Archives February 17, 2012

Meeting of Stakeholders

Dili, Timor – Leste On Wednesday, 25 January 2012, the Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) Aderito de Jesus Soares convened a meeting to inform and update national stakeholders on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) Self-Assessment Review process and the need to draft a national strategy for combating corruption. Among those in attendance were Prosecutor General, Ana Maria Pessoa, PNTL Second Commander in Chief, Afonso de Jesus, Inspector General, Francisco de Carvalho, representatives from Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dili and Baucau District Courts, the National Human Rights Commission (PDHJ), the Central Bank and civil society representatives included La’o Hamutuk, Luta Hamutuk, Justice System Monitoring Program (JSMP) and the HAK Foundation.

Participants at the half-day meeting unanimously agreed to continued provision of information to CAC as the leading agency for implementation of the UNCAC Self-Assessment Review process. Another outcome of the meeting was the formation of a working group composed of CAC, HAK Foundation, JSMP, Luta Hamutuk and La’o Hamutuk and it is expected to develop a term of reference for the drafting of Timor-Leste’s national strategy for combating corruption.

CAC Commissioner described the meeting as an important step to move forward with all relevant stakeholders in combating corruption in Timor-Leste. He said collaboration between stakeholders for combating corruption is imperative. During his presentation in the meeting, Deputy Commissioner for Investigation and Education Campaign Jose Neves informed the participants that as part of the First Cycle of the UNCAC Self-Assessment Review process, there will be a country visit by two-selected reviewers, Fiji and Namibia, and it is expected to take place sometime in April or May 2012. The First Cycle of the UNCAC Self-Assessment Review focuses on two Chapters, Chapter III on the International Cooperation and Chapter IV on the Criminalization and Law Enforcement.

In her remarks the Prosecutor General Ana Maria Pessoa welcomed the initiative positively and commented that the importance of national strategy should be treated as “state strategy/estratejiaestadu” to combat corruption—it needs active participation and cooperation of all stakeholders in the country.

Similar meetings are expected in coming months to continue the exercise of assessment review and to discuss the National Strategy of Timor-Leste in combating corruption.

Enkontru Ho Parseirus Sira

Dili-Timor-Leste, Iha loron Kuarta Feira 25 Janeiru 2012, Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) konvoka sorumutu ida atu informa ba parseirus nasional ba kombate korrupsaun kona ba prosesu Revizaun ba Auto-Avaliasaun (Self-Assessment Review) hanesan parte ida husi prosesu implementasaun ba Nasoens Unidas nia Konvensaun Anti-Korrupsaun (UNCAC) no oinsa atu dezenvolve planu estratéjia nasional ida atu kombate korupsaun iha Timor-Leste.

Parseiru nasional sira ne’ebé marka prezensa iha sorumutu ne’e inkluindu Prokuradora Jerál Sra. Ana Maria Pessoa, Segundu Komandante Jerál PNTL Sr. Afonso de Jesus, Inspetór Jerál Sr. Francisco de Carvalho, reprezentantes husi Ministériu Justisa, Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru, Tribunal Distrital Dili no Baucau, Provedoria Direitus Umanus no Justisa (PDHJ), Banku Sentral Timor-Leste (BCTL), no reprezentantes husi sosiedade sivil hanesan La’o Hamutuk, Luta Hamutuk, JSMP, Fundasaun HAK no Konselhu Joventude (CNJTL).

Iha sorumutu ne’e partisipante sira ho unanimidade konkorda atu kontinua kolabora no fahe informasaun ba CAC nuudar Instituisaun ida ne’ebé sai hanesan pontu vocal ba implementasaun prosesu revizaun ba auto-avaliasaun UNCAC iha Timor-Leste. Nune’e mós, iha sorumutu ne’e, partisipante sira hakotu atu forma grupu trabalhu (working group) ida ne’ebé komposta husi CAC, PDHJ, Fundasaun HAK, JSMP, Luta Hamutuk no La’o Hamutuk, atu dezenvolve termu referensia ida kona ba dezenvolvimentu estratéjia nasional ba kombate korrupsaun.

