Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Timor Leste Celebrates International Anti-Corruption Day

Dili – Across the world, people are today campaigning against corruption in celebration of International Anti-Corruption Day – including in Timor-Leste.

Each year, International Anti-Corruption Day is held on 9 December. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) announced a new global campaign theme of ‘Zero Corruption – 100% Development’ during a UN anti-corruption conference in Panama last week.

The campaign aims to bring people together in the fight against corruption – from backgrounds as diverse as the public, lawmakers, civil society, media and the public service.

This year, UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, had a strong message for observers of International Anti-Corruption Day across the world:

On this International Anti-Corruption Day, I urge Governments, the private sector and civil society to take a collective stand against this complex social, political and economic disease that affects all countries.  To achieve an equitable, inclusive and more prosperous future for all, we must foster a culture of integrity, transparency, accountability and good governance.

UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon

In that spirit, the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) and Civil Service Commission jointly held a conference at the Dili Convention Centre more than 1000 guests to share knowledge in what efforts can be taken to combat corruption.

The conference was attended by VIPs including the Vice Prime Minister, Dr Fernando ‘Lasama’ de Araujo, Minister of Justice Dionisio Babo, Minister of Public Works Gastáo Sousa and other members of the Government and Parliament, and the former President of the National Parliament Dr Francisco ‘Lu Olo’ Guterres.

Returning from Panama City for the celebration, Anti-Corruption Commissioner Aderito de Jesus Soares said that he was pleased to see so many people gathered to discuss anti-corruption efforts.

“Fighting corruption should be a social movement,” Commissioner Soares said.

“It is not just a matter for the Government or CAC – it should be part of our broader culture and require the involvement of every citizen and every institution.

“So it’s important that we come together and discuss how as a community we can fight corruption to improve the lives of others here in Timor-Leste.”

The law of the establishment of CAC was passed by the Parliament in 2009 and has been in operation since February 2010.

Since its establishment, CAC has worked closely with the community – with nearly 7,500 people having attended education and corruption prevention workshops held by the Commission this year.

CAC will continue this strong education agenda into the future, along with its commitment to investigate any alleged corrupt activities by public officials.

For more information on the Anti-Corruption Commission, please visit:

For more information on International Anti-Corruption Day and the ‘Zero Corruption – 100% Development’ campaign, please visit:

Timor Leste Selebra Loron Mundial Anti-Korrupsaun

Dili – Loron Segunda-Feira, 9 Dezembru 2013 ema iha mundo tomak halo kampanha kontra korrupsaun selebra Loron Mundial Anti-Korrupsaun – inklui iha Timor-Leste (TL).

Tinan-tinan, Loron Mundial Anti-Korrupsaun selebra iha loron 9 Fulan-Dezembru. Edifisiu Nasoens Unidas ba Droga no Krimi (UNODC) no Nasoens Unidas ba Programa Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD) anunsia kampanha global foun ida ho tema “Korrupsaun Zero – 100% Dezenvolvimentu durante konferensia anti-korrupsaun Nasoens Unidas nian iha Panama semana kotuk.

Kampanha ne’e nian objetivu atu lori ema hotu hamutuk iha luta kontra korrupsaun – husi ema barak nian background oin-oin hanesan publiku, deputadus, sosiedade civil, media no servidor Estadu.

Tinan ne’e, Sekretariu Jeral Nasoens Unidas, Ban Ki-moon iha nian mensajen forte iha Selebrasaun Loron Mundial Anti-Korrupsaun iha mundo tomak:

“Iha Loron Anti-Korrupsaun Internasional ne’e, hau husu ba governu sira, ba seitor privadu no ba sosiedade civil atu foti medidas kolektivu kontra kompleksu social ida ne’e,moras a’at politika no ekonomika nebe afeita ba nasaun hotu. Atu atinji buat ida justu, inklusivu no prosperu ba hotu-hotu iha future, ita tenki aten barani ho kultura integridade, transparansia, akuntabilidade no boa-governasaun”. Katak Sekretariu Jeral Nasoens Unidas, Ban Ki-moon iha Selebrasaun Loron Mundial Anti-Korrupsaun.

