Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC Deputy Commissioners Sworn in

Dili – New Comissão Anti-Corrupção Commissioner Adérito António Pinto Tilman has sworn in José A. Neves and Manuel Bucar as his two deputy commissioners for CAC’s second mandate period.
Deputy Commissioners Neves and Bucar re-assume responsibility for the directorates of Education & Research, and Prevention, respectively. These are the same positions they held under former commissioner Adérito Soares during the 2010-2014 first mandate.
The swearing-in ceremony at Delta Nova was attended by Vice Presidents of the National Parliament Adriano do Nascimento and Adérito Hugo, former President of the Republic and Nobel Peace Prize laureate José Ramos-Horta, former Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri, Prosecutor-General José Ximenes, and members of the government, NGO, religious and media communities as well as CAC staff.
Commissioner Tilman, making his first public address since being elected to the role by the National Parliament, drew attention to the professionalism and dedication of Deputy Commissioners Neves and Bucar, and the fight ahead for the country.
“They have served Timor-Leste with honesty and integrity in their academic lives, their professional lives and in the fight for independence,” said the Commissioner.
“CAC has always said that government alone cannot fight corruption. It requires awareness of the common good, the common country and an eye to the public interests by all Timorese citizens.
“The development of our country must not be accompanied by the development of corruption.”
During the second mandate, CAC will focus on capacity building and fortifying public awareness to enhance the integrity and professionalism of the public service and community.
The 2014-18 prevention plan will also be prioritized and implemented, which aims to tackle the issues of procurement, political will, the decentralization of government power and the customs directorate.
CAC will also continue to build institutional capacity by increasing its technical specialization in the areas of investigations and prevention. We are committed to having a good working relationship with our colleagues across government – particularly the Prosecutor-General’s Office, the media, and NGOs.
CAC will support all people’s effort to fortify knowledge and offer any means to say no to corruption in the public service and people’s daily lives – at home and in the work place.
We continue to reaffirm that alone, we cannot rid Timor-Leste of corruption. The public service, NGOs, media and all citizens must utilize its collective power to combat corruption. (*)

Komisáriu Adjuntus CAC Simu Posse

Dili – Komisáriu foun Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Dr. Adérito António Pinto Tilman fo tomada de posse ba José A. Neves ho Manuel Bucar sai Komisáriu Adjuntu CAC ba period Segundu Mandatu nian.
Komisáriu Adjuntu Neves no Bucar re-asume responsabilidade ba dirasaun sira hanesan Edukasaun no Peskiza, no Prevensaun. Pozisaun sira hanesan sira asumi iha eis-Komisariu Adérito Soares nian okos durante Pirmeiru Mandatu husi tinan 2010-2014.
Serimonia tomada de posse ne’e halao iha Salaun Delta Nova ne’ebé atende husi Vice Prezidenti PN, Adriano do Nascimento no Adérito Hugo, Eis-Prezidenti da Republika no Loreadu Nobel da Paz José Ramos Horta, Eis Primeiru Ministru Marí Alkatiri, Prokurador Jeral José Ximenes, membru governus, servisu nain ONG, relijiosus, komunidade media no mos funsionariu CAC tomak.
Komisáriu Tilman, halo nian diskursu públiku hafoin eleitu ba nian papel husi Parlamentu Násional, foka atensaun ba profesionalizmu no dedikasaun Komisárius Neves ho Bucar nian, no luta ba oin ba nasaun.
“Sira nain rua serbí Timor-Leste ho honestidade no ho integridade iha sira nian moris akademiku nian, iha sira nian moris profesionalizmu no iha sira luta ba independensia,” katak Komisáriu Tilman iha nian diskursu.
“CAC sempre hateten katak governu rasik labele kontra korrupsaun. Ida ne’e presija konsiensia ba ema hotu nian diak, nasaun no matan ida ba interese públiku husi sidadaun Timorense tomak. “Dezenvolvimentu ita nian nasaun tenki ser labele akompanha ho dezenvolvimentu korrupsaun,”
“Durante Segundu Mandatu, CAC sei focus iha hasa’e kapasidade no fortifika konsiensia públiku atu hametin integridade no profesionalizmu servisu públiku no komunidade.
Planu prevensaun 2014-2018 mos sei prioritiza no implementa, ho meta atu halao isu sira hanesan aprovizionamentu, vontade politika, desentralizasaun poder governu no diresaun alfandega.
CAC mos sei kontinua atu dezenvolve kapasidade institusional hodi hasa’e tekniku espesializasaun iha area investigasaun no prevensaun. Ita komitmentu atu iha relasaun servisu diak ida ho ita nian belun iha governu hotu – partikularmente repartisaun Prokurador Jeral, media no ONG sira.
CAC sei suporta povu hotu nian esforsu atu fortifika konesimentu no oferta sa deit atu hateten lae ba korrupsaun iha servisu públiku no povu nian moris loron-loron – iha uma no iha servisu fatin.
Ita kontinua atu reafirma katak mesak, ita labele hamo’os Timor-Leste husi korrupsaun. Servisu públiku, ONG sira, media no sidadaun hotu-hotu tenki utiliza forsa koletivu hodi kombate korrupsaun. (*)

Message From New CAC Commissioner Tilman: Let’s Work Together To Fight Corruption

