Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

CAC-KPK Formaliza Kooperasaun Bilateral

IMG_9662Jakarta – Komisariu Dr. Adérito Tilman reprezenta Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Timor-Leste (TL) Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Indonesia, Abraham Samad asina Memorandum de Intendimentu (MoU) ida iha edifisiu KPK Jakarta, Indonesia iha loron Sesta-feira (31/10) loraik.

Sai sasin ba seremonia asinatura ne’e offisiais nivel alto ajensia anti-korrupsaun nasaun rua mak; KOmisariu Adjuntu CAC Manuel Bucar, Wakil Ketua KPK Adnan Pandu Praja, reprezentante GIZ no reprezentante ambassador TL ba Indonesia, Lisualdo Gaspar.

Objetivu MoU ne’e atu estabelese no hametin kooperasaun internasional no kooperasaun bilateral entre Timor-Leste ho Republika Indonesia ba prevene no kombate korrupsaun. Atu dezenvolve, promove no aumenta kapasidade institusional CAC-KPK nian.

MoU ne’e rekonhese importansia prinsipius soberania, igualidade, respeitu no benefício mútuo ba leis ne’ebé iha no regulamentos, sistemas administrativus, direitos inerentes bà soberania nasional no kompatível agreement internacional ba respectivos Estados da partes ne’ebé envolvidu, inkluindu Convenções Nações Unidas Kontra Korrupsaun ( UNCAC) no Convenção Nações Unidas Kontra Crime Organizado Transnasional (UNTOC).

Areas kooperasaun defini husi MoU ne’e inkluindu sharing no troka ba malu estudus, peskiza, informasaun kona-ba medidas preventive hanesan edukasaun komunidade, kampanhas no sensibilizasaun anti-korrupsaun, formasaun no atividades kooperasaun ne’ebé sei desidi husi parte rua wainhira konsidera necessáriu.

“MoU ne’ebé asina ohin loron sei tulun fornese ita ho aprosimasaun komitmentu ida atu servisu hamutuk besik malu liu tan, iha ne’ebé sei husik ita atu atinji ita nian objetivu komun kontra korrupsaun, moras kroniku ida bolu korrupsaun,” katak Komisariu Tilman.

Iha MoU ne’e mensiona pontus importante hanesan; halao formasaun ba ofisial integridade instituisaun rua ne’e, troka matenek nain instituisaun rua nian iha operasional, troka informasaun no dadus ba interese investigasaun criminal no prosecution. Mutual legal assistant nune’e mos law enforcement authority ne’ebé aplika iha parte idak-idak nian.

MoU ne’e mos sei fo espasu ba official instituisaun rua ne’e partisipa iha forum, konvensaun, konferensia no workshops sira kona-ba prevensaun no investigasaun no asistensia legal mutuo, estradisaun, buka tuir assets.

“MoU ida ne’e importante ba ita nian kolega instituisaun anti-korrupsaun iha mundo atu asegura katak ita nian esforsu atu kombate korrupsaun mak esforsu koletivu. Tamba ne’e, hau hare’e ba oin iha futuru kooperasaun ne’ebé ezisti ona entre CAC ho KPK bele intensive liu tan” Katak Komisariu KPK Abraham Samad. (*)

CAC-KPK Formalized Bilateral Cooperation

IMG_9662Jakarta – Commissioner Adérito Tilman represents Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) of Timor-Leste (TL) and Chief of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of Indonesia Abraham Samad signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at KPK office in Jakarta on Friday (31/10) afternoon.

The signing ceremony was witnessed by high level officials of both anti-corruption agencies; Deputy Commissioner of CAC Manuel Bucar, Chief Deputy KPK Adnan Pandu Praja, representatives of GIZ and Timor-Leste ambassador to Indonesia, Lisualdo Gaspar.

The objective of MoU is to establish and strengthening cooperation between the Parties and to develop, promote, and increase the institutional capacity of the Parties to jointly prevent and combat corruption.

