Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC Realizes Workshop with Public-Private Sectors in Oe-cusse District on Preventing Corruption

Pante Macassar – Today in Oe-cusse district more than 100 people, among local businessmen and public servants had access to a seminar designed for providing information on what efforts they can do to fight corruption. The seminar was held and organized by the Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC).
The seminar took place at the Oe-cusse District Administration Hall on Wednesday (1/10). Three the key speakers: CAC Commissioner Dr. Adérito António Pinto Tilman, Oe-cusse District Administrator, Salvador da Cruz and Chief of Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of District Oe-cusse Bartolomeo Siqueira. Moderator of the debate was the Director of Prevention of CAC, Abrão José Freitas.
The seminar addressed the topic of “Identify the Problems to Face Challenges, Obstacles and Offering the Solution”. The main topic is consistent with CAC’s 2014-15 Prevention Plan, which focuses on four priority areas: procurement, decentralization, customs and political will.
The objective of the seminar was to provide proper information about the legal framework of the fight against corruption and to educate local businessmen that are part of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Timor-Leste (CCI-TL), as government partners, on how to prevent bribery practices and corruption in order to ensure a transparent and sustainable development to the country.
“Our presence here today aim to improve public and private sectors’ knowledge on CAC law and on the anti-corruption legal framework in order to build Timor-Leste in a transparent way, without bribery and corruption,” CAC Commissioner Tilman said to participants today.
“Our meeting today is part of a strategy to try to reduce the risk of maladministration practices and corruption crimes” added Commisioner Tilman.
Chairman of the Oe-cusse CCI-TL, Bartolomeo Siqueira, on behalf of local businessmen, extended his appreciation and gratitude to CAC for its presence in the district providing information and educating the private sector about East Timorese efforts against corruption.
Local businessmen and public servants in Oe-cusse districts enthusiastically and actively participated in the workshop. They recommended that CAC personnel should visits districts across the country regularly to monitor the execution of projects by local companies to ensure the quality of the projects and their timely completions.
CAC firmly believes that everyone – whether they are community leaders, representatives of the private or public sectors, or citizens – must be involved in eradicating corruption in Timor-Leste. Therefore CAC will continue to hold these workshops with the private sector throughout the year. (*)

CAC Realiza Workshop Ho Seitór Púliku-Privadu Iha Distritu Oe-cusse Ba Prevene Korrupsaun

Pante Macassar – Funsionariu Estadu hamutuk ho Empresariu lokal liu 100 iha Distritu Oecusse asesu ba informasaun kona-ba esforsu luta kontra korrupsaun liu husi workshop ne’ebé organiza husi Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC).
Workshop ne’e halao iha Salaun Administrasaun Distritu Oeccuse iha loron Kuarta-feira (1/10) ohin. Oradores importante iha workshop loron tomak ne’e mak Komisariu CAC Dr. Adérito António Pinto Tilman, Administrador Distritu Oecusse Salvador da Cruz no Prezidenti Camara Comercio no Industria (CCI) Distritu Oe-cusse, Bartolomeo Siqueira ne’ebé modera husi Diretor Prevensaun Abrão José Freitas.
Workshop ne’e ho topiku “Identifika Problema Hodi Infrenta Dezafius, Obstakulu No Fó Solusaun”. Ida ne’e konsistente ho Planu Prevensaun CAC ba tinan 2014-15 nian, iha ne’ebé fokus liu iha area prioridade hat inklui Aprovizionamentu. Areas prioridade tolu seluk mak Desentralizasaun Poder Governu, Alfandega, no Vontade Politiku.
Objetivu seminariu ne’e atu fahe informasaun kona-ba lei CAC no prosedimentu legal sira seluk. Oportunidade ne’e mos atu eduka servidor Estadu iha rejional Oecusse no emprezariu lokal sira ne’ebé halibur malu iha organizasaun emprezarial ho naran Camara Comercio e Industria Timor-Leste (CCI TL) nudar parseiru governu atu hetan informasaun oin sa prevene pratika subornu ka korrupsaun hodi dezenvolve rai doben TL iha transparansia no dignidade nia leten.
“Ami nian prezensa iha ne’e atu hadian konesimentu seitor publiku no privadu kona-ba lei CAC no prosedimentu legal anti-korrupsaun atu konstrui nasaun TL ne’e iha transparansia nia leten la ho subornu no korrupsaun,” katak Komisariu CAC Dr. Adérito Tilman ba partisipantes sira.
“Ita nian sorumutu loron ohin hanesan estratejia ida atu redus risku pratika mal-administrasaun no krimi korrupsaun,” katak Komisariu Tilman.
Prezidenti CCI-TL Rejional Oecusse, Bartolomeo Siqueira lori naran emprezarius Oe-cusse oan sira agradese ba prezensa ekipa CAC iha distritu Oecusse hodi fahe informasaun no eduka seitor privadu kona-ba Timor oan sira nian esforsu ba luta kontra korrupsaun.
Funsionariu Estadu no emprezarius lokal iha Oe-cusse ho antusiasmu boot partisipa ativamente durante workshop to’o nian rohan. Emprezariu sira rekomenda ba CAC atu nia “manu ain” sira regularmente desloka ba iha distritus hodi monitoriza sedu prosesu ekzekusaun projeitu estadu husi kompanha lokal sira iha distritus hodi garante kualidade projeitu.
CAC firmi fiar metin ba Timor oan hotu – tantu sira lider komunitariu, husi seitor privadu ka governu, ou elementus públiku – tenki involve iha kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. Ami sei kontinua halao workshops hanesan ho seitor privadu iha tinan tomak. (*)