Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

PM Rui Maria Araujo Vizita CAC

IMG_2611Dili – Ohin, Sesta-feira (27/2) dadersan Nai Primeiru Ministro, Rui Maria Araujo akompanha husi Ministro de Estado, Coordenador dos Assuntos Administrativos e Ministro da Administração Interna, Dionisio Babo Soares halao mai vizita edifisiu  Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) hodi hare’e ho matan kondisaun servisu Komisaun nian durante ne’e.

Komisariu Dr. Adérito Tilman akompanha husi Komisariu Adjuntu nain rua José “Sama Larua” Neves, Manuel Bucar, Sekretariu Ezekutivu Alexandre Freitas no servisu nain Komisaun nian tomak simu Chefe governu ne’e ho laran haksolok.

Durante vizita iha oras balun nia laran PM Rui ho Ministru Dionisio Babo halo sorumutu konfidensial ho Senior Management Komisaun nian iha Salaun Enkountru CAC nian .

Komisariu Adjuntu José “Sama Larua” Neves lori Komisaun nia naran apresia no agradese inisiativa Chefe VI Governu Konstitusional nian mai vizita Komisaun nian hodi hare’e rasik ho matan no husu atu kontinua tau matan ba Komisaun nia difikuldades, obstakulu no dezafiu iha futuru.

“Inisiativa Senhor Primeiru Ministro mai vizita Komisaun bele artipula esforsu prevene no kombate korrupsaun ne’e iha Estado tomak tamba prevene no kombate korrupsaun laos CAC mesak deit. Agradese no apresia ba Nai Primeiru MInistru nia vizita no nia bele hare’e rasik ho matan sa difikuldades ho dezafius  mak Komisaun infrenta,” katak Komisariu Adjuntu Neves.

Ida ne’e vizita ba Dahuluk halo husi Chefe Ezekutivu dr. Rui Maria Araujo mai edifisiu Komisaun nian iha Farol hafoin nia simu posse iha loron 16 Fulan Fevereiru liu ba iha Palacio Nobre Lahane Dili.

“Prevene no kombate korrupsaun laos kompetensia CAC nian deit maibe obrigasaun governo mos iha komprimitidu ho papel sagradu ida ne’e. Hau nia prezensa loron ohin nia iha ne’e (Komisaun) atu intende diak liu tan servisu Komisaun nian, prosedimentu ne’ebé CAC iha, dezafius no difikuldades ne’ebé sira infrenta. Mai mos atu manifesta governo ninia apresiasaun ho apoiu ba CAC nia servisu,” Katak Nai Primeiru Ministro Rui Araujo.

Komisaun oras ne’e dadaun iha servisu nain hamutuk 64; investigador nain 15, administrasaun nain 19, prevensaun nain 7, edukasaun no peskiza nain 8, motorista nain 7, KOmisariu no Komisariu Adjuntu nain 3, Cleaner nain 4, Asesor nasional nain 1, asesor internasional nain 1 no aponta professional nain 1. (*)

PM Rui Araujo Visits CAC

IMG_2611Dili – Prime Minister Rui Maria Araujo accompanied by Minister of State for Administration and Internal Affairs, Dionisio Babo visited office of Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) today (27/2) to see with their own eyes the real condition of the commission.

Commissioner Dr. Adérito Tilman accompanied by his two Deputies José “Sama Larua” Neves, Manuel Bucar, and Secretary Executive of CAC Alexandre Freitas and other Commissions’ workers were delighted in welcoming the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Rui Araujo and Minister Dionisio Babo hold a closed meeting with Senior Management CAC at Meeting Room.

Deputy Commisioner Neves on behalf of CAC appreciated the initiative of chief of government to visit the Commission to see the real situation and urge to the Prime Minister to keep close attention to the difficulties, obstacles and challenges faced by the commission in the future.

“Prime Minister’s initiative to visit the commission can articulate as the effort to prevent and combat corruption in all sovereign organs of state, because prevents and combat corruption is not CAC’s job only. Appreciate to Prime Minister’s visit and he can see with his own two eyes what kind of difficulties and challenges that the Commission faces,” said Deputy Commissioner Neves.

This is the first visit of the Prime Minister Rui Araujo to commission’s office in Farol after his inauguration on 16 of February at Palacio Nobre Lahane Dili.

“To prevent and to combat corruption is not the competence of CAC only but it is also the obligation and commitment of the government in this sacred mission. My presence here today at the Commission to better understand Commission’s services, procedures that CAC has, challenges, difficulties that they face. Also came here to manifest the government’s appreciation and support to CAC’s work,” Said Prime Minister.

Now CAC had 66 staff that comprises of 15 investigators, 19 administration staff, 7 prevention officers, 8 education and research officers 8, 7 drivers, 3 Senior Management, 4 Cleaners, 3 national and international advisers and 1 professional appointing. (*)


Komisariu Adjuntu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) José “Sama Larua” Neves ohin Tersa-feira (24/2) dadersan lidera sorumutu preliminary ida atu estabelese grupu trabalhu ba implementasaun United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) nia iha edifisiu CAC Farol, Dili. Sorumutu ne’e koalia kona-ba termus referensia, planu asaun ne’ebé delegasaun fokal point husi instituisaun governu, judisiariu, Sosiedade Civil no reprezentante Prezidenti Republika mak halo parte iha grupu trabalho ne’e.


Deputy Commissioner of Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) José “Sama Larua” Neves today (24/2) leads a preliminary meeting to establish a Working Group for the Implementation of United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) at CAC office Farol Dili. The meeting discussed about Terms of Reference, Action Plan and Focal Point of Government institutions, Judiciary, Office of President of Republic and Civil Society to be part of Working Group.
