Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

UNODC Halao Treinamentu Anti-Money Laundering Ba CAC No PSIC Timor-Leste

IMG_6067Dili – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) fasilita treinamentu loron tolu iha Anti-Money Laundering nian ba investogadors ho servisu nain prevensaun Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) no Polisia Scientifiku Timor-Leste (PSIC) iha otel Beach Garden Dili.

Komisariu Adjuntu CAC, Manuel Bucar espresa nia gratidaun ba UNODC hodi halao treinamentu ida ne’e ho intensaun atu fortifika instituisaun law enforcement nia iha Timor-Leste atu luta kombate korrupsaun no atividades fase osan – money laundering iha nasaun ne’e.

“Treinamentu ida ne’e importante no fundamentu tebes mai CAC no servisu nain Polisia Scienfiku nune’e imi hotu bele estuda no kompriende liu tan kona-ba fase osan. Ita iha matenek nain ida husi UNODC no orador principal sira ne’ebé sei fahe informasaun ba imi liu tan kona-ba asuntu ne’e,” katak Komisariu Adjuntu Bucar.

Reprezentante UNODC, Susanne Dahk hateten objetivu prezensa UNOFC nia iha Timor-Leste atu suporta servisu CAC nian no oferese kapasitasaun ba investigador CAC nian nune’e mos atu suporta ajensia law enforcement sira hanesan PDHJ, PSIC, FiU no seluk-seluk tan.

Orador principal iha treinamentu ne’e mak K. Raghavan husi UNODC iha Jakarta, Diretora FiU Maria Sarmento no Juiz Jacinta Pereira. (*)

UNODC Conducts Anti-Money Laundering Training For CAC And Timor-Leste Scientific Police

IMG_6067Dili – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) facilitates a three days training on Anti-Money Laundering for investigators and prevention staffs of Commission of Anti-Corruption (CAC) and Timor-Leste Scientific Police at Beach Garden hotel.

Deputy Commissioner of CAC, Manuel Bucar expressed his gratitude to UNODC for conducting the training that aims to strengthen law enforcement institution in Timor-Leste to fight and combat corruption and money laundering activities in this country.

“This training is very important and fundamental to CAC and Scientific Police staffs so that you all can learn and understand more on money laundering. We have an expert from UNODC and local speakers that will provide you more information on this subject” says Deputy Bucar.

UNODC representative, Susanne Dahl said the objective of the UNODC presence in Timor-Leste is to support the work of CAC and provide capacity building for CAC investigators and also to support law enforcement agencies like PDHJ, Scientific Police, FiU, etc.

Key speakers for this trainig are K. Raghavan from UNODC office in Jakarta, Director of FiU Maria Sarmento and judge Jacinta Pereira. (*)

Ohin, Kuarta-feira (10/6) Senior Management Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) lidera husi Komisariu Dr. Adérito Pinto Tilman simu reprezentante The Asia Foundation, Sr. Dicky Doordi – Assesment Team Leader, Sr. Hugo Fernandes- Director for Policy and Institutional Strenthening, no Sr. Ethan Paul- Electoral Enviroment Research iha edifisiu CAC Farol Dili. Objetivu husi reprezentante The Asia Foundation nian atu hetan CAC nian perspetiva kona-ba ambiente eleisaun oras ne’e, lakunas no oportunidades atu kombate korrupsaun. Sorumutu ne’e mos dadalia kona-ba posibilidade kooperasaun institusional entre CAC ho The Asia Foundation iha area peskiza no social audit.


Senior Management of Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) led by Comissioner Dr. Adérito Pinto Tilman welcome The Asia Foundation representatives, Mr. Dicky Dooradi – Assesment Team Leader, Mr. Hugo Fernandes, Director for Policy and Institutional Strenthening, and Mr. Ethan Paul, Electoral Enviroment Research at CAC office Farol Dili on Wednesday (10/6). The objective of The Asia Foundation representatives is to get CAC perspective on current electoral environment, key challenges and opportunities to combat corruption. The meeting also discusses about the possibility of institutional cooperation between CAC and The Asia Foundation in the area of research and social audit.
