Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC Rekruta Asesor Nasional Nain Rua

400A2981Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) oras ne’e dadaun halao hela intervista ba aplikantes nain 19 ba postu rua; Asesor Tekniku no Asesor ba Komisariu. Painel intervistador kompostu husi Komisariu Adjuntu ba Servisu Tekniku Apoiu no Kooperasaun Manuel Bucar Corte Real, Komisariu Adjuntu ba Prevensaun no Sensibilizasaun Rui Pereira dos Santos, Chefe Unidade Pessoal no Chefe Unidade Kooperasaun Internasional.

CAC is Recruiting Two National Advisers

400A2981Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) is currently conducting interviews for the 19 applicants for the two post available: Technical Adviser and Adviser for The Commissioner. The interview panel consists of Mr. Manuel Bucar, Deputy Commissioner of Technical Support and Cooperation, Mr. Rui dos Santos, Deputy Commissioner of Prevention and Public Awareness, Chief of Human Resources and Chief of International Cooperation.

UNODC Halao Treinamentu Loron Rua Kona-ba Economic and Financial Crime ba Investigador CAC

400A2897Dili – Komisariu Adjuntu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Manuel Bucar horseik loron Kinta-feira (23/2) ofisialmente loke formasaun kona-ba “Economic and Financial Crime” ba investigador CAC sira liu ema nain 20 durante loron rua nian laran. Formasaun ne’e finansia husi United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) iha Hotel Timor Dili no lori husi matenek nain UNODC nian, Antonio de Vivo.

Objetivu husi formasaun ne’e atu hasae kapasidade investigador CAC nian atu analisa krimi fonanseira ne’ebé akontese iha Timor-Leste (TL). Formasaun loron rua ne’e nudar parte implementasaun MoU entre UNODC-CAC ne’ebé formaliza iha tinan 2014 liu ba, prezensa UNODC iha TL atu suporta ajensia supremasaun lei nian hanesan CAC hodi oferese treinamentu asistensia tekniku no programa hasae kapasidade proposionadu ba instituisaun ida ne’e.

Komisariu Adjuntu Bucar iha nian intervensaun hamenon ba EAK sira atu aproveita oportunidade formasaun ne’e hodi hakbiit sira nian kapasidade no horizonte. Investigador sira tenki uza kada oportunidade formasaun sira hetan tantu iha laran no mos iha rai liur.

“Hau espera formasaun durante loron rua ne’e bele tulun investigador halao imi nian servisu no  hafoun fila fali buat ne’ebé estuda tiha ona iha Timor no mos iha liur,” katak Komisau Adjuntu Bucar.

Formasaun durante loron rua nian laran ne’e nudar kontinuasaun suporta husi UNODC, iha tinan rua nian laran ba kotuk UNODC fornese ona treinamentu iha area investigasaun, interogasaun, money laundry, computer forensic no digital evidence no seluk-seluk tan. (*)

UNODC Conducts a Two Days Training on Economic and Financial Crime to CAC Investigators

400A2897Dili – Deputy Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission Manuel Bucar yesterday (23/2) officially opened a two-days training on Economic and Financial Crime to more than 20 CAC investigators. The training is funded by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) at Hotel Timor Dili and delivered by UNODC’s Anti-Corruption Expert, Mr. Antonio de Vivo.

The objective of the training is to improve CAC’s investigators capacity to analyze financial crimes that occur in Timor-Leste. The two-day training is as part of implementation of MoU between UNODC and CAC that signed in August 2014, UNODC presence in Timor-Leste is to support law enforcement agencies in Timor-Leste such as CAC by providing technical assistance and capacity building program to this respective institution.

Deputy Commissioner in his intervention told CAC’s investigators to make use of the training as an opportunity to enhance their capacity and knowledge. Investigators must make use of every training opportunity in Timor-Leste or overseas.

“I hope that this two-days training can help the investigator in doing your work and also as tool to refresh what you have studied in Timor or overseas,” said Deputy Commissioner Bucar

The two days training is a continued support from UNODC, for the past two years UNODC has been provided training in the area of investigation, interrogation, anti-money laundering, computer forensic and digital evidence, etc. (*)