Archives February 27, 2012

Number of Electoral Contestants is High But Their Political Will?

Dili, Timor-Leste—The number of 2012 electoral contestants is high, however their political will towards national concern on electoral corruption has yet to balance—that was the phenomenon during the join national conference organized by CAC-CNE last Saturday 25 February 2012 on “Transparency and Accountability towards Electoral Process: A Path to Distant from Electoral Corruption” at the Dili Conventional Center, Caicoli Dili. The electoral contestants shown lack of interest and did not make use of momentum provided. There were very few representatives of political parties and not a single presidential candidate marked their presence in the event.

Political parties representatives who participated in the seminar were President of the National Unity Party Fernanda Borges, representatives of the Opposition Party Fretilin, Social Democratic Party (PSD), National Unity of Timorese Resistance Party (UNDERTIM), National Development Party (PDN), Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor-Oan Party (KHUNTO) and Liberta Povu-Aileba Party (PLPA). Other invitees included Second-Commander-in-Chief of the National Police of Timor-Lese (PNTL) Afonso de Jesus, representatives of United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) and Civil Society Organizations.

The one-day seminar presented five speakers: Indonesian Constitutional Court Judge Hamdan Zoelva spoke about Indonesia’s experience on political corruption; Former Commissioner of the Independent Electoral Commission in Timor-Leste Michael Maley on challenges and opportunities in electoral process–particularly on electoral corruption that involves political parties and independent candidates; President of the Court of Appeal Claudio Ximenes on electoral laws from legal perspectives; CNE Commissioner Faustino Cardoso Gomes on appreciation and assessment on electoral budget; and  CAC Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar on the role of CAC in the electoral process and assets declarations.

Majority participants in the conference, especially representatives of political parties, welcomed the initiatives of the joint conference and considered the importance of having to establish an appropriate control mechanism to monitor government resources for the 2012 electoral purposes. During questions and answers session, participants raised various burning issues regarding challenges and opportunities related to electoral process and mechanisms to address electoral corruptions. Among the most discussed issues included mechanism for legal process if there is complaint about political corruption, mechanism for asset declaration, subsidy for electoral contestants and mechanism to present electoral account to CNE, and how to detect if there is any electoral crime.

This joint conference marked a first step of the CAC-CNE joint effort. In the near future, a similar initiative is expected to take place and involve political parties and presidential candidates who will compete in the 2012 elections.

Numeru Konkorentes Eleitoral Bo’ot Maibe Vontade Politika?

Dili, Timor – Leste— Numeru partidus politiku no kandidatus prezidensial bo’ot maibe vontade politika ba asuntu nebe sai prekupasaun nasional seidauk bo’ot hanesan—ne’e maka fenomena nebe akontese iha loron Sabadu 25 Fevereiru iha konferensia konjunta nebe CAC ho CNE organiza ba konkorentes eleitoral ba tinan 2012 konaba “Transparensia no Fiskalizasaun ba Kontas Eleitoral: Dalan atu Hado’ok Aan husi Korupsaun Eleitoral,” iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili, Caicoli, Dili. Oportunidade diak ba konkorentes eleitoral sira maibe ladun hetan interese no la aproveita didiak momentu ne’e. Partisipasaun husi partidus politiku sira minimu tebes, kandidatus presidenzial nian laiha ema ida maka marka prezensa, apenas reprezentante ida rua husi sira nia ekipa suksesu deit.

Politiku na’in sira nebe marka prezensa ohin maka Prezidente Partidu Unidade Nasional (PUN) Fernanda Borges, reprezentantes husi Partidu Opozisaun Fretilin, Partidu Frente Mudansa, Partidu Social Demokrata (PSD), Partidu Unidade Nasional de Rezistensia Timorense (UNDERTIM), Partidu Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PDN), Partidu Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor-Oan (KHUNTO) no Partidu Liberta Povu Ai-Leba (PLPA). Konvidadus seluk nebe marka prezensa maka Sigundu-Komandante Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste Afonso de Jesus, reprezentantes husi Misaun Nasoens Unidas (UNMIT), no Sosiedade Sivil.

Konferensia konjunta ne’e aprezenta oradores na’in 5 mak: Juiz Tribunal Konstitusional Hamdan Zoelva husi Indonesia koalia konaba esperiensia Indonesia konaba korupsaun politika, Michael Maley husi Australia koalia konaba dezafius no oportunidades iha prosesu eleitoral, liu-liu konaba korupsaun politika nebe involve partidus politika no kandidatu independente sira, Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu Claudio Ximenes koalia konaba perspektiva legal ba leis eleitoral nian, Komisariu CNE Faustino Cardoso Gomes koalia konaba apresiasaun no avaliasaun ba kontas partidus politiku sira no koligasaun partidus politiku sira no Komisariu Adjuntu CAC Manuel Bucar koalia konaba papel CAC iha prosesu eleitoral no deklarasaun riku-soi.

Diskusaun nebe maka mosu barak liu iha sesaun perguntas no resposta maka konaba mekanismu ba prosesu legal wainhira iha keizas ruma nebe iha relasaun ho korupsaun politika no mekanismu konaba deklarasaun riku-soi. Kuaze reprezentantes partidu politiku nebe marka prezensa konkorda ho asuntu prekupasaun konaba reseitas estadu no oinsa tenki iha mekanismu ida atu kontrola rekursu estadu nian hodi uza ba prosesu eleitoral ba tinan 2012. Asuntu seluk nebe diskuti mak konaba subsidiari ba konkorentes eleitoral nian no nia mekanismu atu aprezenta kontas ba CNE no oinsa deteta krimi eleitoral.

Ikus mai, husi lia menon husi CAC no CNE nebe nudar na’in ba konferensia ne’e hatete katak konferensia ne’e hanesan pasu inisia ida husi esforsu nebe organizasaun rua ne’ hala’o.  Iha tempu besik mai iha planu atu involve nafatin partidus politiku no kandidatu prezidensial sira atu koalia hamutuk liu-liu konaba korupsaun politika ka korupsaun eleitoral.