Dili – Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) joined with Global Organization Parliamentarian Against Corruption (GOPAC) to celebrate International Day Against Corruption in Timor-Leste, today 9th December 2015 with theme “Valoriza no Utilizasaun Rekursu Estadu ba Povu nia Moris Diak no Hametin Integridade Estadu”
This commemoration shows that Timor-Leste’s active participation in international campaign against corruption and continues to emphasize on the collective efforts of all society and public entities to prevent and combate corruption.
“The essence of of this theme is to remind all of us that people of Timor-Leste welfare is a final goal that we desire to reach. People’s welfare will be achieved when there is a high integrity of State and public servants and leaders in utilizing the State resources in good manner,” said CAC Commissioner Adérito Pinto Tilman.
The Secretariate of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) that administers and overseas the implementation of UNCAC decided this year’s theme “Stop Corruption and Bribery, If Not Economic And Development Will Be Destroyed” in this celebration of against corruption.
CAC continues to call upon the political leaders and society in this country to continue our collective effort of preventing and combating corruption in Timor-Leste.
The Activities in commemorating international day against corruption in Timor-Leste this year, CAC-GOPAC organized seminars in Covalima Municipal with students, youth group, women organization, NGO’s, religions orghans, community leaders and guests from Dili.
“This activities to show the importance of community participation in the movement of the fight against corruption and the public campaign will be continued in the future,” said Commissioner Tilman.
In this important celebration, today, CAC signed two Memorandum of Understanding with UNTL and UNDIL. And also launching the fuel control mechanism at the petrol station of ETO, AITULA and RUVIC.
The State Entities participated in this celebration are; public servants, police force, military personnels, religions leaders, leaders political party, community leaders, local leaders, students, civil society, private sector, local media and international agencies. (*)