Komisáriu CAC deskrebe kona ba sorumutu ne’e hanesan pasu importante ida atu la’o ba oin hamutuk ho parseiru relevante tomak iha prosesu kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. Nia akresenta tan katak Kolaborasaun entre parseiru sira ba kombate korrupsaun ne’e importante. Durante halo aprezentasaun, Komisáriu Adjuntu ba Investigasaun no Edukasaun Kampaña, Sr. José António de Jesus Das Neves informa ba partisipante sira katak hanesan parte ida husi prosesu revizaun ba Auto-Avaliasaun Konvensaun UNCAC ba Siklu Dahuluk, se’i iha nasaun rua mak sai nuudar kritiku na’in (Reviewer) ba Timor-Leste. Nasaun rua ne’e maka Fiji no Namibia, ne’ebé tuir espetativa sira se’i mai Timor-Leste iha fulan April ka Maiu 2012. Prosesu avaliasaun iha Siklu Dahuluk UNCAC ne’e konsentra ba Kapitulu rua mak hanesan Kapitulu III kona ba Kriminalizasaun no Aplikasaun Lei no Kapitulu IV kona ba Kooperasaun Internasional.

Prokuradora Jeral Sra. Ana Maria Pessoa hato’o bem-vinda ba inisiativa pozitivu ida ne’e. Iha nia komentáriu hatete katak importansia husi estratéjia nasional ne’e maka tenki trata hanesan “estratéjia estadu” Timor-Leste nian ba kombate korrupsaun, ne’e presija tebtebes partisipasaun no kooperasaun husi parseiru sira hotu.

Sorumutu entre parseirus nasional ne’e sei la kotu. Iha tempu fulan hirak mai se’i kontinua halo exersisiu ba Revizaun ba Auto-Avaliasaun UNCAC nian no se’i iha diskusoens barak kona ba Timor-Leste nia estratéjia nasional ba kombate korrupsaun.

Dili-Timor-Leste, Iha loron Kuarta Feira 25 Janeiru 2012, Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) konvoka sorumutu ida atu informa ba parseirus nasional ba kombate korrupsaun kona ba prosesu Revizaun ba Auto-Avaliasaun (Self-Assessment Review) hanesan parte ida husi prosesu implementasaun ba Nasoens Unidas nia Konvensaun Anti-Korrupsaun (UNCAC) no oinsa atu dezenvolve planu estratéjia nasional ida atu kombate korupsaun iha Timor-Leste.

Parseiru nasional sira ne’ebé marka prezensa iha sorumutu ne’e inkluindu Prokuradora Jerál Sra. Ana Maria Pessoa, Segundu Komandante Jerál PNTL Sr. Afonso de Jesus, Inspetór Jerál Sr. Francisco de Carvalho, reprezentantes husi Ministériu Justisa, Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru, Tribunal Distrital Dili no Baucau, Provedoria Direitus Umanus no Justisa (PDHJ), Banku Sentral Timor-Leste (BCTL), no reprezentantes husi sosiedade sivil hanesan La’o Hamutuk, Luta Hamutuk, JSMP, Fundasaun HAK no Konselhu Joventude (CNJTL).

Iha sorumutu ne’e partisipante sira ho unanimidade konkorda atu kontinua kolabora no fahe informasaun ba CAC nuudar Instituisaun ida ne’ebé sai hanesan pontu vocal ba implementasaun prosesu revizaun ba auto-avaliasaun UNCAC iha Timor-Leste. Nune’e mós, iha sorumutu ne’e, partisipante sira hakotu atu forma grupu trabalhu (working group) ida ne’ebé komposta husi CAC, PDHJ, Fundasaun HAK, JSMP, Luta Hamutuk no La’o Hamutuk, atu dezenvolve termu referensia ida kona ba dezenvolvimentu estratéjia nasional ba kombate korrupsaun.

Komisáriu CAC deskrebe kona ba sorumutu ne’e hanesan pasu importante ida atu la’o ba oin hamutuk ho parseiru relevante tomak iha prosesu kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. Nia akresenta tan katak Kolaborasaun entre parseiru sira ba kombate korrupsaun ne’e importante. Durante halo aprezentasaun, Komisáriu Adjuntu ba Investigasaun no Edukasaun Kampaña, Sr. José António de Jesus Das Neves informa ba partisipante sira katak hanesan parte ida husi prosesu revizaun ba Auto-Avaliasaun Konvensaun UNCAC ba Siklu Dahuluk, se’i iha nasaun rua mak sai nuudar kritiku na’in (Reviewer) ba Timor-Leste. Nasaun rua ne’e maka Fiji no Namibia, ne’ebé tuir espetativa sira se’i mai Timor-Leste iha fulan April ka Maiu 2012. Prosesu avaliasaun iha Siklu Dahuluk UNCAC ne’e konsentra ba Kapitulu rua mak hanesan Kapitulu III kona ba Kriminalizasaun no Aplikasaun Lei no Kapitulu IV kona ba Kooperasaun Internasional.

