Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Diskursu Komisariu CAC, Dr. Adérito Pinto Iha okiziaun Vizita Trabalhu husi Delegasaun Solomon Islands

IMG_1781Diskursu Komisariu CAC, Dr. Adérito Pinto

Iha okiziaun Vizita Trabalhu husi

Delegasaun Solomon Islands kona-ba

“Sharing The Experience and lessons Learned of Fighting Corruption: Timor-Leste’s Perspective”

8 Julu 2015

Ekselentíssmu Senhor Provedor Provedoria Solomon Islands, Sr. Joe Poraiwai

Ekselentíssimu Senhor Chairman Komisaun Kodigu Lideransa (Leadership Code Commission) Sr. Francis Luza

Excelentíssimu Senhores no senhoras delegasaun husi Solomon Islands

Ekseletíssimu Komisariu Adjuntus CAC no Diretores CAC

Hodi Commissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) nia naran, ho fuan nakloke hau hato’o benvindo ba Ekselentissimu Senhores no Senhoras Delegasaun Solomon Islands ne’ebé mai halo visita trabalhu hodi hare esperensia luta kontra korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.

Ho dezenvolvimentu teknolojia no ekonomia iha era globalizasaun mundu loron ohin, korrupsaun sai problema global ne’ebé hamosu disturbansia ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia no sai preokupasaun bo’ot ba paiz hotu-hotu. Korrupsaun mak inimigu ba dezenvolvimentu hodi hamosu problema ekonomia no social oin-oin, kria injustisa no desigualidade ba vida sidadaun sira nian no hamoris krime seluk.

Problema korrupsaun sai hanesan problema global. Maibe solusaun ba korrupsaun tenke baseia ba kontestu legal, institusional, socio-cultural iha rai ida-idak nian. Tamba ne’e, Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) sente orgulho tebes ba vizita trabalhu loron ohin hodi fahe esperensia luta kontra korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. Hein katak esperensia no lesson learned kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste bele kontribui ba esforsu prevene no kombate korrupsaun no estabelesimentu Komisaun Independente Anti-Korrupsaun Solomon Islands.

Nasaun Timor-Leste no Solomon Islands iha natureza no character  barak ne’ebé hanesan por exemplo iha area socio-cultura, politika no Timor-Leste no Solomon Islands mós tama iha Small Islands States. Tamba ne’e Commissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) apresia tebes ho esforsu no seriedade Solomon Islands atu establese Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun ne’ebe independente no autonomo.

Excelentíssimu Senhores no Senhoras,

Commissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC), instituisaun ne’ebe sei nurak no foin kompleta ninia esistensia ba tinan Lima (5), maibé esforsu, dedikasaun no progressu ne’ebe Commissão ne’e atinji hodi ultrapasa sasidik no desafius lubuk ne’ebe hasoru, hatudu seriedade no vontade diak atu prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha kontestu konstrusaun Estadu Timor-Leste.

Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) estabelese hodi responde ba necesidade Reformasaun Administrasaun husi 5o (Kinto) Governo ne’ebé lidera husi Eis Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão. Commissão Anti-Corrupção moris ho lei Parlamentu No. 8/2009 ne’ebe atribui nia misaun mak halo asaun prevensaun no investigasaun kriminal ba krime korrupsaun iha forma oin-oin hanesan define iha Kodigu Penal Timor-Leste.

Commissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) simu kbi’it nudar orgaun polisia kriminal espesializada, ne’ebe independente ho pesoa koletiva ida ne’ebe iha direitu públiku, haknaar ho personalidade juridika ho independensia teknika no autonomia administrativa no finanseira.

Iha servisu investigasaun criminal Commissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) sub-tutela ba Ministeriu Publiku ne’ebe tuir lei sai nudar nain ba asaun penal. Iha Servisu Prevensaun Criminal, Commissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) halao nia servisu ho kolaborasaun no partisipasaun husi institusaun sira seluk hanesan Inspetor Jeral do Estadu, Provedoria Direitus Humanus no Justica, Komisaun Funsaun Publika, Seitur Privadu, Akademiku, Sociedade Civil no Governu.

Excelentíssimu Senhores no Senhoras,

Hau espera katak vizita trabalhu loron ohin nian bele fornese oportunidade diak ba delegasaun Solomon Islands atu hare no estuda kona-ba esforsu prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste no bele sai bukae ba esforsu prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha Solomon Islands.

Dala ida tan, hau nia benvindo ba Ekselentisimu senhores no senhoras no deseju susesu ba diskusaun dader ne’e no mos vizita ba institusaun seluk orsida lokraik no ba ita nia esforsu luta kontra korrupsaun.




Welcome Remarks of CAC Commissioner, Dr. Adérito Pinto On the occasion of Study Tour of Solomon Islands Delegations

IMG_1781Welcome Remarks of CAC Commissioner, Dr. Adérito Pinto

On the occasion of Study Tour of Solomon Islands Delegations on

“The Sharing of the Experience and Lessons Learned of Fighting Corruption: Timor-Leste’s Perspective”

Friday, July 10th 2015

His Excellency Ombudsman, Mr. Joe Poraiwai

His Excellency of Chairman of Leadership Code Commission, Mr. Francis Luza

Excellences Delegations of Solomon Islands

Excellences Deputy Commissioners and Directors of CAC

Ladies and Gentlemen

On behalf of the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC), I would like to warmly welcome Excellences Delegations of Solomon Islands on this very study tour to observe and learn the experience of fighting against corruption in Timor-Leste.