Dili – In his first address to Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) staff, new Commissioner Dr. Adérito Antonio Pinto Tilman made clear the best way to prevent and fight corruption in Timor-Leste is to work together as a team.
CAC Senior Management officially introduced Commissioner Tilman to staff and investigators yesterday (24/7) afternoon.
Commissioner Tilman in his address said he was elected by the National Parliament to lead the Commission. He said his role is not to reform its structure, which has already been established, but to reinforce, enhance and try to resolve any institutional challenges together with CAC’s staff.
“I am here not to take apart the Commission. I come here to reinforce what the previous Commissioner has completed with the two deputy commissioners and other colleagues. There are good elements that we will maintain and few failures we need to mend. That is why, during my time here, I will continue to appoint the existing two deputy commissioners,” Commissioner Tilman said.
He further expressed confidence that Deputy Commissioners Jose A. Neves and Manuel Bucar, all CAC staff and investigators will work together during the four years of the second mandate to face any challenges in prevention and anti-corruption efforts in the future.
During the second mandate, from 2014-2018, CAC staff will be focused on raising and strengthening public awareness in order to build ethical integrity and professionalism in the public service and community. Commissioner Tilman has also indicated that his first priority will be to lobby the Government and Parliament to approve CAC’s organic law this year.
Commissioner Tilman also appeals to all staff not to divulge any confidential information circulated within the institution to the public. He asked investigators to remember that that law is their bible, therefore investigators must carry out their work in a proper, legal manner.
“We must unite to carry out duties carefully with confidentiality and integrity. If we are united, our institution will be strong and other people and organizations will respect us externally.
“We should not defer to politicians. They can make political statements through the media, but we should not respond politically – instead we should respond sensibly as investigators,” said the Commissioner.
Commissioner Tilman also said all state institutions that have related anti-corruption duties need to work together in cooperation. Preventing and combating corruption right across the world is a huge job, and one that one institution alone cannot do.
“All institutions must work together. We cannot say that one institution alone can prevent and fight corruption in this country. We need to improve ourselves to face the challenges of the future,” Commissioner Tilman said.
The first steps in CAC’s program will be to re-appoint the two deputy commissioners on 30 July at Delta Nova, followed by a request to the Prosecutor-General to resume CAC’s investigative powers that have been on hold since start of this year. (*)

Mensajen Komisáriu CAC Foun Tilman: Mai Ita Servisu Hamutuk Kontra Korrupsaun

Dili – Iha nian primeiru liafuan murak ba funsionariu Commissão Anti Corrupção (CAC), Komisáriu foun Dr. Adérito António Pinto Tilman hateten klaru katak dalan diak atu prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste mak servisu hamutuk nudar ekipa ida.
Jerente Senior CAC ofisialmente introdus Komisáriu Tilman ba staff no investigador sira horseik (24/7) loraik.
Dr. Adérito iha nian intervensaun hateten Parlamentu Nasional (PN) eleitu nian sai Komisáriu mai lidera Komisaun. Nia hateten nian papel laos atu mai reforma strutura ne’ebé estabelese tiha ona maibe atu reforsa, hametin no tenta atu rezolve problema ruma instituisaun nian hodi hasoru dezafius hamutuk ho staff CAC tomak.
“Hau mai iha ne’e laos para atu sobu Komisaun. Hau mai para atu reforsa tan saida mak Komisáriu uluk kompleta ona ho Adjuntud nain rua halo hamutuk ho kolega sira seluk. Iha buat diak nebe mak ita sei mantein, no iha failansu oituan ita presija atu hadian. Tamba ne’e, durante hau nian tempu iha ne’e, hau sei kontinua hili Komisáriu Adjuntus nain rua ne’ebé ezisti tiha ona,” katak Komisáriu Tilman.
Komisáriu Tilman kontinua espresa konfiansa katak Komisáriu José A. Neves no Manuel Bucar, staff CAC tomak no investigador sira sei servisu hamutuk durante tinan hat iha Segundu Mandatu ne’e hodi hasoru dezafius iha esforsu prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha future.
Durante Segundu Mandatu, husi tinan 2014-2018, funsionariu CAC sei focus hodi hasa’e no hametin konsiensializasaun atu hari’I integridade etika no profesionalizmu iha servisu públiku no komunidade. KOmisáriu Tilman mos indika katak nian prioridade primeiru mak sei lobi governu no Parlamentu Nasional atu aprova lei organiku CAC iha tinan ne’e.
Komisáriu mos apela ba staff tomak atu la divulga kualker informasaun konfidensial ne’ebé iha instituisaun laran ba iha publiku. Komisariu husu investigador sira atu hanoin katak lei mak sira nian biblia ba investigador sira, nune’e sira tenki nafatin iha nafatin korajen atu halao servisu investigasaun diak, maneira legal.
“Ita tenki unidu hodi halao servisu ho konfidensialidade no integridade. Wainhira ita unidu, ita nian instituisaun sei forte, ema no organizasaun seluk husi liur sei reseu ita”.
“Ita labele hakruk ba politiku nain sira. Sira bele halo estatementu politiku iha jornal ka media, maibe ita labele responde politikamente – tenki responde ho tekniku juridikamente hanesan investigador,” Komisariu Tilman hatutan teni.
Komisáriu Tilman mos hateten instituisaun estadu ne’ebé iha relasaun servisu ho anti-korrupsaun presija iha kolaborasaun servisu hamutuk. Prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha mundo tomak hanesan servisu boot ida, nune’e instituisaun ida mesak labele halo buat ida.
“Instituisaun hotu-hotu tenki servisu hamutuk hodi fo laran ba malu. Labele dehan instituisaun ida mesak bele halao prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha rai ida ne’e. Ita kapasita a’an hodi infrenta dezafius iha futuru,” katak Komisáriu.
Primeiru etapa iha programa CAC nian sei hili hikas no halao serimonia tomada de posse ba Komisariu Adjuntus nain rua iha loron 30 fulan Julhu iha Salaun Delta Nova, tuir mai husu ba Prokurador Jeral da Republika atu normaliza hikas situasaun investigasaun nian ne’ebé mak para tiha oituan durante fulan hirak nia laran iha tinan ne’e. (*)