Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

State and Non-State Actors Jointly Discuss About Asset Declaration

Dili, 15/11/2012More than 70 participants representing the four Organs of State (Office of President, National Parliament, Executive Government and Judiciary) and Civil Society Organizations, including Media, participate today in a roundtable discussion on the importance to establish an effective control mechanism on asset declaration in Timor-Leste. Most participants in today’s discussion, especially from the lines ministers, were the ones whom participated in the first roundtable discussion that was held by the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) and the Office of Inspector General in June 2012.

The roundtable discussion that was held in the new premises of the CNE in Caicoli Dili, was jointly organized by CAC and the National Parliament Committee A on Constitutional Rights, Justice, Public Administration, and Anti-Corruption. It aims to gather critical views and insights from various representatives as to enrich a background notes on asset declaration prior to the establishment of any legal mechanism pertaining to the issue.

The discussion was opened by President of the National Parliament Vicente Guterres and a representative from the Office of President of the Republic read out President Taur Matan Ruak’s supportive message for the gathering.

The discussion presented seven keynote speakers, namely Claudio Ximenes, President of the Court of Appeal; Carmelita Caetano Moniz, President of Committee A of the National Parliament; Antoninho Bianco, Chief Party Bench of the Opposition Party Fretilin; Agio Pereira, State Minister and President of the Council of Ministers, José António de Jesus das Neves, CAC Deputy Commissioner, Vicente Fernandes Brito, Prosecutor of Dili District, and Sergio Hornai, President of Public Defender Office.

Several key points highlighted during the roundtable discussion include the importance to establish a law on asset declaration, a creation of an effective control mechanism for verification of assets upon declaration by state officials and that system should be implementable according to Timor-Leste’s context and the establishment of a national strategy for preventing and combating corruption.

The discussion was held in a positive and constructive atmosphere. It demonstrates good will and commitment of both state and non-state actors’ to participate in such discussion meeting. As a follow up action upon this meeting, a working group will be set up and the members will be consisted of representatives from the four Organs of State, CAC, and Civil Society Organizations. This working group will be responsible for the preparing materials for background information prior to the establishment of asset declaration related mechanism and legal framework.

CAC will work closely with the Secretariat of Committee A of the National Parliament to prepare an executive summary of today’s meeting and the result will be shared with everyone in the meeting today.

Ofisiais Governu no Sosiedade Sivil Partisipa Diskusaun kona-ba Deklarasaun Rikusoin

Dili, 15/11/2012Ohin, partisipantes hamutuk 70 resin reprezenta Orgaun Estadu hat (Prezidente Repúblika, Parlamentu Nasional, Governu no Judisiaria) no Organizasoens Sosiedade Sivil, inkluindu Media, partisipa iha diskusaun meza redonda kona-ba importansia atu estabelese mekanismu kontrolu ida nebé efikaz relasiona ho deklarasaun rikusoin. Partisipante sira ne’e, barak liu mak partisipa tiha ona iha diskusaun meza redonda dahuluk nebé CAC organiza hamutuk ho Gabinete Inspeitor Jeral iha fulan Juñu tinan 2012.

Diskusaun meza redonda nebé hala’o iha edifisiu foun CNE nian iha Caicoli Dili, organiza hamutuk entre CAC no Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun A. Diskusaun ne’e nia objektivu mak atu halibur hamutuk hanoin no pontu-de-vista krítiku husi reprezentantes oi-oin atu hariku liu tan konseitu kona-ba deklarasaun rikusoin molok kria mekanismu legal ruma nebé pertensia ba asuntu ne’e.

Diskusaun ohin ne’e loke husi Presidente Parlamentu Nasional Vicente Guterres. Reprezentante ida husi Gabinete Prezidente Republika mak le’e Prezidente Taur Matan Ruak nia diskursu suportivu ba sorumutu ne’e.

Panelistas iha diskusaun ida ohin hamutuk na’in hitu: Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu Claudio Ximenes, Prezidente Komisaun A Carmelita Caetano Moniz, Xefe Bankada Partidu Opozisaun Fretilin Antoninho Bianco, Ministru Estadu no Prezidente Konseilhu Ministrus Agio Pereira, Komisáriu Adjuntu CAC José António de Jesus das Neves, Prokurador Distritu Dili Vicente Fernandes Brito no Prezidente Defensoria Públiku Sergiio Hornai.

Pontus xave balu nebe diskuti iha meza redonda ne’e inkluindu importansia atu kria lei ida kona-ba deklarasaun rikusoin, kriasaun mekanismu kontrolu ida nebé efikaz ba verifikasaun rikusoin no sistema ne’e tenki refleta kontekstu Timor-Leste nian no persija atu estabelese estratejia nasional ba kombate korrupsaun.

Diskusaun ohin ne’e la’o iha atmosfera ida ke pozitivu tebes no konstrutivu. Ne’e hatudu boa-vontade no komitementu husi partisipantes tomak iha sorumutu ne’e. Asaun tuir mai mak atu kria grupu trabalhu ida nebe konsiste husi reprezentantes husi Orgaun Estadu hat ne’e, inklui Sosiedade Sivil hodi prepara matérias no informasaun molok atu kria mekanisnu no enkuadramentu legal ruma relasiona ho deklarasaun rikusoin.

CAC sei servisu hamutuk ho Sekretáriadu Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional nian atu prepara sumáriu exekutivu ida husi sorumutu ida ohin. Nia rezultadu sei fahe hotu ba partisipante sira nebe marka prezensa iha diskusaun ne’e.