Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC organized “Anti-Corruption Workshop” and “Anti-Corruption Youth Cup 2013” in preparation to celebrate International anti-Corruption Day

Dili – Monday, September 30, 2013, Commissão anti-Corrupção (CAC) through Directorate of Education and Research, today organized a one day workshop with community leaders and youths of Sub-District Cristo Rei. This workshop was conducted at the Youth Center Becora with the theme “Society is the pillar of democracy in combating corruption”.

Director of Education and Research, Rosário de Araujo said “the purpose of this workshop is-particularly- to strengthen the friendship and fraternity of the youth through sports in order to prevent and combat corruption and –in general- to involve youth in the effort of fighting corruption”.

In the preparation to celebrate International Anti-Corruption Day, “CACplan to realize 2 special events; first, Anti-Corruption Workshop and technical meeting with the youth and community leader which was held today, second, Anti-Corruption Youth Cup 2013 in which 32 football clubs will compete and the matches are scheduled from October 1-30, 2013” said Director Rosário.

There were more than 20 participants attended the workshop from various community, among Becora, Bidaun Santa Ana, Kuluhun, Becusi, Kaikoli, Bidau Toko Baru, Akadiru Hun, Mota Ulun, Klakfuik, Has laran, Camea and many others.

CAC Organiza Sorumutu Anti Korrupsaun no Anti Corruption Youth Cup 2013 Molok Tama Loron Internasional Kontra Korrupsaun

Dili – Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (CAC), liu husi diresaun Edukasaun e Peskiza (EP) organiza sorumutu loron ida ho lider komunitáriu no Juventude Becora pretense Sub Distrito Cristo Rei,Segunda (30/9) foinlalaisne’eihasentruJuventude Becora, sorumutune’eho tema: “Sosiedade Mak Pilar Demokrasiaba Luta Kontra Korrupsaun”.

Tuir Diretor Interinu Dirasaun Edukasaun e Peskiza (EP), Rosáriu de Araújo hateten, objektivu sorumutu ne’e atu komemora loron mundial anti korrupsaun ne’ebe monu iha loron (9/12/2013), oinsa atu hakbi’it amizade no fraternidade juventude sira iha area desportu hodi prevene no kombate korrupsaun, no hakbi’it abilidade no valor juventude nian hodi partisipa ativu kontra korrupsaun.

Diretor Araujo mos hateten, eventus komemorativu ne’e, CAC hakarak realize mos  eventu special rua; sorumutu Anti Korrupsaun no technical meeting ba juventude ho lider Komunitáriu durante loron ida no halao kompetisaun futebol ka“Anti Corruption Youth Cup 2013” ba clubo futebol juventude hamutuk 32 iha Kapital Dili, no jogu abertura ne’e loke iha 1-30 Outobru 2013.

Partipantes husi workshop ne’e maka Liders Komunitariu hanesan chefe suco, chefe aldeia no juventude hamutuk 20 resin, ne’ebe mai husi Becora, Bidaun Santa Ana, Kuluhun,
Becusi, Kaikoli, BidauToko Baru, Bidau Akadiru Hun, Mota Ulun, Klakfuik, Has Laran, Camea no seluk tan.

CAC-KJP to Promote Justice through Combating Corruption

Ermera—-Commissão anti-Corrupcão (CAC), and Justice and Peace Commission (Komisaun Justisa e Paz/KJP) of Ermera, on Friday (28/9) last week organized a one day workshop in a joint effort to combat corruption in the village of Estadu, district of Ermera. The purpose of the workshop is to socialize CAC and KJP mission to the community of Ermera with the topic “Promote Justice by Combating Corruption”

“Corruption is a contagious disease that can have negative impacts on development of the country and the lives of the people” said Deputy Commissioner for Education and Research, Jose Antonio das Neves in his opening remarks.

In addition, “CAC cooperate with KJP Diocese Dili in its outreach programs to socialize the mission and vision of CAC to prevent and combatcorruption. Corruption doesn’t only occur at the national level; however it can occur at the district, sub district, and village. Therefore community of Estadu should have courage to fight corruption and report to CAC when local leaders are found to commit corruption”he continued.

Director of Justice and Peace Commission (KJP), Rev. Herminio Goncalves, Pr said “all Timorese should consider corruption as an unacceptable crime; therefore it requires cooperation
from all people to combat it”

There were about 200 participants in the workshop, from the Justice and Peace Commission Sub-district of Gleno, Fatulia, and Letefohe including students from the village Estadu.

CAC-KJP Pomove Justisa Liu Husi Kombate Korrupsaun

Ermera — Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC), ho Sub Komisaun Justisa e Paz Viqararia Ermera,  iha Sexta (28/9) semana kotuk halao sorumutu loron ida ba esforsu luta kontra korrupsaun hamutuk komunidade iha suku Estadu Distrito Ermera. Objektivu husi sorumutu  ne’e atu sosializa papel CAC no papel KJP nian ba komunidade Ermera ho tema “Promove Justisa Liu Husi Kombate Korrupsaun”.

Komisáriu Adjuntu Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) ba asuntu Edukasaun no Peskiza (EP), José Antonio das Neves loke sorumutu ne’e hateten, hahalok korrupsaun nuúdar moras a’at ida ne’ebe bele fo impaktu negative ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun no povu nia moris.

“CAC servisu hamutuk ho Kkomisaun Justisa no Paz Deocese Dili mai koalia ho imi iha Suku Estadu atu sosializa papel CAC nian hodi evita an husi pratika korrupsaun,” katak Komisariu Adjuntu Neves.

Adjuntu Neves salienta mos katak, korrupsaun laos mosu deit iha nivel nasional maibe mosu mos iha Distirto, Sub Distrito, Suku, no Aldeia. Nune’e komunidade iha Suku Estadu
tenki barani kontra hahalok korrupsaun no hato’o keisa ba CAC wainhira deskonfia lideransa lokal sira halo korrupsaun.

Entretantu Director Komisaun Justisa e Paz Diocese Dili, Padre Herminio Gonçalves, Pr hateten jerente Estadu sira ne’ebe halo korrupsaun Timor oan hotu tenki konsidera hanesan hahalok aat no krimi ne’ebe ema hotu tenki kombate,” katak Amu Gonçalves.