Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

UNODC-KPK Indonesia Conducts “Investigation Training” to CAC-PSIC Investigators

400A6277Dili – Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) Adérito Pinto Tilman Monday (7/08) officially opened a five-days training on “Investigation Training” to more than 40 CAC and Scientific Police for Criminal Investigation (PSIC) investigators. The training will be conducted within five days (7-11/8).

The training is funded by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) at Maubara Room, Timor Plaza Dili and delivered by four senior investigators of Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

The objectives of the training is to increase the capacity of Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) investigator in order to investigating corruption cases. A Cycle Approach will be used in the training to collect data, data analyses (based on public complaints or investigations) and prosecution process.

The five-day training is as part of implementation of MoU between UNODC and CAC that signed in August 2014. UNODC presence in Timor-Leste is to support law enforcement agencies in Timor-Leste such as CAC by providing technical assistance and capacity building program to this respective institution.

Commissioner Adérito in his intervention told CAC-PSIC’s investigators to make use of the training as an opportunity from KPK Indonesia’s to enhance their capacity and knowledge. Investigators must make use of every training opportunity in Timor-Leste or overseas.

“This is an important moment for CAC and PSIC investigators to gain experience from our colleagues from KPK in carrying out quality investigative tasks of corruption cases in the future” said Commissioner Adérito.

The five days investigation training is a continued support from UNODC, for the past three years. UNODC has been provided training in the area of investigation, interrogation, anti-money laundering, computer forensic and digital evidence, etc.

UNODC supports anti-corruption in Timor-Leste through the Norwegian funded project “Strengthening Anti-Corruption Institutions in Timor-Leste”. As part of the project, UNODC organises capacity building training activities for the investigators at CAC to strengthen their capabilities to detect and investigate cases of corruption.

The trainers for this training are from KPK Indonesia; Aminudin, Afief Yulian Miftach, Any Susanti dan Ita Larasati. (*)

UNODC-KPK Halao “Investigation Training” ba Investigador CAC-PSIC

400A6277Dili – Komisariu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Adérito Pinto Tilman iha loron Segunda-feira (7/08) ofisialmente loke formasaun kona-ba “Investigation Training” ba investigador CAC no Polisia Scientifika Investigasaun Criminal (PSIC).

Formasaun ne’ebe maka sei hala’o durante loron lima nia laran (7-11/08) hetan partisipasaun hosi partisipante liu 40 ne’ebe maka mai hosi CAC no PSCIC.

Formasaun ne’e finansia husi United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) ne’e halao iha Salaun Maubara, Timor Plaza Dili. Formador ba formasaun ne’e mai husi investigador senior Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Indonesia.

Objetivu husi formasaun ne’e atu aumenta kapasidade investigador CAC-PSIC nian atu investiga kazu korrupsaun. Iha formasaun ne’e, uza aprosimasaun siklus rekolha dadus, analisa dadus (bazeia ba keixa sira husi keixador sira ou investigasaun) no prosesu akuzasaun.

Formasaun loron lima ne’e nudar parte husi implementasaun MoU entre UNODC-CAC ne’ebé formaliza iha tinan 2014 liu ba. Prezensa UNODC iha TL atu suporta ajensia supremasaun lei nian hanesan CAC hodi oferese treinamentu asistensia tekniku no programa hasae kapasidade proposionadu ba instituisaun ida ne’e.

Komisariu Adérito iha nian intervensaun hamenon ba investigador CAC-PSIC sira atu aproveita oportunidade formasaun husi investigador KPK Indonesia nian ne’e hodi hakbiit sira nian kapasidade no horizonte. Investigador sira tenki uza kada oportunidade formasaun sira hetan tantu iha laran no mos iha rai liur.

“Ida ne’e momentu importante ba investigador CAC ho PSIC atu gainha esperiensia husi ita nian belun sira husi KPK Indonesia hodi halao servisu investigasaun nian ho kualidade ba kazu korrupsaun iha futuru,”  Komisariu Aderito hatutan teni.

Formasaun durante loron lima nian laran ne’e nudar kontinuasaun suporta husi UNODC, iha tinan tolu nian laran ba kotuk. UNODC fornese ona treinamentu iha area investigasaun, interogasaun, money laundry, computer forensic no digital evidence no seluk-seluk tan.

UNODC apoia luta kontra korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste finansiadu husi projeitu Norwegian “Strengthening Anti-Corruption Institutions in Timor-Leste”. Nudar parte husi projeitu, UNODC organiza atividades treinamentu kapasitasaun ba investigador CAC sira atu fortalese sira nian kapasidades atu detekta no investiga kazu korrupsaun.

Formador husi KPK Indonesia iha treinamentu ne’e mak; Aminudin, Afief Yulian Miftach, Any Susanti dan Ita Larasati.  (*)

Deputy Commissioner of CAC Manuel Bucar Held a Courtesy Meeting with Representatives of KOICA and UNDP

400A6230Dili – Today, Wednesday (2/8) The Deputy Commissioner of Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) accompanied some chiefs of units and /​held a courtesy meeting with the Deputy Country Director Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Kim Young-Gil and Assistant Country Director of UNDP Mariano do Carmo at CAC Meeting Room Farol Dili.

The objective of the meeting was to confirm both international agencies KOICA and UNDP commitment to obtain technical and financial assistance to CAC in the effort of preventing and combating corruption in Timor-Leste.

Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar expressed his joy and gratitude for this good initiative in collaboration with KOICA and UNDP in the fight against corruption in East Timor.

“Through this cooperation and assistance from KOICA and UNDP in preventing and combating corruption programs, we can create a strong culture in the conscience of Timorese people,” said Deputy Commissioner of CAC Manuel Bucar. (*)

Komisariu Adjuntu CAC Manuel Bucar Halao Sorumutu Kortejia Ho Reprezentante KOICA no UNDP

400A6230Dili – Ohin, loron Kuarta-feira (2/8) Komisariu Adjuntu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) ba asuntu Servisu Teknikus, Apoio no Kooperasaun Manuel Bucar akompanha husi Chefe Unidade Promosaun Valores no Integridade husi Chefe Unidade Kooperasaun halao enkountru ho

Deputy Country Director Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Kim Young-Gil no Assistant Country Director United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Mariano Carmo iha Salaun Enkountru CAC Farol Dili.

Objetivu husi Enkontru ne’e atu affirma ajensia internasional rua ne’e nian komitmentu atu fo asistensia teknika no finansiaseira ba luta kontra korrupsaun iha area prevensaun korrupsaun nian iha nasaun doben Timor-Leste.

Komisariu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar ekspresa ninian haksolok no agradese ba inisiativa jenuina servisu hamutuk entre KOICA no UNDP iha luta kontra korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.

“Liu husi kooperasaun no tulun husi KOICA ho UNDP nian ba luta prevene no kombate korrupsaun bele sai nudar kultura ida ne’ebe forti iha Timor oan sira nian neon,” katak Komisariu Adjuntu Bucar. (*)