Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Komisáriu CAC Dr. Sergio Hornai Aprezenta Relatoriu Annual 2018 ba PN

Dili – Segunda-feira (3/6), Komissáriu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Dr. Sergio Hornai akompanha husi estrutura ba aprezenta Relatóriu Annual iha Parlamento Nacional (PN). Relatório Anual 2018 ne’ebé abranje 119 pájinas ne’e nudar relatóriu dahuluk aprezenta husi Mandatu Terseiru.

Relatóriu komunika rezultadu implementasaun programas ho ninian atividades husi mandatu anteriores. Relatóriu ne’e hatudu katak maske CAC hasoru dezafius lubun balun hanesan impasse polítiku no absênsia  Komissáriu nian durante fulan hitu (7) nian laran, maibe estrutura CAC konsege implementa maioria atividades neebé refleta programas Komisaun nian.

Komissáriu relata ba Parlamento Nacional katak tinan 2018, Diresaun Investigasaun detekta 81 kazus korrupsaun, no investigador sira kompletu relatóriu preliminar hamutuk 21 kazus hodi haruka ba Gabinete Procuradoria Geral (GPG). Nune’e mos, halao investigasaun 49 kazus korrupsaun (iha ne’ebe 42 kazus korrusaun delega husi GPG iha tinan 2018 no 7 kazus mai husi tinan anterior), no CAC konsege kompleta relatóriu final hamutuk 36 kazos. Durante investigasaun, CAC investiga sasin nain hamutuk 748 no suspeitus hamutuk 55.

Hanesan aprezenta husi Komissáriu Hornai, aktu pekulatu mak domina kazus korrupsaun, tuir mai abuzu poder, mal-administrasaun, falsifikasaun dokumentus, partisipasaun ekonomia iha negosiu, pekulatu uzu no subornu.

Diresaun Prevensaun implementa programas konsiensializasaun balun ba iha eskolas ensinu baze ba too iha nível universidade, sentru joventude no realiza workshops ba instituisaun estadu sira. Diresaun ida nee mos halao monitorazasaun no inspeksaun lubun balun ba iha eskolas no instituisaun estadu sira ne’ebé mak iha indikasaun risku korrupsaun.

Nune’e mos, atu reforsa kooperasaun ho entidades seluk, Komisaun assina tiha ona MoU ho Unidade Informação Financeira (UIF) iha Banku Sentral no mos ho Programa Nasoens Unidas ba Desenvolvimento (PNUD) iha area prevensaun korrupsaun. Komisaun mos mantein kooperasaun diak no kontaktu regular ho embaixada Estadus Unidus América (EUA) iha Díli, no mos ho UNODC atu melhora kapasidade Especialista Anti-Korrupsaun (EAK), liu husi formasaun lubuk ida iha rai laran no mos iha rai liur.

Komissáriu mos foti dezafius sirak neebé CAC hasoru hanesan limitasaun rekursus, falta instrumentus legal no kooperasaun institusional, sujere rekomendasaun lubun ida ba Parlamento Nacional atu haforsa CAC hodi melhora liu tan Komisaun nian funsaun iha luta kontra korrupsaun. (*)

Commissioner Sergio Hornai Presented 2018 Annual Report to National Parliament

Dili – Monday (3/6), the Anti-Corruption Commissioner Dr. Sergio Hornai accompanied by his structure to present the report of ACC Timor-Leste to the National Parliament (PN). The 2018 Annual Reports, which spans of 119 pages, is the first report that presented by third mandate.

The Report communicated the result of implementation the programs and its activities from previous mandate. The reported indicated that, even though, CAC faced numbers of challenges such as political deadlock and the absence of the Commissioner within seven months, but the remain structure in ACC managed implement most of the activities that reflected in its programs.

The commissioner informed to the National Parliament that during 2018, the Investigation Directorate detected 81 corruption cases, and investigator completed the preliminary report of 21 cases sent to Office of Prosecute General (OPG). While, undertook investigation of 49 corruption cases (which was 42 corruption cases delegated from OPG in 2018 and 7 cases from previous years), and ACC managed to complete final report on 36 cases. During the investigation, ACC interviewed 748 witnesses and 55 suspects.

As it presented by Commissioner Hornai, the embezzlement was dominant in corruption cases, then follow by abuse of power, mal-administration, falsification of documents, participation in economic and commerce, misappropriation of public assets and bribery.

Directorate of Prevention implemented numbers of awareness raising programs to the elementary schools up to university levels, youth center, and conducted workshops with numbers of state institution. This directorate conducted as well monitoring and inspection to number of schools and state institution that’s indicated risk of corruption.

While, to strength the cooperation with other entities, Commission signed MoU with Financial Information Unit (FIU) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the area of Corruption prevention. The Commission also maintained good cooperation and regular contact with the embassy of United States of America (USA) in Dili, as well as with UNODC to enhance capacity of the anti-corruption specialist, through number of training both in house as well in overseas.

Commissioner also raised some of challenges that faced by CAC such as limitation of resources, lack of legal instruments and institutional cooperation, and suggested numbers of recommendations to National Parliament in order to equip ACC to have a better function in fighting against corruption. (*)