Gleno – Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) continues to educate private and public sectors through a one-day workshop at Ermera Municipality Hall, Gleno with topic “Prevention Corruption through the Management of State resources in municipality” on Wednesday (6/5). The key speker at the workshop is CAC Commissioner Dr. Adérito Pinto Tilman, accompanied by Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar Corte Real and Secretary Municipal of Ermera, Danilo Maldini Babo.
The objective of the workshop is to promote good governance, transparency and institutional credibility to strengthen the culture of rejecting corruption in Timor-Leste based on principle of democracy, sovereignty, independence that derived from the willingness to respect the dignity of other people.
Speaking to the participants, Commissioner Adérito said sometimes a public servant commits corruption practices but he/she doesn’t realize that very practice constitutes a corruption crime. “That is why, CAC presents everywhere in all terriroty to remind public sector as well as private sector to avoid from corruption practices,” said Commissioner Tilman.
The workshop summons the attention of public and private servants to minimize risk and practice of miss-management in the public and private sectors to achieve development goals in each municipality, abided to legal and moral obligation in order to promote integrity, transparency and responsibility in the work place.
Secretary of Municipal Ermera said the workshop is important to public and private sector in Ermera to prevent corruption practices. “CAC’s presence with us here today to remind us to manage and utilize state resources with honesty for the benefit of the people of municipal Ermera,” said Danilo Maldini Babo.
The essence of the workshop is to encourage participants to ensure internal management of public administration and businesses to fortify control in the use of the municipality’s resources to produce positive outcome and benefit all people of Timor-Leste.
Participants of the workshop are Secretary of Ermera munipal, directors, chief of departments from line ministers and members of local CCI-TL. (*)