Iha espiritu ida ne’e, Comissáo Anti-Corrupçáo (CAC) servisu hamutuk ho Comissáo Funçáo Pública (CFP) halao konferensia ida iha Centru de Convencoes de Dili (CCD) nebe partisipa husi Nai Ulun Timor-Leste nian hanesan Vice Primeiru Ministru, Fernando ‘Lasama’ de Araujo, Ministru Justisa Dionisio Babo, Ministru Obra Publikas Gastáo Sousa no membrus governu sira seluk, deputadus no eis-Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional Dr. Francisco ‘Lu Olo’ Guterres no konvidadus kuaze 1000 resin fahe sira nian matenek no horizonte iha sa esforsu mak bele halo ba kombate korrupsaun.

Fila husi sidade Panama ba selebrasaun, Komisariu CAC hateten nia kontente hare’e ema halibur hamutuk hodi koalia kona-ba esforsu kontra korrupsaun.

“Luta kontra korrupsaun tenki sai movimentu social ida,” katak Komisáriu Adérito Soares.

“Ida ne’e laos problema ida ba governu ou CAC deit – ida ne’e tenki sai hanesan parte ida iha ita nian kultura ne’ebe presija involvimentu sidadaun hotu-hotu nian no kada instituisaun,”

“Nune’e, ida ne’e importante katak ita halibur hamutuk iha ne’e no deskute oinsa nudar komunidade ida it abele luta kontra korrupsaun atu hadian ema seluk nian moris iha Timor-Leste,” katak Komisáriu.

Lei etabelesimentu CAC PN aprova iha tinan 2009 no CAC halao nian servisu hahu iha Fevereiru 2010. Hahu nia estabelimentu CAC servisu besik liu ho komunidade nebe kuaze ema besik 7,500 mak partisipa iha programa edukasaun no workshops ba prevensaun korrupsaun kuaze kobre teritoriu tomak tinan ne’e.

Komisaun sei kontinua haforsa ajenda prevensaun no edukasaun iha future nune’e mos nafatin iha komitmentu atu investiga kualker alegasaun korrupsaun ba servidor Estadu sira.

Informasaun liu tan kona-ba CAC, favour vizita:

Information liu tan kona-ba Loron Mundial Anti-Korrupsaun no kampanha ‘Zero Korrupsaun – 100% Dezenvolvimentu, favour vizita: (*)

CAC Releases Inaugural Public Service Integrity Survey

Dili – Monday, December 9, 2013. Commissioner of Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC), Aderito de Jesus officially launched Public Service Integrity Survey in the celebration of International Anti-Corruption Day, that co organized with President of Public Service Commission, Eng. Liborio Pereira, MIM at Dili Convention Center (CCD).

The ceremony was attended by Vice Prime Minister, Dr. Fernando “Lasama” de Araujo, member of government, Former President of National Parliament, Dr. Fracisco “Lu Olo” Guterres with Member of Parliament. More than 1000 public servants from General Directors to Chief of Departments, District Administrators, NGOs, development partners and diplomatic corps participated in the event.

The survey findings show that majority of public servants are pleased with the institution they work for, however they also highlighted some improvements need to be done to monitor transgressions, strengthen prevention, improve tendering processes, raise awareness about standards of conduct, and alleviate tough working conditions.

Undertaken by the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC), the Integrity Survey of Public Servants in Timor-Leste, is the most comprehensive survey carried out in Timor-Leste on the attitudes of public servants.

Nearly 1,400 public servants across 29 different public institutions, in all 13 districts of Timor-Leste, were interviewed by CAC during August and September this year. This represents more than four per cent of Timor-Leste’s 31,000 strong public service.

The purpose of the survey was to discover what parts of the public service were operating efficiently, and what improvements could be made in order to better serve citizens.

The findings are informative and will assist government institutions in the future.

Tackling institutional change is no easy task, and although public servants are engaged and committed, they also highlighted a number of concerns.

For example, a third of respondents said they had witnessed corruption, collusion and nepotism in the workplace during the last year. Nearly 70 per cent believe they saw public servants place their own private interest over the public service and the community.

But equally, many public servants identified room for improvement in the overall performance of the public sector. Additionally nearly every public servant interviewed wanted a stronger focus on doing the right thing at work, and expressed interest in further training.

This is a great recognition by the public service and shows the priority its places on improving the services it delivers.