The MoU recognizes the importance of the principles of sovereignty, equity, mutual respect and mutual benefit pursuant to the prevailing laws and regulations, administrative systems, inherent rights of national sovereignty and compliant to international agreement of the Parties’ respective States involved including United Nations Conventions against Corruption (UNCAC) and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC).

Areas of cooperation defined by the MoU, including sharing and exchanging studies, research, information on anti-corruption preventive measures such as community education and anti-corruption awareness raising campaigns, training, and other cooperative activities as may be decided by the Parties as and when deemed necessary.

“The MOU signed here today will help provide us with a committed approach to work more closely together and allow us to reach our common goal in the fight against a chronically disease called corruption”. Said Commissioner Tilman.

The MoU also includes important points such as; conduct training to both anti-corruption agencies integrity officers, sharing of operational skills, sharing of information and data for criminal investigation, prosecution and Mutual Legal Assistant (MLA).

The MoU will give a space to both institutions officials to participate in forum, convention, conference; workshops on prevention and investigation and mutual legal assistant, extradition, and assets tracking.

 “This MoU is important for our fellow anti-corruption institutions in the world to ensure that our effort to eradicate corruption is collective efforts. Therefore, I look forward to future cooperation that has existed between the KPK of Indonesia and Timor-Leste’s CAC intensified,” said chief of KPK, Abraham Samad. (*)

CAC Staff Successfully Concluded On Job Training In KPK

Fober CAC-KPK_V2Jakarta – To enhance staffs’ capacity and improve service quality of Commisão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) in preventing and eradicating corruption, 10 officials of CAC were sent to conduct On-Job Training program at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for three weeks. The training conducted on October 13 to 31, financed by GIZ through a Bilateral Cooperation between Government of Timor-Leste and Federal Republic of Germany.

The objective of this program is to improve staffs capacity through a process of study, knowledge and skills sharing with KPK Indonesia, that known for its achievement in preventing and combating corruption.

CAC delegation, comprising of 11 officials led by Executive Secretary of CAC Alexander Freitas and was welcomed by three KPK commissioners, Abraham Samad, Zulkarnain and Bambang Widjojanto at KPK Office Kuningan Jakarta, Indonesia.

Chief of KPK Commissioner Abraham Samad expressed his gratitude and applauded the decision of CAC leadership to send its officials to share the knowledge and experience between two Commissions of the two neighboring countries.  Abraham shared the experience of 11 years standing Commission, from limited infrastructure, personnel limitation to a broader area of Indonesia. “Maybe this is impossible. But Thanks God, with hard work and dedication, we can still exist to fight corruption in Indonesia.”

With that limitation, said Abraham, the Commission determines its priority in case handling. But, he regrets, despite of all dedication and commitment, KPK still receives critics from certain society that the KPK it is often “selective” in handling the case.

“In the scale of priorities, we also have focus area to some sectors; energy security and the environment, plus defense, revenue and infrastructure. We look at these four sectors that involve lives of many people” Abraham explained.

KPK Deputy Chairman Bambang Widjojanto added, the Commission is aware that corruption in Indonesia is different from what happened in other countries. “Here, corruption is massive, systematic and well-organized. Therefore, eradication must be done progressively,” Bambang said in reference to the integration between enforcement and prevention programs.

Meanwhile, CAC Commissioner Adérito Tilman expressed gratitude to KPK for the willingness to share experience and knowledge with CAC. He emphasized that fighting corruption is a very tough task, therefore with all due efforts we send our staffs to learn from KPK.

“I truly believe this on-job-training will be of great benefit to CAC especially to our 10 staffs that will be mentored and have firsthand experience of how KPK is exercising its mandates and implementing day to day work,” Said Commissioner Tilman.

