Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Investigadores Foun Lima Ramata Kursu no Simu Tomada-de-Pose Ohin

Dili, 29/08/2012–Investigadores foun na’in lima Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) nian, Kuarta-feira ohin simu tomada-de-pose hafoin kompleta formasaun iha CAC durante fulan rua kona-ba asuntus tékniku oi-oin relasiona ho investigasaun kriminal ba kazus korrupsaun nian. Iha seremonia tomada-de-pose ne’e, finalista sira simu sertifikadu graduasaun husi Dirijente Altu CAC nian sira.

Graduadores foun na’in lima ne’e haksolok halo hotu sira nia formasaun espesializada nebe tulun fortalese sira nia koñesimentu tékniku no habelar tan sira nia vizaun kona-ba oinsa atu kaer servisu investigasaun kriminal ba kazus korrupsaun ho efektivu liu tan no profesional. Hanesan investigador foun ida hatete: …”Kualker formasaun espesializasa ida sempre diak ba dezenvolvimentu kapasidade no koñesimentu ema nian—formasaun foin lalais ne’e tulun ho haforsa tebes ami nia kapasidade no koñesimentu tékniku atu dezenpenha ami nia servisu ho konfiansa bo’ot liu tan.”

Formasaun durante fulan-rua ne’e hetan suporta husi USAID liu husi fundus Millennium Challenge Corporation nebe implementa husi CASALS iha Dili.

Dirijente Senior CAC no funsionárius CAC tomak haksolok ho rezultadu formasaun ida ne’e tamba ne’e mak nudar interese bo’ot Instituisaun nian atu haforsa no kapasita nia rekursu umanus hanesan parte ida husi prosesu dezenvolvimentu instituisaun nian. Wainhira koalia iha seremonia tomada-de-pose ne’e, Komisáriu CAC Adérito de Jesus Soares hatete katak nudar instituisaun, CAC hakarak tebes atu investe ba nia rekursu umanus, CAC hakarak kapasita nia staff sira hodi tuir formasaun iha rai-laran no rai liur hodi habelar sira nia koñesimentu. Ne’e hanesan prioridade CAC nian nebé refleta iha nia plánu estratéjiku tinan rua mai.

Ho investigadores na’in lima ne’e, oras ne’e CAC iha ona investigadores hamutuk na’in 15 nebé prontu atu kontinua halo servisu investigasaun ba kazus kriminal nebe relasiona ho korrupsaun. Iha espetativa katak ho sira na’in lima nia involvimentu, sei halo kamaan servisus no divizaun servisu entre investigador sira diak liu tan.

Five New Investigators End a Two-Month In-House Training and Swearing-in Today

Dili, 29/08/2012–Five new investigators of the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) are sworn-in today after completed a two-month in-house training on various technical issues related to criminal investigation of corruption cases. The sworn-in ceremony was held at CAC’s Office and marked with a handover of certificates of completion by CAC Senior Management to the five finalists.

The newly-graduated investigators were delighted to complete their specialized schooling as it helped strengthening their technical skills and knowledge and widening their horizons on how to handle corruption-related crimes investigation more effectively and in professional manner. As one of the new investigators said… “Any specialized training is always useful for people’s knowledge and skills development—the recent preparation course helps strengthening our technical knowledge and skills to perform our work with greater confidence.”

The two-months training was supported by USAID through the Millennium Challenge Corporation funds and was implemented by the CASALS Office in Dili.

CAC Senior Management and staff were very pleased with the training result as it is very much in the interest of the Institution to strengthening its human resources skills and knowledge as part of institutional building effort. Speaking in the ceremony, Anti-Corruption Commissioner Adérito de Jesus Soares stated that CAC has the desire to invest in its human resources capacity, either through in-house or overseas training, and it is part of the Office’s strategic planning program for the next two years.

With these additional officers, CAC is now armed with 15 investigators to continue carry out criminal corruption-related investigation works. It is expected that their functions will ease the division of labor among CAC investigators.

Komisáriu CAC Apresia ho Asaun Prezidente Ruak Halo Deklarasaun Rikusoin

Dili, 23/08/2012Komisáriu Anti-Korrupsaun Adérito de Jesus Soares apresia ho inisiativa Prezidente Repúblika Taur Matan Ruak horiseik hodi aprezenta nia deklarasaun rikusoin ba Tribunal Rekursu no publika ba públiku. Wainhira koalia iha nia Iskritóriu ohin loromanas, Komisáriu CAC hatete katak halok ne’e tenki sai hanesan motivasaun ida ba ofisiais públiku nivel alta sira atu halo tuir durante kaer ukun.

Maibe, Komisáriu CAC hatate katak, Timor-Leste oras ne’e seidauk iha mekanismu apropriadu ida kona-ba deklarasaun rikusoin nebe inklui verifikasaun, sansaun no aspetu regulamentu seluk tan iha lei ida nia laran. Lei No.7/2007 konaba Estatutu Titular Órgaun Soveranu nian sei falta aspetu regulamentu lubuk ida relasiona ho oinsa atu regula ofisiais públiku sira nia deklarasaun rikusoin. 

Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun hein katak mekanismu legal apropriadu ida tenki estabelese, hodi nune bele halo jestaun no kontrolu asuntu ne’e efetivamente

CAC Commissioner Welcomes the Move of President Ruak on Personal Asset Declaration

Dili, 23/08/2012The Anti-Corruption Commissioner Adérito de Jesus Soares welcomes President Taur Matan Ruak’s initiative yesterday in presenting his asset declaration to the Court of Appeal and making it into public. Speaking in his Office today, CAC Commissioner says, such a move should set as a motivating factor for other high-ranking public officials to follow suit during their tenure.

However, he says, Timor-Leste has yet to create a proper mechanism for public officials’ asset declaration which include verifications, sanctions and other regulating aspects into a law. Currently, there is no appropriate legal mechanism to regulate public officials’ asset declaration. The Law No.7/2007 regarding the Statutory Law of the Sovereign Entity still lacks many provisions in relation to regulating public officials’ asset declaration.

It is in the Commission of Anti-Corruption’s hope that such required legal mechanism be established in order to control the matter effectively.