Comissão Anti-Corrupção

Anti-Corruption Commision of Timor Leste

Komisariu Ofisialmente Loke Seminariu Prevensaun Korrupsaun ba Instituisaun SERVE

Dili – Komisariu Comissao Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Dr. Sergio Hornai ofisialmente loke workshop ho topiku “Hametin Integridade Estado Tuir Lei” ba funsionariu publiku ne’ebé haknar aan iha instituisaun autonoma finanseira Servico de Registo e Verificacao Empresarial (SERVE) Kinta-feira (25/4) ohin iha Hotel Ramelau Aimutin Dili.

Prezensa iha seminariu ne’e mak; UNDP Resident Representative iha Timor-Leste Claudio Providas, reprezentante Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Kyungmoo Jun, Diretor Ezekutivu SERVE Florencio Sanches no partisipantes seminariu staf SERVE rasik no inspetor sira husi instituisaun publiku sira hamutuk nain 20.

Seminariu ne’e finansia husi Ajénsia Koperasaun Internasionál husi Korea (KOICA)/Governu Korea no Programa Nasoins-Unidas ba Dezenvolvimentu (UNDP) ne’ebé lansa-ona programa ne’e iha tinan 2017; Anti-korrupsaun no desentralizasaun atu “Hasa’e Akuntabilidade Seitór Públiku liu-husi hametin institusionál ba anti-korrupsaun no desentralizasaun iha Timor-Leste 2017-2019.

Parseria foun ne’e sei ajuda Governu Timor-Leste atu harii seitór públiku desentralizadu ida ne’ebé efikás no inkluzivu no atu promove partisipasaun demokrátiku ba sidadaun sira iha nivel munisipal.

Seminariu ida ne’e mos halo parte husi kontinuasaun asistensia KOICA atraves UNDP iha Timor-Leste ba programa reforsa transparensia no responsabilizasaun ba sidadaun tomak no instituisaun governaentais sira iha nivel nasional no municipal hodi sensibiliza impaktu negative husi korrupsaun ba iha dezenvolvimentu nasaun doben Timor-Leste.

Projeitu asistensia husi KOICA atraves UNDP nee kobre aktividades hitu (7); elabora no finalize Estratejia Nasional Kombate Korrupsaun, realiza seminariu konsiensializasaun sobre etika, integridade no prosedimentus aprovizionamentu iha munisipiu hotu, realiza workshop ba funsionariu publiku sira iha SERVE sobre prevensaun korrupsaun iha koleksaun ba impostus no lisensiamentu ba kompanha, dezenvolve manuais sobre valores integridade no inspensaun monitoramentu, dezenha paktu integridade, transisaun programas kona-ba prevensaun korrupsaun iha televizaun no radio no realiza workshop ba juventude sira sobre prevensaun korrupsaun.

Projeitu ho folin $350.355 mil Dolares nee asina tiha ona iha loron 9 Fulan Julho 2018 iha tempu Segundu Mandatu Komisariu Dr. Aderito Pinto Tilman nian lideransa iha Hotel Ramelau Dili. (*)

Commissioner Sergio Officially Opened a Whole day Seminar on Prevention Corruption to SERVE Staffs

Particpated at the seminar were UNDP Resident Representative to Timor-Leste Claudio Providas, Country Director of Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Kyungmoo Jun, Executive Director of SERVE Florencio Sanches and staffs and more than 20 inspectors from line ministers.  

The seminar was funded by KOICA through UNDP Timor-Leste that launched in 2017; anti-corruption, decentralized on “Improving accountability of public sector through strengthens institutional to the anti-corruption and decentralization in Timor-Leste 2017-2019.

The new program will help Timor-Leste government to establish a decentralize public sector that effective and inclusive to promote democratic participation of citizens at municipality levels.

The seminar also taken part of KOICA’s continuation assistance through UNDP Timor-Leste to enhance transparency and responsibility programs to all Timorese citizens and government institutions at national level up to municipality levels to raise awareness of negative impact of corruption to the country development.   

The assistance project from KOICA via UNDP Timor-Leste will cover seven (7) activities; finalize the anti-corruption strategy, conducting awareness-raising seminars on ethics and integrity and regulations on procurement at all municipalities, conduct a seminar for civil servants (SERVE) on preventing corruption in the tax collection and licensing of foreign investment companies, develop manuals on value and integrity and inspection and monitoring for civil servants, draw a consensus on the integrity pact for procurement among stakeholders, broadcast TV/Radio talk shows on the prevention of corruption, conduct a youth workshops on the prevention of corruption.    

The total amount of the budget is $350.355 was inked under previous Commissioner Leadership Dr. Adérito Pinto Tilman at Ramelau Hotel on 9th of July 2018. (*)

Komisariu CAC Sergio Halao Sorumutu ho Direitor Ezekutivu CEPAD João Boavida

Dili – Komisariu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Dr. Sergio Hornai akompanha husi Direitor Diresaun Servisu Apoiu no Kooperasaun (DSAC) Dr. Carlos Bento Mau Bere no Chefe Unidade Kooperasaun Dr. João Correia do Rosario halao sorumutu ho Diretor Ezekutivu CEPAD – Centru Estudos para a Paz e o Dezenvolvimento Dr. João Boavida ho nian ekipa Kuarta-feira (24/4) ohin iha Sala Komisariu Farol Dili.

Objetivu sorumutu ne’e CEPAD komprementa Komisariu no aprezenta ninian servisu prevensaun korrupsaun no posibilidade akstensaun MoU entre CAC-CEPAD ne’ebé asina iha tinan 2016 no remata ona iha loron 9 Fulan Dezembro 2018.

CEPAD nudar Organizasaun Non-Governamental (ONG) nasional ne’ebé parseria diak ho CAC iha luta kontra korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste durante tinan sia (9) ezistensia CAC nian. CEPAD halao ona seminariu no workshops iha teritoriu laran tomak atu fo hanoin ba Timoroan sira nudar jerente Estado iha seitor publiku atu iha konsiensia la komete krimi ekstra-ordinariu korrupsaun kontra povu no nasaun doben TimorLeste.

Sorumutu ida ne nudar sorumutu dahuluk entre CAC ho CEPAD hafoin Komisariu CAC Dr. Sergio Hornai simu knar iha loron 22 fulan Janeiro 2019 liu ba husi Prezidenti Parlamento Nasional (PN) Arao Noe iha resintu Uma Fukun PN. (*)

Commissioner Sergio Held a Meeting with Executive Diretor of CEPAD João Boavida

Dili – Anti-Corruption Commissioner Dr. Sergio Hornai accompanied by Director of Services Support and Cooperation Carlos Bento Mau Bere and Chief of Cooperation João Correia do Rosario met with Executive Director of CEPAD João Boavida and his team at Comissioner cabinet Farol Dili on Wednesday (24/5).

The meeting objective was to congratulate newly elected Commissioner and presented CEPAD’s corruption prevention programs and looking forward to the extension of CAC and CEPAD mutual cooperation that was inked in 2016 and had terminated on the 9th of December 2018.   

CEPAD is a National Non-Government Organization (NGO) as one of CAC partner in the fight against corruption in Timor-Leste within nine years of CAC existence since 2010. CEPAD has been conducted seminars and workshops throughout territory to raise awareness of Timorese public servants not to commit extra-ordinary crime so called corruption against their own beloved people of Timor-Leste. 

This was first meeting between CAC and CEPAD after Dr. Sergio Hornai sworn in as Commissioner of CAC by President of National Parliament Arão Noe Amaral on the 22nd of January 2019. (*)