Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Timor-Leste’s Request on Technical Assistant at 1st Resumed 10th Session of the Implementation Review Group 2 – 4 September 2019 Vienna International Centre

Madam Chair,

I would like to thank you to the Secretariat and Panelists for sharing your very useful information and experiences. In the line with this topic, I would like to highlight one point we raised yesterday in regard to this matter.

As we mentioned yesterday, Timor-Leste is a young thriving democracy with numerous priorities, however we encounter a lack of adept resources. Building clean and efficient government is one of the priorities of our government, which is aligned with UNCAC’s objectives.  

I am pleased to inform Madam Chair that a number of activities are ongoing since our new government took office middle of last year. Please allow me just to mention one of them. Our government has completed its national consultation on Public Administrative Reform Program.

This policy reformed focused on five main areas such as (1) To improve services of Public Administration, (2) To strengthen accountability and performance incentives, (3) To strengthen human resources, (4) to ensuring the Public Administration runs efficiently and (5) To improve the services for the business community.

This policy enquired all line ministries and state institutions to the priority of promoting good governance, and required the Anti-Corruption Commission of Timor-Leste to review, revise and develop anti-corruption program. We are, at the moment, discussing the draft of the Anti-Corruption Law and Asset Declaration at the national level.

The Anti-Corruption Commission with support of UNDP in Timor-Leste is conducting anti-corruption baseline study and planning to organize the workshop on the development of National Anti-Corruption Strategic soon after its completion.

Considering the enormous work and the complexities in fighting against corruption and the limitation of our resources to response to the demand, therefore, we would like to reiterate Timor-Leste’s request for international assistant to support our efforts in fighting against corruption as a global enemy.

Specifically, we would like to request a continue support to Timor-Leste in the process of UNCAC reviews and to request in advance the assistance from UNODC to revise our anti-corruption law and asset declaration once we reach to the final draft.

We would like also to request UNODC to facilitate or to channel us to some State Parties who have successful experiences in developing and implementing their National Anti-Corruption Strategy. We would love to discuss and learn closely their success stories.

We will be very much appreciated if distinguished delegates could share with us the detail of your initiatives on this matter. We might not rekindle your kind assistance, but you will always be remembered and remained in our mind and heart.

Madam chair, we look forward to your supports and I thank you so very much for exhausting your attention to our request.

Warm regards,

Alexandre Faustino Freitas

Deputy Commissioner of Timor-Leste’s Anti-corruption Commission

Focal point of the Implementation of Self-Assessment in Timor-Leste.

Timor-Leste’s Request on Technical Assistant at 1st Resumed 10th Session of the Implementation Review Group 2 – 4 September 2019 Vienna International Centre

Madam Chair,

I would like to thank you to the Secretariat and Panelists for sharing your very useful information and experiences. In the line with this topic, I would like to highlight one point we raised yesterday in regard to this matter.

As we mentioned yesterday, Timor-Leste is a young thriving democracy with numerous priorities, however we encounter a lack of adept resources. Building clean and efficient government is one of the priorities of our government, which is aligned with UNCAC’s objectives.  

I am pleased to inform Madam Chair that a number of activities are ongoing since our new government took office middle of last year. Please allow me just to mention one of them. Our government has completed its national consultation on Public Administrative Reform Program.

This policy reformed focused on five main areas such as (1) To improve services of Public Administration, (2) To strengthen accountability and performance incentives, (3) To strengthen human resources, (4) to ensuring the Public Administration runs efficiently and (5) To improve the services for the business community.

This policy enquired all line ministries and state institutions to the priority of promoting good governance, and required the Anti-Corruption Commission of Timor-Leste to review, revise and develop anti-corruption program.

We are, at the moment, discussing the draft of the Anti-Corruption Law and Asset Declaration at the national level. The Anti-Corruption Commission with support of UNDP in Timor-Leste is conducting anti-corruption baseline study and planning to organize the workshop on the development of National Anti-Corruption Strategic soon after its completion.

Considering the enormous work and the complexities in fighting against corruption and the limitation of our resources to response to the demand, therefore, we would like to reiterate Timor-Leste’s request for international assistant to support our efforts in fighting against corruption as a global enemy.

Specifically, we would like to request a continue support to Timor-Leste in the process of UNCAC reviews and to request in advance the assistance from UNODC to revise our anti-corruption law and asset declaration once we reach to the final draft.