Prokuradora Jeral Sra. Ana Maria Pessoa hato’o bem-vinda ba inisiativa pozitivu ida ne’e. Iha nia komentáriu hatete katak importansia husi estratéjia nasional ne’e maka tenki trata hanesan “estratéjia estadu” Timor-Leste nian ba kombate korrupsaun, ne’e presija tebtebes partisipasaun no kooperasaun husi parseiru sira hotu.

Sorumutu entre parseirus nasional ne’e sei la kotu. Iha tempu fulan hirak mai se’i kontinua halo exersisiu ba Revizaun ba Auto-Avaliasaun UNCAC nian no se’i iha diskusoens barak kona ba Timor-Leste nia estratéjia nasional ba kombate korrupsaun.

Highlights of CAC’s Activities Between September – October

The Anti – Corruption Commission (CAC), through its various directorates carried out series of activities during the months of September and October 2011. These activities were in continuation of efforts to reach out and educate Timorese public on the Commission’s activities and the evils of corruption, while preventing and investigate corrupt activities throughout Timor – Leste.


On its way to Oecusse on 12 October 2011, the CAC pay a courtesy call on the Departments of Customs and Immigration and Border Police (UPF) assigned in the Mota-Ain, Batugade border areas. The intent of the brief stopover was to ascertain conditions at the border crossing and to inspect functions of government funded facilities and employees. Commissioner Adérito  Soares led his Deputy for Prevention Manuel Bucar and other staff on the visit which coincided with TV Timor – Leste team who covered the Commission’s brief stay at the border.

During his interactions, Commissioner Aderito and his team familiarized themselves with actual information about the Customs responsibilities in Mota-Ain. In his briefing on some of the facilities, Mr. Mario Soares of Customs said the electronic X-ray equipment for scanning of goods has not function for about three months. He said it was really difficult to verify the worth of goods exported and imported items on the market. He added that based on the work hour in Batugade Border Control which opens at 8 am and closes at 5 pm; it is very difficult for customs to control vehicle’s movement at night.

Mr. Mario Soares said government cars used by Timorese leaders request facilitation at border crossing. He added that this incident has violated procedures that have been established between the two countries and measures need to be taken by a competent authority. This happens because there is poor coordination with UPF. The negative effect of this, results in the inability to justify goods that come in to TL.

At Immigration, Commissioner Adérito discovered that there was poor working condition and this was affective services. Work space is not sufficient to accommodate the current staff.


On 27 September 2011, the Prevention directorate of CAC conducted a 1 – day corruption prevention workshop for staff of the Ministry of Health. The workshop brought together 215 participants from the Health Ministry. The Minister and Vice-Minister of were in attendance all through to demonstrate their commitment and to encourage other staff to take the CAC workshop seriously. Similar workshop was conducted for the staff of the Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Industry (MTCI) on 25 of October. The Minister of Trade Commerce and Industry was also in attendance.

Workshops were also conducted in Covalima District on September 20, 2011, Bobonaro District on September 22, 2011, and Oeccusse District on October 13, 2011. The objective of those workshops intended to introduce CAC law implementation and other documents related to CAC’s work; to create a control method in the workplace to eliminate corrupt practices.

Actual information collected by the commission was that many staff lacked the knowledge in identifying types of corruption such as embezzlement and other corrupt activities that can indicate abuse of power in an institution. Through these workshops the commission got the following outputs:

a)        For CAC:

– Guarantee CAC’s existence in an institution that has identified corruption risk.

– Properly transfer information about CAC’s law/s and other legal documents

– Find actual information from participants and identify new methods to reduce corruption.

– Decide on new strategies for the program or future activities and assign actual information for CAC.

b)        For staff:

– Find right information about CAC law and other legal documents

– To have strong concept to implement combat Corruption and to gain good methods to prevent effective Corruption.


