Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Investigadores CAC Partisipa Treinamentu konaba Tátika Operasaun Polisial hamutuk ho PNTL

Dili, 19/10/2012 Investigadores Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) hamutuk na’in 14, semana ne’e partisipa treinamentu operasaun-konjunta intensiva ida hamutuk ho Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) durante loron tolu nia laran iha Sentru Formasaun Polisia iha Rairobo, Atabae, sub-distritu Bobonaro. Terinamentu  kona-ba tátika operasaun polisial ne’e hanesan formasaun polisial báziku ba dala-uluk ba CAC hafoin Akordu Kooperasaun entre CAC no PNTL hala’o iha fulan Setembru liu ba.

Formasaun espesializadu ne’e konsentra liu ba operasaun polisial nebe mak involve koñesimentus espesializada sira hanesan oinsa atu hala’o operasaun iha kampo-hanesan téknika tiru polisial, buka tuir, kaer no prende suspeitus, hapara kareta no pasa revista no halo investigasaun.

Treinamentu operasaun konjunta ne’e hahu husi fatin terinamentu tiru-fatin PNTL nian iha Kaitehu, distritu Liquica, ne’ebé mak investigador sira aprende kona-ba téknika oinsa tiru—tuir fali iha Postu Marina Atabae nian, investigador sira aprende kona-ba téknika oinsa tama uma, buka tuir no kaer suspeitu sira no hapara no pasa revista kareta. Molok to’o iha Sentru Treinamentu iha Rairobo, investigador sira aprende kona-ba oinsa atu atua kriminozo sira iha dalan klaran no halo atuasaun wainhira iha situasaun perigu ruma.

Treinamentu ne’e dirizi direitamente husi Komandante Jeral PNTL Longuihos Montéiro no hetan apoiu husi instrutores polisia seluk husi Sentru Investigasaun Kriminal (SIC), Unidade Fronteira, Unidade Marina, no unidade polisia espesial tolu seluk: Grupu Operasaun Espesial (GOE), Batalhaun Ordem Públiku (BOP)  no Korpu Siguransa Pesoal (CSP) no mos Asesores husi CAC.

Iha loron ba daruak, investigador sira halo simulasi kona-ba oinsa atu rezolve problema krimi organizadu ida kona-ba brankamentu kapital/money laundry-iha ne’e, investigador sira servisu hamutuk ho Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal PNTL nian hala’o prosesu tomak kona-ba oinsa atu atua kazu korrupsaun brankamentu capital, husi prosesu halibur informasaun no análiza informasaun to’o prosesu lori ba tribunal.

Iha loron datoluk, treinamentu kontinua ho treinamentu fízika nomos refreska fila fali koñesimentu báziku balu nébé sira aprende iha loron antes.

Terinamentu operasaun-konjunta ne’e ramata ohin loromanas—seremonia enseramentu hala’o iha Kuarte Jeral PNTL Caicoli Dili. Marka prezensa iha seremonia enseramentu ba treinamentu operasaun-konjunta ne’e mak Komisáriu CAC Adéritu de Jesus Soares, Komisáriu Adjuntu Manuel Cotinho Bucar, Komandante Jeral PNTL Montéiro no ofisiais PNTL sira seluk.

Durante seremonia enseramentu, Komisáriu CAC no Komandante Jeral PNTL kongratula partisipante no instrutor sira hotu kona-ba treinamentu konjunta ne’ebe la’o ho diak no suksesu—ulun bo’ot na’in rua ne’e akresenta kona-ba importansia husi treinamentu konjunta ne’e nomos kolaborasaun entre instituisaun rua ne’e atu organiza aan diak liu tan iha oinsa atu atua krimi organizadu hanesan korrupsaun.

Komisáriu Adérito hatete: ”Korupsaun ne’e krími organizadu ida, purtantu ita (CAC no PNTL) tenki organizadu diak liu tan atu nune bele efektivu liu tan wainhira atua krimi korrupsaun. Ita persija aprende no servisu hamutuk atu lori misaun importante kona-ba kombate korrupsaun ne’e ba oin.”

Komandante Jeral Montéiro iha nia diskursu hatete: “Ita (CAC no PNTL) tenki orguilhu kona-ba saida mak ita hala’o hamutuk ona en termus de treinamentu konjunta atu kapasita ita nia rekursus—terinamentu konjunta ida hanesan inísiu ida deit, PNTL sei kontinua loke nafatin nia odamatan atu fornese suporta no atu koopera ho CAC iha kualker sirkumstansia wainhira persija.”

CAC ho PNTL sei kontinua hala’o treinamentu konjunta iha tempu oin mai kona-ba koñesimentus polisial seluk nian nebé staff CAC sira persija atu aprende.


CAC Investigators Exercise Tactical Police Operations with PNTL

Dili, 19/10/2012Fourteen Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) Investigators participate this week an intensive three-day joint operations training with the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) in the Police Training Center in Rairobo, Atabae, sub-district of Bobonaro. This is the first joint tactical and operational training following the Cooperation Agreement between CAC and PNTL this last September.

The concentrated training emphasized on police operations which involves basic specialized skills on how to conduct operations in the field such as, police shooting, chasing, arresting and handling of suspects, vehicle interception and check-point.

The joint operation training started from the police shooting range in Kaitehu, Liquica district, where the investigators learned about shooting techniques and was followed by chasing and arresting techniques in the Marine Compound in Atabae town and vehicle check-point and vehicle interception techniques while on the way up to the PNTL training center in Rairobo.

The joint-training was led directly by PNTL General Commander Longuinhos Monteiro and was assisted by several national police instructors from Crime Investigation Service (SIC), Border Patrol, Maritime Unit and three other special police units: Special Operation Group (GOE), Public Order Battalion (BOP) and Close Protection Police (CSP) and CAC advisers.

On the second day, the investigators were exposed to a simulation of problem solving involving an organized crime about money laundry activities—here, the investigators were asked to work with the Crime Investigation Service performing the entire process of handling a corruption case from gathering and analyzing information until the process was taken to the court.

The physical training continued on the third day including refreshing on some of the basic skills learned earlier.

The joint-operation training ended today and the closing ceremony was attended by Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission Adérito de Jesus Soares and Deputy Commissioner Manuel Continho Bucar and General PNTL Commander Longuinhos Monteiro at the PNTL Headquarter Caicoli, Dili.

During the closing ceremony, both Commissioner Adérito and Police Commander Monteiro congratulate all participants as well as instructors for the successful joint training between PNTL and CAC and state about the importance of joint-training and collaboration between the two institutions and to be more organized in tackling organized crime such as corruption cases. Commissioner Adérito said: “Corruption is an organized crime and as such we (CAC and PNTL) need to be more organized in order to be more effective in handling corruption cases. We need to learn and work together to carry out this important mission of combating corruption forward.”

Commander Montéiro said: “We (CAC and PNTL) should be proud of what we have done together in terms of joint-training to capacity our human resources—this is just the beginning, PNTL will continue to open our door to provide support and cooperate with CAC in any circumstance as needed.”

More join-operation trainings between CAC and PNTL are expected to take place in the future.