We would like also to request UNODC to facilitate or to channel us to some State Parties who have successful experiences in developing and implementing their National Anti-Corruption Strategy. We would love to discuss and learn closely their success stories.

We will be very much appreciated if distinguished delegates could share with us the detail of your initiatives on this matter. We might not rekindle your kind assistance, but you will always be remembered and remained in our mind and heart.

Madam chair, we look forward to your supports and I thank you so very much for exhausting your attention to our request.

Warm regards,

Alexandre Faustino Freitas

Deputy Commissioner of Timor-Leste’s Anti-corruption Commission

Focal point of the Implementation of Self-Assessment in Timor-Leste.

Timor-Leste Performance of the Mechanism for the Review of Implementation of the UNCAC First Resumed Tenth Session of the Implementation Review Group 2 – 4 September 2019 Vienna International Centre

Thank you Madam Chair,

First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the delegation of Timor-Leste, to congratulate you on your nomination as chair of this important meeting, and we wish that under your leadership, that the first resumed 10th session of the IRG meeting will be implemented successfully and reach its objectives.

I would like also to take this opportunity, to express our sincere gratitude to the Secretariat of UNODC who has been working hard to prepare for this very important event, and especially for facilitating Timor-Leste’s attendance at this meeting.

Madam Chair, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to take this opportunity, to update briefly Timor-Leste’s progress on implementation the second cycle review. Timor-Leste is undertaking the second cycle review of its self-assessment. As we reported in the 9th session review on 12-14 November 2018, the second cycle review was supposed to take place in middle of 2017, but it was postponed due to the two general elections (Presidential Election and Parliamentary election) that were occurring in Timor-Leste. The self-assessment was then rescheduled for mid-2018, unfortunately, it was delayed due to another parliamentary election in mid-2018.  

The political development in this young country is promising, even though it has a cost, including the delay of the implementation of the second cycle review of the self-assessment. We are aware of the concern that rose in this meeting yesterday with regard to the delay of the second cycle review. Timor-Leste appreciates the concern from the distinguished Delegate from the United States. 

However, I would like to emphasize in this forum that Timor-Leste, as a young country, is fully committed to fighting against corruption and consider this issue as one of the priorities in the early stage of the formation of our nation. There are a number of efforts that we have been putting into place, including the establishment of a number of institutions to prevent and combat corruption, and we are gradually applying the technology to develop a national system on e-budgeting, e-procurement, and e-Planning. Timor-Leste is happy to share more details about these initiatives when the second cycle review is completed at the next IRG meeting. 

Madam Chair, I am pleased to inform you that after the long process of appointing a new Commissioner for our Anti-Corruption Commission, which had been vacant for 8 months, finally, the National Parliament elected a new commissioner. This was completed two and a half months ago, and soon after that, the Commission has accelerated with a numbers of activities, including speeding up the process of the second cycle review of the self-assessment of UNCAC, and intensifying the communication with partners, including UNDP in Timor-Leste and UNODC, to organize these activities.

As a result, 3 national workshops on the draft Anti-Corruption Law, Asset Declaration Law, and the importance of self-assessment of UNCAC were conducted. The workshops were attended by most of the leaders of public institutions in Timor-Leste, as well as members of civil society organizations.

I am pleased to report that the review of the second cycle of the self-assessment is now taking place. We are fully committed to fulfill our obligation as a State Party, and expect the self-assessment to be concluded by the first quarter of next year. We are aware that the limitation of resources might be an issue; hence we will continue to seek assistance to support our technical team.

We would also like to thank our county reviewers, Bulgaria and the Marshall Islands, who have been waiting, but we expect that your country experts will visit Timor-Leste soon to assist us with completing our self-assessment check list.  

Madam Chair, I would also like to inform you that Timor-Leste is honored to be a reviewer, together with Turkey, in reviewing Norway.  For Timor-Leste, it will be a great opportunity to learn more from other countries’ experiences. We are sure that we will learn more from Norway to improve our anti-corruption mechanisms.  Timor-Leste will ensure that it maintains contact with the Secretariat of UNODC in regard to this matter.

Madam Chair, I would also like to inform you that Timor-Leste has nominated its focal points and one of the experts will attend the training on Internal Review Mechanism on September 5-6th.

Mr. Alberto Martinez Garcia and Ms. Kristina Chocholacek from the Secretariat of UNODC, we would like to extend to you our sincere gratitude for your hard work to support us.

Madam chair and distinguishes Delegates, I thank you very much. 

Alexandre Faustino Freitas

Deputy Commissioner of Timor-Leste’s Anti-corruption Commission

Focal point of the Implementation of Self-Assessment in Timor-Leste.

Timor-Leste Performance of the Mechanism for the Review of Implementation of the UNCAC 1st Resumed 10th Session of the Implementation Review Group 2 – 4 September 2019 Vienna International Centre

Thank you Madam Chair,

First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the delegation of Timor-Leste, to congratulate you on your nomination as chair of this important meeting, and we wish that under your leadership, that the first resumed 10th session of the IRG meeting will be implemented successfully and reach its objectives.

I would like also to take this opportunity, to express our sincere gratitude to the Secretariat of UNODC who has been working hard to prepare for this very important event, and especially for facilitating Timor-Leste’s attendance at this meeting.

Madam Chair, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to take this opportunity, to update briefly Timor-Leste’s progress on implementation the second cycle review. Timor-Leste is undertaking the second cycle review of its self-assessment. As we reported in the 9th session review on 12-14 November 2018, the second cycle review was supposed to take place in middle of 2017, but it was postponed due to the two general elections (Presidential Election and Parliamentary election) that were occurring in Timor-Leste. The self-assessment was then rescheduled for mid-2018, unfortunately, it was delayed due to another parliamentary election in mid-2018.  

The political development in this young country is promising, even though it has a cost, including the delay of the implementation of the second cycle review of the self-assessment. We are aware of the concern that rose in this meeting yesterday with regard to the delay of the second cycle review. Timor-Leste appreciates the concern from the distinguished Delegate from the United States. 

However, I would like to emphasize in this forum that Timor-Leste, as a young country, is fully committed to fighting against corruption and consider this issue as one of the priorities in the early stage of the formation of our nation. There are a number of efforts that we have been putting into place, including the establishment of a number of institutions to prevent and combat corruption, and we are gradually applying the technology to develop a national system on e-budgeting, e-procurement, and e-Planning. Timor-Leste is happy to share more details about these initiatives when the second cycle review is completed at the next IRG meeting. 

Madam Chair, I am pleased to inform you that after the long process of appointing a new Commissioner for our Anti-Corruption Commission, which had been vacant for 8 months, finally, the National Parliament elected a new commissioner. This was completed two and a half months ago, and soon after that, the Commission has accelerated with a numbers of activities, including speeding up the process of the second cycle review of the self-assessment of UNCAC, and intensifying the communication with partners, including UNDP in Timor-Leste and UNODC, to organize these activities.

As a result, 3 national workshops on the draft Anti-Corruption Law, Asset Declaration Law, and the importance of self-assessment of UNCAC were conducted. The workshops were attended by most of the leaders of public institutions in Timor-Leste, as well as members of civil society organizations.

I am pleased to report that the review of the second cycle of the self-assessment is now taking place. We are fully committed to fulfill our obligation as a State Party, and expect the self-assessment to be concluded by the first quarter of next year. We are aware that the limitation of resources might be an issue; hence we will continue to seek assistance to support our technical team.

We would also like to thank our county reviewers, Bulgaria and the Marshall Islands, who have been waiting, but we expect that your country experts will visit Timor-Leste soon to assist us with completing our self-assessment check list.  

Madam Chair, I would also like to inform you that Timor-Leste is honored to be a reviewer, together with Turkey, in reviewing Norway.  For Timor-Leste, it will be a great opportunity to learn more from other countries’ experiences. We are sure that we will learn more from Norway to improve our anti-corruption mechanisms.  Timor-Leste will ensure that it maintains contact with the Secretariat of UNODC in regard to this matter.

Madam Chair, I would also like to inform you that Timor-Leste has nominated its focal points and one of the experts will attend the training on Internal Review Mechanism on September 5-6th.

Mr. Alberto Martinez Garcia and Ms. Kristina Chocholacek from the Secretariat of UNODC, we would like to extend to you our sincere gratitude for your hard work to support us.

Madam chair and distinguishes Delegates, I thank you very much. 

Alexandre Faustino Freitas

Deputy Commissioner of Timor-Leste’s Anti-corruption Commission

Focal point of the Implementation of Self-Assessment in Timor-Leste.