Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC Commisioner Dr. Adérito Tilman accompanied by Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar and CAC National Adviser Jonas Guterres received this morning (18/9) a courtesy visit by Portugal Amabassador in Timor-Leste Dr. Manuel Gonçalves de Jesus at CAC office, Farol, Dili. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possibility of starting a cooperation program among Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC), Portuguese Judicial Police and Timorese Prosecutor General Office in the areas of prevention and investigation of corruption crimes.

Komisariu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC), Dr. Adérito Tilman akompanha husi Komisariu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar no Asesor Jonas Guterres ohin dader (18/9) simu vizita kortezia ida husi Ambassador Portugal mai Timor-Leste, Dr. Manuel Gonçalves de Jesus iha Edifisiu CAC Farol, Dili. Objetivu husi sorumutu ne’e parte rua deskute posibilidade hahu programa kooperasaun entre CAC, Polisia Judisial Portugal no Edifisiu Ministerio Públiku TL iha area prevensaun no investigasaun krimi korrupsaun.

General Commissioner of Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Dr. Longuinhos Monteiro, accompanied by Deputy Commissioner of CAC, José Neves, today (15/9) offcially launch the training on “Use of Force and Fire-Arms” to be delivered to 14 CAC officers at police academy, Comoro Dili. The objective of the training is to change mentality, discipline, attitude, spirit of the corps and comrades, and loyalty of anti-corruption officers in order to ensure a better law enforcement and also to improve the knowledge about the the use of force and fire-arms based on existing Timorese law. The training will last one week.

Komisariu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Dr. Longuinho Monteiro akompana husi Komisariu Adjuntu José Neves Segunda (15/9) ohin ofisialmente loke formasaun “Uza Forsa no Armas” ba ajentes CAC nian nain 14 iha Akademia Polisia Comoro, Dili. Objetivu formasaun ne’e atu hadiá mentalidade, disiplina, atetude, espiritu de korpu no kamaradajen, loyalidade ajentes CAC hodi garante lei no orden. Atu aumenta liu tan konesimentu ba tekniku uza forsa no ormas ne’ebé lejitimu tuir lei vigora iha nasaun RDTL. Treinamentu ne’e nian durasaun sei han semana ida.