We are living in a globalized world with incredible technology innovation and economic development. However corruption remains as a serious global problem that undermines development, triggers social upheaval that becomes major concern to all countries. Corruption is the enemy of development. Corruption fosters various economic and social problems, creates injustices and inequality and other crimes.

Corruption is a global phenomenon. However the solutions to address the corruption issues have to be tailored to legal, institutional, socio-cultural context in every country. Therefore, the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) is very honored with the visit and privileged to share our experience and lessons learned of preventing and combating corruption in Timor-Leste with the Excellences Delegations. We hope that Timor-Leste’s experience of preventing and combating corruption will contribute to your efforts to address corruption issue and establish the Solomon Islands Anti-Corruption Commission.

Timor-Leste and Solomon Islands share many similar nature and character for instance socio-cultural, politics and both are small islands developing states. Therefore, the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) would like to commend the seriousness and efforts to establish the Solomon Island Anti-Corruption Commission that is independent and autonomous.

Excellences Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) is a young institution that just completed 5 years of existence. However the unwavering dedication, resolute commitment, and the determined efforts of the Commission to overcome the challenges and obstacles show the resilient will and seriousness of purpose of preventing and combating corruption in the context of State Building of Timor-Leste.

The Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) was established as part of the Public Administration Reformed Agenda of 5th Constitutional led by the leader of freedom fighter, former Prime Minister of Xanana Gusmão. The Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) was created by law No.8/2009 with the mission to undertake prevention action and criminal investigation action against corruption in any of its forms as defined by the Penal Code of Timor-Leste.

The Commission is given the status of an independent, specialized criminal policy body with legal persons governed by public law, given a legal personality with technical independence and administrative and financial autonomy.

In the capacity of criminal investigation, the Commission shall act the responsibility of the competent judicial authority that lies in the Public Prosecutor Office according to the law. In the capacity of criminal prevention, the Commission undertakes its mandate with collaboration and active participation of all relevant institutions such as Office of Inspector General, Provedoria of Human Rights and Justice, Public Service Commission, Private Sector, Academic, Civil Society Organizations and Government.

Excellences Ladies and Gentlemen,

I hope that this study tour today will provide great opportunity to the delegations of Solomon Islands to see and learn about the efforts of preventing and combating corruption in Timor-Leste. We hope that Timor-Leste experience could be a small reference of combating corruption in Solomon Islands.

Once again, my very warm welcome to excellences delegations and I wish a fruitful discussion with us and visits to other institutions later this afternoon and success to our common efforts to fight against corruption.




Delegasaun Solomon Islands Vizita Timor-Leste

IMG_6529Dili –Senior Management Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) lidera husi Komisariu Dr. Adérito Antonio Pinto Tilman simu vizita kortezia delegasaun husi nasaun belun Solomon Islands hamutuk nain ne’en (6) mai Timor-Leste nudar Study Tour ida iha loron Sesta-feira (10/7) ohin iha edifisiu CAC Farol Dili.

Objetivu husi vizita ne’e, atu estuda TL nia esperiensia no perspetiva iha esforsu prevene no kombate korrupsaun nune’e  bele fo espasu ba sira hodi prepara aan harii rasik sira nian instituisaun anti-korrupsaun iha futuru.

Komisariu Adérito Tilman sente orgulhu no apresia ba vizita kortezia ne’e no espera delegasaun bele hetan informasaun diak husi esperiensia iha esfrosu prevene no kombate korrupsaun TL nian nudar bukae ba membrus delegasaun sira atu bele implementa iha sira nian rai.

“CAC sente orgulhu tebes ba vizita trabalhu loron ohin hodi fahe esperiensia luta kontra korrupsaun iha TL. Espera esperiensia ne’ebé loron ohin delegasaun hetan bele kontribui ba esforsu prevene no kombate korrupsaun, no estabelesimentu Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun iha Ilha Salomon,” katak Komisariu Tilman.

Programa ida ne’e finansia husi UNODC ho delegasaun husi Solomon Islands; Mr. Moses Saitala, Mr. Francis Luza, Mr. Joe Poraiwai, Mr. John Kouni, Mr Derek Futaias no reprezentante UNODC Annika Whytes sei iha Dili durante rua mai vizita CAC no instituisaun governu sira hanesan PDHJ, CNE no edifisiu Prokurador Jeral. (*)

Solomon Islands Delegation Visits Timor-Leste

IMG_6529Dili – Senior Management of Commission of Anti-Corruption (CAC) led by Commissioner Dr. Adérito Antonio Pinto Tilman welcomed delegation from government agencies of Solomon Island at CAC office on Friday, 10 July.

The objective of thi visit is to learn from Timor-Leste experiences on creating the anti-corruption institution and to exchange ideas and perspective on prevention and combating corruption, as Solomon Island is prepare to establish an anti corruption agency.

Commissioner Tilman appreciated this visit and hope that this delegation would gain some valuable information and knowledge from CAC experince and Timor-Leste in general on the  efforts to prevent and combat corruption and hopefully bring some knowledge that they learn here to implement in Salomon Island.

“CAC is extremely happy with this visit and honoured that we can share our experience on combating corruption and prevention program with this delegation. I am hoping that they would be able to bring back home some useful information from this visit. Says Commissioner Tilman

This program is funded by UNODC with delegations from Solomon Island; Mr. Moses Saitala, Mr. Francis Luza, Mr. Joe Poraiwai, Mr. John Kouni, Mr Derek Futaias and an UNODC representative  Annika Whytes will  be here in Dili for two days visiting CAC and other government agencies such as Provedor Office of Human Rights, PDHJ, Commission of National Election (CNE) and Office of Prosecutor General. (*)