Dili – On Thursday (23/1) afternoon, Deputy Commissioner of Commição Anti-Corrupção (CAC) for Prevention, Manuel Bucar Corte Real accompanied by the Executive Secretary, Alexander Freitas and other directors attended annual State Budget Discussion in the National Parliament.
National Parliament unanimously approved budget attribute to the Commission with votes 64 in favour, against 0 (nil) and abstain 0 (nil). The amount of the budget is USS 1.793.000 that will allocate for salary USS$ 388.000, capital and services US$ 1.227.000, transference US$ 0 (nil), capital minor US$ 178.000 and development capital US$ 0 (nil).
During the Commission budget debate, members of parliament relayed questions, constructive suggestions and supports to the Commission to continue the progress that has been accomplished during four years. Members of Parliament also showed their support and encouraged the Commission to be courageous in combating corruption.
Commissioner Soares, accompanied by the two Deputies Commissioner thanked members of Parliament for approving the budget to the Commission to support its three important duties; Criminal Prevention, Education and Research and Criminal Investigation within one year period in 2014.
Last week meeting was the third and the last meeting of Commissioner Soares and its two deputies commissioner, Manuel Bucar and Jose Neves with Members of Parliament in the Annual State Budget Discussion before completed first term mandate on February 22nd 2014.