Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC Participate Three Days Basic SPSS Training

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) of Timor-Leste together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) organize a three-day training to strengthen statistical skills among ACC staff in the use of the Statistical Package of Social Science as a tool to analyze data relevant to the Commission’s work.

Participants in the three-day training  include Management and the staff of Education, Campaign and Research Units.In the training, participants learn some basic materials including the history of SPSS and its evolution, how to import data, structure data, data cleaning, data transfer, relations between variables, cross tabulation, and output data process.

It is expected that this capacity development intervention will contribute to strengthen analytical capacity in particular, knowledge and skills in utilizing SPSS tools of the ACC’s staff especially staff of the Directorate of Education, Campaign and Research in conducting research, presenting and analyzing data.

The half-day three-day training will end on 25 April 2012.

CAC Tuir Formasaun SPSS Baziku Durante Loron Tolu

Dili—23/04/2012Hahu loron 23 fulan Abril 2012, Commissaun Anti-Corrupsaun (CAC) Timor-Leste hamutuk ho Programa Nasoins Unidas ba Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD) hala’o formasaun loron tolu (3) hodi hametin abilidade funsionarius CAC nian iha utilizasaun Pakote Statistica ba Siensia Social (SPSS) hanesan tool ida hodi analiza dadus relevantes ba servisu Commissaun nian.

Partisipantes nebe sei tuir treinamentu ne’e inkluindu Mangement no funsionarius CAC nian, liu-liu funsionarius husi Diresaun Edukasaun, Kampanhe no Peskiza (DEKP).

Iha formasaun SPSS baziku ne’e, partisipante sira aprende materias balu hanesan istoria SPSS rasik, oinsa halo estrutura data, importa data husi excel, halo descriptive estatistika, data cleanig ka hamos data, no transformasun data, relasaun entre variables no prosesa output data.

Ho intervensaun dezenvolvimentu kapasidade ida ne’e, sei kontribui ba hametin no hasa’e kapasidade analitiku liu-liu konhesimentu no abilidade hodi utiliza tool SPSS nian ba funsionariu CAC, particularmente ba funsionariu DEKP nian durante hala’o peskiza, aprezenta dadus no halo analiza.

Formasaun loron baluk durante loron tolu ne’e sei remata iha loron 25 Abril 2012.


Learning Session Kona ba Deklarasun Aset.

Dili, 23/04/2012, Iha semana kotuk liu ba, Jim Benedeto nudar Asistente Prokurador Jeral husi Embaixada Estadus Unidus Amerika iha Timor-Leste aprezenta learning session ida konaba deklarasaun aset ba staff CAC no parseiru sira seluk nebe servisu iha area korupsaun, lei no ordem, justisa, jestaun financial, no transparensia publiku nian. Objektivu husi learning session ne’e atu hasa’e tan konhesimentuTimor oan nian, liu-liu staff CAC nian konaba deklarasaun aset no oinsa halo esbosu konaba asuntu ne’e. Sorumutu ne’e halao iha sala enkontru KAK Farol, Dili.

Iha sesaun durante oras ida ho balun ne’e, Assistente Prokurador Jim fahe esperiensia jeral konaba ba deklarasaun aset Estadus Unidus nian nebe fahe ka katergoria rua, katergoria ida ba sira nivel altu hanesan prezidente no nia membru governu no kongresista sira no kategoria seluk ba nivel klaran hanesan xefe departementu sira.

Aprensentasaun Jim nian ne’e hanesan esforsu ida ne’ebe KAK inisia hodi  konvida peritus husi fatin seluk, hodi hariku tan konhesimentu ba prosesu draf deklarasun aset, tamba oras ne’e CAC iha hela prosesu atu hamosu draf deklarasaun aset molok governu Timor Leste foun hahu nia knar iha fulan Agustu 2012.

Learning Session ne’e organiza husi Diresaun Prevensaun hamutuk ho Gabinete Komisariu CAC nian.

Learning Session on Asset Declaration

Dili, 23/04/2012-Last week, Assistant United States Attorney with the Justice Department from the USA Embassy in Dili, Mr. Jim Benedeto, presented a learning session on asset declaration at CAC’s office in Farol, Dili. The learning session aims at increasing participants’ knowledge and skills on asset declaration and how to prepare an effective draft of asset declaration for Timor-Leste. Participants in the learning session included CAC’s Management and staff from Prevention and Education and Campaign Directorates, representatives of law enforcement, justice, financial management, and Civil Society Organizations. In the learning session, Atorney Jim Benedeto shared general experience about the United States’ asset declaration which focused on two levels, high and middle level public servants.

Attorney Jim’s presentation as part of CAC’s initiative and effort to invite experts from different countries with different background to share their expertise on the issue as to enrich staff’s knowledge in the process of drafting Timor-Leste’s asset declaration law. It is expected that the draft be ready before the new government takes office in August 2012.

The learning session was organized jointly by CAC’s Prevention Directorate and the Office of Commissioner.