On October 20, 2011, the Education directorate, campaign and research launch a research report on the movement of government vehicles and the use of government fuel coupons. The research was carried out through surveillance in two fuel stations over the period of two months. The participants at this launching were the General Director and National Director from all Government institutions and also members of Minister of Agriculture and fishers.

On the monitoring result for government vehicle movement during 14 days research, Sub-Directorate identified 35,057 vehicles.  Of this number, 33% with movement on Saturdays and Sundays and 67% during work days. The Government vehicle identified, based on the plate number register, showed that the frequencies of using those cars in some areas appear nine times and many appear 20 to 36 times. The commission really worries about these movements and frequencies and found one car with plate number 03.366 which had 64 (times) movements in two weeks.

The observation for government fuel coupons in two weeks in two fuel stations (Aitula and Eto) which provides government fuel, show that out of 5,488 cars that use this fuel, 51% is used for private vehicles, 45% for government vehicle sand 4% had no plate numbers.


 The commission’s role in the investigation is contained in Part 2, Article 5 of CAC Law No. 8/2009; is to give major competence to investigators to do work with quality and sustainability for cases that are investigated.

During March until October, investigation directorate has concluded nine investigations out of twenty orders requested by the Prosecutor Office. There were some cases that DI automatically/directly reported to MP and received complaints from the public, communities and other government staff.

Some orders from Prosecutor Office MP were cases investigated by them and some were results from direct reports that investigators submitted previously.

Actividade CAC nian durante fulan-Setembru to’o fulan-Outubru 2011

– Inspesaun-

Comissão Anti-Corrupção liu hosi Diresaun Prevensaun iha kuarta-feira, loron 12 fulan-Outobru 2011 halao inspesaun durante óras rua iha fronteira Mota-ain, Batugade hodi hatene loloos servisu Diresaun Alfándega , Imigrasaun no Unidade Polísia Fronteira (UPF) nian. Inspesaun ne’e halao direitamente hosi Komisáriu, Komisáriu Adjuntu ba Prevensaun, Diretór no ofisiál sira, no hetan kobertura direitamente hosi média TVTL.

Iha Inspesaun ne’e, Komisaun hetan informasaun aktuál hosi responsável alfándega  nian iha Mota-ain, Sr. Mario Soares, katak: durante fulan tolu ona ekipamentu elektrónika X-ray la funsiona no difikulta tebtebes verifikasaun sasan merkadoria tama ka sai nian no iha parte seluk, tuir óras servisu nian fronteira Batugade loke iha tuku 8 dader no taka iha tuku 5 lokraik, maibe dala ruma movimentu kareta sirkula iha loron kalan ne’ebé difikulta tebtebes alfándega nia servisu. Ida ne’e tanba ladun iha koordenasaun diak ho UPF. Efeitu negativu ne’ebé mosu katak la bele halo justifikasaun ba sasan ne’ebé tama mai Timor-Leste. Iha parte imigrasaun nian, Komisaun deteta katak espasu servisu ba atendimentu nian la adekuada tanba servisu deit ho fatin 4 x 5 m2. Iha parte servisu UPF nian hatete katak dala ruma kareta balu tama mai TL iha kalan, tanba iha ulun boot ne’ebé uza kareta Estadu nian husu atu fasilita. Akontesimentu hanesan ne’e viola prosedimentu ne’ebé estabelese tiha ona entre nasaun rua ne’e no tenki iha medidas hosi autoridade kompeténsia.

– Workshop

Diresaun Prevensaun realiza ona workshop lubuk ida iha Kapitál Díli no distritu sirak durante fulan rua ikus nia laran. Iha Kapitál Díli, halao workshop hó funsionáriu xefia tomak Ministériu Saúde nian iha territóriu tomak hamotuk ema 215 inklui mós ministru no vise-ministra iha loron 27 fulan-Setembru no iha loron 25 fulan-Outubru halao fali ho funsionáriu tomak MTCI nian, hola parte mós hosi ministru. Workshop iha distritu sirak halao iha Distritu Covalima (20-Set-2011), Distritu Bobonaro (22-Set-2011) no Distritu Oe-Cusse (13-Out-2011). Objetivu hosi workshop sirak ne’e, atu fó koñesimentu ba funsionáriu públiku sira kona-ba implementasaun lei CAC no dokumentu legal sirak seluk ne’ebé iha ligasaun ho sira nia servisu; kria métodu kontrolu ida efikaz iha servisu nian hodi halakon risku korrupsaun. Informasaun atuál ne’ebé Komisaun rekolla katak funsionáriu barak mak la iha koñesimentu makas kona-ba definisaun tipu-tipu krime korupsaun hanesan pekulatu, pekulatu uzu no dala barak aktu korupsaun sirak ne’ebé mosu indika liu-ba abuzu poder iha instituisaun nia laran.

