Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Eis Reprezentante Spesial Sekretariu Jeral Nasaun Unidas no Adjuntu Reprezentante Spesial Sekretariu Jeral Nasaun Unidas mai Timor Leste Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa, Ph.D halao vizita kortejia ida mai Comissão Anti-Corruppção (CAC) iha nia kapasidade nudar Goodwill Ambassador mai Timor-Leste. Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa, Ph.D simu husi Komisariu Adjuntu José “Sama Larua” Neves no akompanha husi Advisor Nasional CAC Jonas GUterres iha CAC learning Centre ohin loron Kinta-feira (21/5).


Former Special Representative of The Secretary General of the United Nations and Deputy Special Representative of The UN Secretary General for Timor Leste Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa, Ph.D paid a courtesy visit to Comissão Anti-Corruppção (CAC) in his capacity as Goodwill Ambassador to Timor-Leste. He was welcomed by Deputy Commissioner José “Sama Larua” Neves and accompanied by National Adviser Jonas Guterres at CAC Learning Centre today (21/5).


CAC Eduka Funsionariu Públiku Ho Empresario Lokal Iha Gleno

IMG_4610Gleno – Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) kontinua eduka seitor privadu no públiku liu husi workshop loron ida iha Salaun Munisipiu Ermera, Gleno ho topiku “Prevensaun Korrupsaun liu husi jestaun rekursu Esadu nian iha munisipiu” loron Kuarta-feira (6/5) ohin. Orador principal iha worskshop loron ida ne’e mak Komisariu CAC Dr. Adérito Pinto Tilman ne’ebé akompanha husi Komisariu Adjuntu CAC Manuel Bucar Corte Real no Sekretariu Munisipiu Ermera Danilo Maldini Babo.

Objetivu husi husi workshop ne’e atu promove governasaun diak iha transparansia, responsabilidade no kredivel atu haforsa kultura rejensaun korrupsaun hodi asegura Estadu Timor-Leste ida ne’ebé bazeia demokrasia, soberanu, ukun-an no ida mesak, harii husi povu nia hakarak no iha respeitu ba dignidade ema moris ida-idak nian.

Komisariu Adérito koalia ba partisipante sira katak dala barak funsionariu publiku komete aktu krimi korrupsaun maibe la hatene aktu nebe funsionariu ida halo konstitui hanesan krimi korrupsaun. “Tamba ne’e, CAC nia prezensa iha fatin-fatin iha Timor laran tomak atu fo hanoin ba seitor publiku nune’e mos seitor privadu sira atu hadok aan husi krimi korrupsaun,” katak Komisariu Tilman.

Workshop ne’e mos bolu atensaun atu minimiza risku no pratika mal-jestaun iha seitór públiku ho seitor privadu hodi atinji objetivu dezenvolvimentu iha munisipiu idak-idak ho responsabilidade, obrigasaun legal no moral ba promove integridade, transparensia no responsabilizasaun iha sira nia servisu fatin.

Sekretariu Munisipiu Ermera hateten workshop nee importante ba seitor publiku ho privadu iha Ermera atu bele hasees aan husi pratika korrupsaun. “CAC ohin mai iha ita nia leet atu fo hanoin ba ita atu maneija no utiliza rekursu Estadu ho prudente-honestu hodi benefisia povu munisipiu Ermera” Katak Danilo Maldini Babo.

Sentidu husi workshop ne’e mak atu enkoraja partisipante sira hodi asegura jestaun internal administrasaun públika no organizasaun empresarial nian hodi fortifika kontrolu ba iha utilizasaun rekursu sirak ne’ebé mak partense ba iha munisipiu atu nune’e bele produz rezultadu positive no benefisia ba povu Timor-Leste tomak.

Partisipa iha workshop ne’e mak Sekretariu Munisipiu, directores, chefe departamentu husi ministeriais no membru CCI-TL munisipiu nian kuaze hamutuk nain 100. (*)

CAC Educates Public Servants and Local Businessmen in Gleno

IMG_4610Gleno – Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) continues to educate private and public sectors through a one-day workshop at Ermera Municipality Hall, Gleno with topic “Prevention Corruption through the Management of State resources in municipality” on Wednesday (6/5). The key speker at the workshop is CAC Commissioner Dr. Adérito Pinto Tilman, accompanied by Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar Corte Real and Secretary Municipal of Ermera, Danilo Maldini Babo.

The objective of the workshop is to promote good governance, transparency and institutional credibility to strengthen the culture of rejecting corruption in Timor-Leste based on principle of democracy, sovereignty, independence that derived from the willingness to respect the dignity of other people.

Speaking to the participants, Commissioner Adérito said sometimes a public servant commits corruption practices but he/she doesn’t realize that very practice constitutes a corruption crime. “That is why, CAC presents everywhere in all terriroty to remind public sector as well as private sector to avoid from corruption practices,” said Commissioner Tilman.

The workshop summons the attention of public and private servants to minimize risk and practice of miss-management in the public and private sectors to achieve development goals in each municipality, abided to legal and moral obligation in order to promote integrity, transparency and responsibility in the work place.

Secretary of Municipal Ermera said the workshop is important to public and private sector in Ermera to prevent corruption practices. “CAC’s presence with us here today to remind us to manage and utilize state resources with honesty for the benefit of the people of municipal Ermera,” said Danilo Maldini Babo.

The essence of the workshop is to encourage participants to ensure internal management of public administration and businesses to fortify control in the use of the municipality’s resources to produce positive outcome and benefit all people of Timor-Leste.

Participants of the workshop are Secretary of Ermera munipal, directors, chief of departments from line ministers and members of local CCI-TL. (*)