CAC will use these findings in its prevention and education programs. “We will take the survey as a baseline of broad public service expectations and its understanding of appropriate processes to tailor our workshops.” said Deputy Commissioner José António de Jesus das Neves who supervised the survey. “We will assist the service to build up the correct culture when hiring of employees and tendering for government contracts” he added.

In addition, CAC will also continue to help public officials confidentially report cases of corruption.

CAC extends its gratitude to FOTI Timor-Leste, the MCC/USAID Anti-Corruption Program, for its generous assistance in developing the survey and providing financial support. (*)

CAC Públika Rezultadu Peskiza Integridade Seitor Públiku 2013

Dili – Ohin loron Segunda-Feira (9/12), Komisáriu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC), Adérito de Jesus Soares offisialmente públika rezultadu Peskiza Integridade ba Seitor Públika nian iha selebrasaun Loron Mundial Anti-Korrupsaun iha loron 9 Fulan Dezembru 2013 hamutuk ho Prezidenti Comissão Função Pública (CFP), Eng. Libório Pereira, MIM iha Centro de Convenções de Dili (CCD) Dili.

Vice Primeiru Ministru, Fernando “Lasama” de Araujo atende seremonia ne’e ho membrus governu, eis Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), Françisco “Lu Olo” Guterres ho membrus PN, funsionariu públika nivel Direitur Jerál to’o Chefe Departamentus,  Administrador Distritus, servisu nain ONG no konvidadus reprezentantes nasaun amigo iha TL no reprezentantes korpus diplomatiku kuaze ema besik nain 1000.

Peskiza ne’e revela presija buat lubun ida ne’ebé lao la los, hametin prevensaun, hadian prosesu tenderizasaun, hasae konsiensia kona-ba padraun konduta no simplifika kondisaun servisu.

Peskiza halao husi CAC, Survey Integridade ba Seitor Públika iha Timor-Leste hanesan survey ida nebe komprehensivu kona-ba atetude servidor Estadu nian.

Kuaze funsionariu públika hamutuk nain 1.400 husi 29 Instituisaun Públika iha 13 distritus tomak hetan entrevista husi peskizador CAC nian hamutuk ho universitarius durante Fulan Augustu-Outubru reprezenta liu pursentu hat (4) husi 31.000 servidor Estado iha TL.

Objetivu survey ne’e atu deskobre iha parte ne’ebé mak servisu atendimentu ba públika lao ho efisiente no saida mak bele halo diak atu servi povu diak liu tan iha future.

Rezultadu peskiza ne’e informativu no sei asisti instituisaun governu nian iha future hodi muda servisu instituisionál nian ne’ebé laos servisu fasil maske servidor Estadu iha komitmentu forte atu servi ho diak.

Rezultadu peskiza ne’e relata 1/3 husi respondent hateten sira sai sasin ba prátika Korrupsaun, Kolusaun no Nepotismu (KKN) iha sira nian servisu fatin durante tinan kotuk. Besik 70% mak fiar no hare’e ho matan iha sira nian servisu fatin funsionariu sira tane a’as interese privadu liu fali interese servi komunidade.

Maske nune’e, funsionariu públika barak mak identifika atu iha espasu mudansa ba hadian performansia ka atendimentu servisu nian iha seitor públika. Maioria respondents sira hakarak tebes atu halo buat diak ba sira nian rai no povu iha sira nian servisu fatin no ekspresa sira nian interese atu iha treinamentu ba sira.

Ida ne’e hanesan rekonhesimentu boot husi funsionariu públika no hatudu prioridade iha fatin oin sa hadian servisu diak liu tan. “CAC sei uza rezultadu peskiza ne’e ba programa Prevensaun no Edukasaun nian; Nudar baze ida ba espetativa service públika  nian no nia komprensaun iha prosesu apropriadu ba hadian CAC nian workshops; Sei asisti servisu públika  nian atu hari’i kultura los wainhira kontratu servidor sira no prosesu tenderizasaun ba kontratu governu. CAC sei kontinua tulun official públika konfidensialmente ba kazus korrupsaun sira” dehan Komisáriu Adjuntu José António de Jesus da Neves ne’ebé supervisiona survey ne’e.

CAC hato’o gratidaun ba FOTI Timor-Leste, Programa Anti-Korrupsaun MCC/USAID ba sira nian asistensia jenorisidade hodi dezenvolve survey ne’e no fó suporta financas. (*)