Liu hosi workshop sirak ne’e, Komisaun atu hetan (output): (a) Ba CAC: Garante eksisténsia CAC nian iha instituisaun ne’ebé identifika risku korrupsaun; Transfere informasaun sirak loloos kona-ba lei CAC no dokumentu legál sirak seluk; Hetan informasaun aktuál hosi partisipante sira no bele hetan métode foun atu halakon korrupsaun. Desidi estratéjia foun ba programa ka atividade oin mai no atrubui informasaun aktuál ba diresaun seluk CAC nian (b) Ba Funsionáriu sira katak: hetan informasaun loloos kona-ba lei CAC no dokumentu legál sirak seluk; Iha nosaun ida forti atu implementa polítika kombate korrupsaun nian no hetan métode diak atu prevene korrupsaun ida efikaz.

– Peskiza

Iha loron 20 fulan-Outubru, Diresaun Edukasaun, Kampaña no Peskiza halo lansamentu relatóriu peskiza ba movimentu kareta Estadu nian no utilizasaun seña ba abastesimentu konbustível iha estasaun rua durante fulan rua. Iha lansamentu ne’e, hola prezensa hosi diretór-jerál no diretór nasionál iha instituisaun tomak Estadu nian no hosi parte Membro Governu nian hola prezensa deit hosi Ministru Agrikultura no Peskas.

Rezultadu hosi monitorizasaun ba movimentu kareta Estadu nian, durante loron 14 Sub-Diresaun Peskiza konsege identifika kareta Estadu nian hamotuk 35.057 maka movimentu iha Kapitál Díli ho klasifikasaun hanesan 33% halo movimentu iha loron Sabadu no Domingu, 67% halo movimentu iha loron servisu nian. Hosi total kareta Estadu nian ne’ebé identifika, bazeia tuir númeru plakat registu nian, hatudu frekuénsia utilizasaun ba kareta sirak ne’e balu mosu dasia (nove vezes) no barak mak mosu 20 (vinte vezes) too 36 (trinta e seis vezes). Komisaun preokupa makas ho frekuénsia movimentu sirak ne’e no hetan kareta ida ho númeru plakat 03.366 ne’ebé halo movimentu ba dala 64 (sessenta e quatro vezes) iha semana rua nia laran.

Observasaun iha semana rua ba fatin abastesimentu kombustível iha estasaun rua (Aitula no ETO) ne’ebé fornese mina ba Estadu, hatudu katak hosi total kareta 5.488 ne’ebé ba ense mina, 51% ense ba kareta ho marka xapa privadu, 45% ba kareta Estadu nian no 4% ba kareta ne’ebé la iha xapa matrikula.

– Investigasaun

Knaar Komisaun iha parte investigasaun nian konsta iha pontu 2 artigu 5º lei harí CAC nº 8/2009, fó kompeténsia boot tebtebes ba investigador sira atu halo servisu ho kualidade no sustánsia ba kazu sirak ne’ebé sira investiga. Durante fulan-Marsu too fulan-Outubru, Diresaun Investigasaun (DI) konklui ona investigasaun sia (9) hosi despaxu rua-nulu (20) ne’ebé Ministériu Públiku (MP) delega mai Komisaun. Iha kazu balu mak DI halo auto denunsia ka auto notísia ba MP depois hetan keixa hosi públiku, komunidade no funsionáriu Estadu nian ka informasaun kriminál ruma ne’ebé investigador hetan, hodi nune’e hetan despaxu ba investigasaun nian. Hosi despaxu MP, kazu balu inísia hosi ka halo investigasaun hosi MP rasik, no barak mós rezultadu hosi auto denunsia ka auto notísia ne’ebé investigador haruka ba