Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC Selebra Loron Mundial Anti Korrupsaun Ho Seminarius

400A9454Dili – Comissão Anti Corrupção (CAC) ohin (13/12) realiza seminariu loron ida hodi komemora loron mundial anti korrupsaun iha Salaun Suai Timor Plaza Dili ne’ebé monu iha kada loron 9 Fulan Dezembro tinan-tinan.

Tema ba selebrasaun tinan ne’e mak “Tau As Padraun  Integridade Ba Interese Publiku” no aprezenta oradores importantes; Komisariu CAC Adérito Tilman, Direitur Ezekutivu CEPAD Dr. João Boavida, akademista UNTL Dr. Pe. Julio Crispim no Diretor Nasional Dezenvolvimento Nasional Ministerio Finansas Epifanio Alarico Martins.

Seminariu loron ida ne’e finansia husi United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) no Norwegian Embassy iha Timor-Leste.

Komemorasaun loron Mundial Anti Korrupsaun tinan ne’e CAC selebra ho realiza seminarius iha Munisipiu Viqueque, Manufahi  no Bobonaro ne’ebé aprezenta oradores principal atu fanun Timoroan sira tane aas integridade iha servisu fatin ba povu no nasaun nian diak. (*)

CAC Celebrates International Anti-Corruption Day With Seminars

400A9454Dili – The Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) today (13/12) realizes a one-day seminar to commemorate the international anti-corruption day at Timor Plaza Dili that celebrated annually on 9 of December.

The theme of this year’s celebration is “Tau Aas Padraun Integridade Ba Interese Publiku” which presents important speakers; Commissioner of CAC Aderito Pinto Tilman, Executive Director of CEPAD Joao Boavida, Dean of Law Faculty of Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosae (UNTL) Father Julio Crispim and National Director for National Development at the Ministry of Finance Epifanio Alarico Martins.

The one-day seminar is facilitated and funded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Norwegian Embassy in Timor-Leste.

This year’s anti-corruption international celebrations, CAC also realized similar seminars in three different municipalities such as Viqueque, Manufahi and Bobonaro municipalities.  CAC presented key speakers to remind the civil servants and East Timorese to prioritize integrity in their workplace for the good of Timorese people and for the country. (*)