in short, destructive to the values for which the Timorese people fought and, in many cases, died,” said H.E. Taur Matan Ruak, President of the Republic of Timor-Leste, in his opening address at the seminar. “Overcoming this challenge is a precondition for the very success of the country’s economic and social development project.”

The 27 of the 31 Members of the ADB/OECD Initiative in attendance agreed to strengthen anti-corruption agencies by:

  • Strengthening the actual independence of anti-corruption authorities, and
  • Securing the support of civil society, media, private sector and key government agencies.

The Initiative’s Members also agreed that whistle blowing is a key to detect and deter corruption, and should be encouraged and facilitated by:

  • Providing clear and accessible channels for reporting corruption, and
  • Protecting whistleblowers report in good faith and reasonable grounds from reprisals

“The ADB/OECD Initiative is pleased to support its members’ ant-corruption efforts by providing a forum to learn and share experience,” said Shane Rosenthal, Resident Representative of ADB’s special office in Timor-Leste.

The Anti-Corruption Commission of Timor-Leste hosted the Initiative’s 18th steering Group meeting on 23-24 July 2013, which include a consultation session civil society, media and the private sector.

The full text of the seminar’s conclusions is available online at: