Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Prevent Corruption; Deputy Commissioner Bucar Took Part In An On-Air Radio Talk Show

Dili – Thursday, September 17, 2013, Deputy Commissioner of Prevention, Manuel Bucar participated in a 30 minutes on-air radio talk show aired by Timor-Leste Media Development Centre (TLMDC), called Radio Liberdade FM 95.8Mhz based in Rua Hudi laran, Osindo 3 Dili with the topic “Corruption”.

Deputy Commissioner, Manuel Bucar re-affirmed that “CAC has long-term vision; a democratic State of Timor-Leste with a strong culture of rejecting corruption in the interest and prosperity of the people through a three prompt approach; Prevention, Education and Investigation.”

Moreover, Deputy Commissioner Bucar also urged all entities including; government, civil society, and the people to have a steady political will to combat corruption through collective fight and deemed as sacred responsibility for all Timorese people.

On-air Liberdade radio talk show was also participated by Director of LABEH, Gil da Silva Guterres and Rafael Ximenes de Assis Belo to represent youth’s perspective.

Prevene Korrupsaun; Komisariu Adjuntu Bucar Partisipa Talk Show iha Radio Liberdade

Dili — Komisáriu Adjuntu CAC Manuel Coutinho Bucar ba asuntu Prevensaun, partisipa Radio Talk show transmisaun directo (live) ho topiku “Korrupsaun”  loron ohin Kinta-feira (17/10) oras tuku 9.00 dader durante  minutu 30 OTL iha Estudio Radio Liberdade FM 95.8Mhz Dili, rua Hudi laran, Osindo 3, Timor Leste Media Development Centre (TLMDC).

Komisáriu Adjuntu CAC Manuel Bucar hateten katak CAC sempre iha planu ba longu prazu ho vizaun katak, estadu Timor Leste sei imprega hahalok kontra korrupsaun sei sai hanesan kultura rejeisaun ida ne’ebe forte ba interese no prosperiedade povo nian ho misaun ne’ebe mak halao dadaun ona iha area Prevensaun, Edukasaun no Investigasaun.

Adjuntu Bucar husu kolaborasaun ba entidades hotu-hotu, estadu, governu, sosiedade sivil, nomos povo tomak atu iha vontade kombate korrupsaun tamba kombate korrupsaun ne’e ita hotu nia responsabilidade, nune’e tenki hamutuk luta kontra korrupsaun.

Talk show durante minutu 30  ne’e, hola parte mos Diretur LABEH Gill Guterres no representante juventude Rafael Ximenes de Assis Belo ne’ebe koalia mos lalaok korrupsaun ne’ebe fo impaktu tebes ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nomos povo nia moris.