Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Delegasaun CAC Halao Vizita Offisial Ba CCAC Makau No Hong Kong

IMG_4184Dili – Delegasaun Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) lidera husi Komisariu Dr. Adérito Tilman akompanha husi Komisariu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar no Jonas Guterres halao vizita semana ida (20-24/4) ba iha Commissioner against Corruption of Macau (CCAC) and the University of Hong Kong, School of Professional and Continuing Education.

Objetivu husi vizita ne’e atu hametin kooperasaun instituisional ho CCAC Makau no the University of Hong Kong, School of Professional and Continuing Education.

Delegasaun simu husi Komisariu CCAC, Dr. Cheong Weng Chong ho nia gabinete iha loron 20-21 Abril hodi deskute posibilidade kooperasaun bilateral iha asuntus importante inklui mekanismu no manajementu Asset and interest Disclosure, medidas prevensaun korrupsaun iha seitor privadu no kriminalizasaun seitor privadu.

Iha loron 22 Abril, delegasaun CAC mos hasoru malu ho koordenador ofisiuba protesaun dadus personal Dr. Fong Man Cheong no official senior legal Dr. Luis Manuel hodi deskute no troka malu instrumentus legal no pratika diak liu kona-ba protesaun dadus personal husi esperiensia Makau nian.

Delegasaun CAC halao vizita ba iha University of Hong Kong, School of Professional and Continuing Education iha loron 23 Abril hodi deskute kona-ba kooperasaun bilateral iha area kontinuasaun edukasaun ba ofisiais CAC iha area estudus anti-korrupsaun. delegasaun CAC simu husi Senior Programme Director of Associate Head of College of Humanities and Law Sr. NGAI no Senior Programme Director Stephen C.

Iha loron ikus vizita ne’e, delegasaun CAC hasoru malu ho Chefe Gabinete Komisariu CCAC Makau nia, Dr. Sam Vai Keong hodi deskute klean liu tan atu formaliza kooperasaun bilateral. (*)

CAC delegation conducted official visit to CCAC Macao and Hong Kong

IMG_4184Dili – CAC delegation led by Commissioner Dr. Adérito Tilman, Deputy Commissioner for Prevention, Dr. Manuel Bucar and national adviser for institutional cooperation and UNCAC implementation, Mr. Jonas Guterres conducted one week official visit to Commissioner against Corruption of Macau (CCAC) and the University of Hong Kong, School of Professional and Continuing Education.

The purpose of the visits is to strengthen institutional cooperation with Commission against Corruption of Macao and the University of Hong Kong, School of Professional and Continuing Education in the priority areas identified by CAC.

CAC delegation was welcomed by Commissioner CCAC, Dr. CHEONG Weng Chong and his Cabinet on 20-21 April to discuss possible bilateral cooperation in some pressing issues includes Mechanism and Management of Asset and Interest Disclosure, Anti-Corruption Prevention Measures in Private Sector and Criminalization of Private Sector.

In 22 April, CAC delegation also met with Coordinator of Office for Personal Data Protection Dr. FONG Man Cheong and Senior Legal Officer of Mr. Luis Manuel to discuss and exchange legal instruments and best practices of personal data protection from Macao experience.

CAC delegation paid a visit to the University of Hong Kong, School of Professional and Continuing Education on April 23 to discuss bilateral cooperation in the area of continuing education for CAC officials in the anti-corruption studies. CAC delegation was welcomed by Dr. CHAN Samson, Senior Programme Director of Associate Head of College of Humanities and Law and Mr. NGAI, Stephen C, Senior Programme Director.

In the last day of the visit, CAC delegation met with Dr. Sam Vai Keong, Chief of Cabinet of Commissioner against Corruption of Macao to discuss step forward to formalize the bilateral cooperation. (*)