Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC Halao Reflesaun Annual Iha Maubara

IMG_1291Maubara – Servisu nain Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) hamutuk nain 55 ba halao Sorumutu Annual iha “Casa Retiru” Konventu Madre Carmelitas Maubara, Munisipiu Liquica nia durante loron tolu, 17-20 Dezembru 2014.
Komisariu Dr. Adérito Tilman akompanha husi Komisariu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar ba Prevensaun loke ofisialmente Sorumutu Annual ne’e no Sekretariu Ezekutivu Alexandre Freitas esplika sai regulamentu sorumutu annual durante loron tolu nia atu partisipante sira bele halo tuir.
Oportunidade “Reflesaun Annual” ne’e ho sentidu fo oportunidade ba servisu nain CAC iha diresaun hotu hodi aprezenta sira nia rezultadu servisu bazeia ba Key Performance Indicators iha tinan 2014 ho nia obstakulu, dezafius no nia diak hotu. Nune’e mos kada diresaun aprezenta planu no programa sira ba tinan 2015, inkluindu hato’o esperansa no rekomendasaun sira.
Servisu nain CAC ho antusiasmu boot no pro-ativu partisipa iha sorumutu annual ne’e iha ambiente diskusaun konstrutivu ba instituisaun CAC nian progresu diak.
Reflesaun Annual ida ne’e ba Dalima ona ba instituisaun CAC ne’ebé estabelese iha Fevereiru tinan 2010 atu avalia performansia servisu kada diresaun hotu. (*)

CAC Conducts Annual Evaluation Meeting in Maubara

IMG_1291Maubara – About 55 Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) officers hold an Annual Evaluation Meeting at “Casa Retiru – Retreat House” at Convent of Carmelitas Nuns Maubara Liquiça during three days, 17-20 December 2014.
Commissioner Adérito Tilman accompanied by Deputy Commissioner for Prevention Manuel Bucar launched Annual Reflection officially and Secretary Executive Alexandre Freitas explained the three day annual evaluation meeting regulation to officers to be followed.
This Annual Evaluation Meeting tends to offer an opportunity to every staff in all directorates to present its performance result based on Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in 2014 with its obstacles and challenges. Moreover, every directorate also presents plans and programs for fiscal year of 2015, including present expectation and recommendations.
CAC staffs with enthusiasm and pro-active participates in this annual meeting in a constructive discussion atmosphere for good progress of CAC.
This is the fifth Annual Meeting since its establishment on 22 February 2010 to evaluate its performances of every directorate. (*)

CAC Halao Rekrutamentu Ba Investigador No Offisial

IMG_0143Dili – Aplikantes nain 212 tuir izame eskrita ba vagas 10 atu sai investigador Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) nian iha Akademia Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Comoro Dili iha loron Sesta-feira (14/11). Loron Segunda-feira (17/11) kandidatus nain 174 tuir izame eskrita ba vagas hat iha Eskola Canossa Has Laran, Dili. Nune’e total 386 aplikantes mak tuir prova eskrita ba vagas 14 iha CAC.
Tuir planu CAC nian sei rekruta investigador hamutuk nain 10 hodi kompleta total investigador nain 15 ne’ebé iha ona. Iha preosesu rekrutamentu ba investigador, CAC sempre servisu hamutuk ho Instituisaun Prokurador Jeral da Republika no PNTL. Prosesu rekrutamentu ba funsionariu publiku, CAC servisu hamutuk ho Comissão Função Pública (CFP).
“CAC halo rekrutamentu ba investigador nain 10 iha tinan ne’e no rekruta tan funsionariu publiku nain hat ba vagas ho pozisaun Estudu no Analiza BoQ, Estudu Juridiku no Politika, Sidadania Civika no Peskizador,” Katak ofisial Rekurusu Umanu CAC, Luis Ersio Guterres.
Iha rekrutamentu tinan ne’e, funsionariu CAC hamutuk nain ne’en (6) mos konkore ba vaga investigador maibe hetan pena diskualifikasaun husi Senior Management CAC nian. Nune’e mos iha offisiais PNTL nain tolu mak konkore ba vaga investigador maibe CAC la autoriza tamba la iha autorizasaun husi Komando PNTL.
Rekrutamentu ida ne’e nudar rekrutamentu ba Dahuluk iha Komisariu CAC Segundu Mandatu Adérito Tilman nian lideransa ne’ebé toma posse iha loron 15 fulan Juluhu 2014. Oras ne’e funsionariu no investigador CAC nian hamutuk nain 65. (*)

CAC Conducts Recruitment for Investigator and Officials

IMG_0143Dili – About 212 applicants were competing at writing test to join Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) for the position of 10 investigators at National Police Academy Comoro Dili on Friday (14/11) last week. Today, Monday (17/11) another 195 applicants also compete in a writing test for four administrations vacant at Canossian School Has Laran, Dili. Total applicants who took the writing test for 14 vacant at CAC are 407 applicants.
CAC will recruit 10 more investigators to complete total 15 current investigators. CAC works together with Prosecutor General’s office and National Police during the process of recruitment for investigators and Public Service Commission for CAC officials as public servants.
“CAC conduct recruitment for 10 investigators this year and also recruit 4 more public servants to the positions of Study and Analysis of BoQ Officer, Legal and Politic Officer, Civic Education Officer and a Researcher,” said CAC Human Resources Officer, Luis Ersio Guterres.
In this year recruitment, about six CAC officials have been disqualified to join the recruitment process as investigator by the Senior Management. Three National Police officials also been disqualified as their general Commands have not allowed them to join the CAC recruitment process.
This recruitment process as first recruitment conduct by CAC under newly elected Commissioner Leadership of Second Mandate, Adérito Tilman that inaugurated by the National Parliament on 15th of July 2014. CAC has 65 officials that comprising of 15 investigators and 50 officials. (*)