He hoped that 10 CAC staffs will gain knowledge and utilize it optimally for the fight against corruption in Timor-Leste. (*)

Staff CAC Konklui On Job Training Iha KPK Ho Susesu

Fober CAC-KPK_V2 Jakarta – Atu kapasita staff no mantein kualidade servisu diak ba ezistensia Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) iha prevene no kombate korrupsaun, ofisial nain 10 CAC nian ba halao on-job training iha Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Jakarta, Indonesia durante semana tolu (13-31/10). On Job Training ne’e finansia husi GIZ liu husi kooperasaun bilateral entre governu TL no Republika Federal Alemanha.

Objetivu husi on-job training ne’e atu kapasita staff liu husi prosesu estuda no fahe matenek no esperiénsia ba malu ho instituisaun KPK Indonesia ne’ebé iha prestasaun diak iha prevene no kombate korrupsaun.

Delegasaun CAC hamutuk nain 10 lidera husi Sekretariu Ezekutivu Alexander Freitas simu diretamente husi komisioner KPK nain tolu; mak Abraham Samad, Bambang Widjojanto no Zulkarnain iha edifisiu KPK Kuningan Jakarta.

Ketua KPK Abraham Samad espresa nian haksolok hodi hato’o obrigado no agradese wain ba lideransa instituisaun CAC TL nian ne’ebé desidi haruka nian ofisials nain 10 bele estuda no fahe esperiensia iha KPK kona-ba luta prevene no kombate korrupsaun. Abraham fahe esperiensia kona-ba tinan 11 KPK eziste. Hahu husi infrastruktura ne’ebé limitadu, personel sira ne’ebé limitadu mos to’o teritoriu nasaun Indonesia nian ne’ebé luan no boot tebes.

“Karik ida ne’e impossible. Maibe, ho esforsu no servisu maka’as, alhamdulillah ami bele kontinua eziste nafatin hodi kombate korrupsaun iha ami nian rai indonesia.” Katak Ketua KPK Abraham Samad wainhira simu delegasaun CAC nian iha loron Segunda-feira (13/10) iha Jakarta.

Ho limitasaun sira ne’ebé iha, katak Abraham, KPK desidi ho firmeja eskalaun kazu korrupsaun sira. Maibé, Samad lamenta durante sira nian dedikasaun servisu ba rai Indonesia ba prevene no kombate korrupsaun, iha liafuan todan no moruk wai’n mak KPK simu husi sosiedade lubun balun katak KPK halo “tebang pilih-eskolhidu”.

“Iha skala prioridades, ami mos fokus iha area sira hanesan seitor lubun balun, mak hanesan ketahanan energi dan lingkungan, pertahanan plus, pendapatan dan infrastruktur. Ami hare’e seitor hat ne’e nian servisu importante tebes tamba kona-ba ema barak nian moris,” katak Abraham Samad.

Wakil Ketua KPK Bambang Widjojanto aumenta liu tan, KPK konsiente katak korupsaun iha Indonesia diferente ho pratika korrupsaun ne’ebé akntese iha nasaun seluk iha mundo. “Iha ami nian rai Indonesia ne’e pratika korrupsaun masivu tebes, sistematiku no ho meius organizadu. Tamba ne’e, kombate mos tenki halo ho progresivu,” katak Bambang Widjojanto refere ba integrasaun entre programa investigasaun no prevensaun.

Iha fatin hanesan, Komisariu CAC Adérito Tilman hato’o obrigado wai’n ba KPK ne’ebé ho laran diak bele simu delegasaun CAC TL hodi mai estuda no gainha esperiensia ba prevene no kombate korrupsaun husi KPK nian esperiensia.

Komisariu Tilman konsiente katak esforsu kombate korrupsaun nudar knar no servisu ne’ebé todan wai’n. “Tamba ne’e mak esforsu ne’ebe ami halo mak haruka delegasaun mai estuda husi KPK nian esperiensia iha luta prevene no kombate korrupsaun,” katak Komisariu Tilman.

Komisariu Tilman espera, membru delegasaun CAC nian bele uza oportunidade murak mean ne’e hodi gainha esperiensia ho optimal ba benefisiu rai doben Timor-Leste iha luta prevene no kombate korrupsaun. (*)