Archives February 22, 2012

CAC Welcomes a Visit of UN New York Delegation

In late January 2012, the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) welcomed a visit of the United Nations (UN) Assessment Team from New York. The UN Team was in Timor-Leste to assess the needs for a succession mission post United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor- Leste (UNMIT). The UN delegation of five officials was headed by Director for Asia and Middle East of the Operations Division of UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber. During the one-hour meeting, the delegation was briefed by CAC Commissioner Aderito de Jesus Soares about programs and activities as well as challenges and some milestones achieved in the last two years since CAC was established in 2009. In return, Mr. Weisbrod-Weber shared information regarding the work of UNMIT in the areas of peace building and good governance as well as explored views on the UN’s future engagement with the government of Timor-Leste post UNMIT.

For the last ten years, the world body has been providing support through its peacekeeping missions and sister agencies for the government of Timor-Leste in various initiatives of the country’s institutional building process. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has so far provided support for CAC’s outreach program to include printing materials for educational campaign such as posters, stickers and banners highlighted CAC’s mission and vision in combating corruption in Timor-Leste. UNMIT’s Democratic Governance Unit has been providing support on good governance issues as well as assisting CAC in the UNCAC Review process. In addition, as part of coordination and information sharing, a regular meeting is held monthly between CAC Commissioner and UNMIT Deputy Representative/UNDP Resident Co-ordinator Mr. Finn-Reske Nielsen. Both parties take turn in visiting one-another for their respective meetings.

CAC Simu Vizita Delegasaun husi ONU Nova Iorke

Iha prinsipiu fulan Fevereiru, CAC simu vizita delegasaun husi ONU Nova Iorke nebe mai Timor-Leste mai atu halo avaliasaun konaba nesesidades misaun ONU nian iha Timor-Leste hafoin misaun UNMIT nian remata. Delegasaun hamutuk ema nain lima ne’e xefia husi Senhor Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber nudar

Diretur Operasaun ba Asia no Mediu Oriente husi Devizaun Operasaun Departementu Operasaun Paz nian, Durane sorumutu besik oras ida ne’e, delegasaun ne’e rona informasaun husi Komisariu CAC Aderito de Jesus Soares konaba programas no aktividades nebe durante ne’e CAC hala’o nomos dezafiu nebe CAC infrenta no suksesu balu nebe maka atinji ona desde CAC hari iha tinan 2009. Hafoin rona husi Komisariu CAC, Xefi delegasaun ONU nian mos hato’o informasaun konaba servisu UNMIT nian iha area hari-dame no governasaun diak nomos esplora hanoin no vizaun konaba ONU nia papel ba governu Timor-Leste wainhira UNMIT nia misaun remata.

Durante tinan sanulu ne’e, organizasaun mundial ne’e fornese ona tulun ba governu Timor-Leste liu husi nia misaun dame no ajensia dezenvolvimentu sira. PNUD durante ne’e fornese ona apoiu ba CAC liu husi programa edukasaun kampanha. Apoiu PNUD nian sira maka hanesan imprimi poster, stiker no halo lansamentu seluk hodi publikua CAC nia servisu. Misaun UNMIT nian durante ne’e fo suporta ba CAC iha prosesu halo revizaun ba UNCAC. Papel seluk maka ONU halo maka, hanesan parte ida husi koordenasaun no fahe informasaun, fulan-fulan iha sorumutu regular entre Komisariu CAC de Jesus Soares ho UNMIT nia Vise-Reprezentante/Koordenador Jeral UNDP, Senhor Finn-Reske Nielsen. Parte rua ne’e sempre halo vizita ba malu hodi halo sira nia sorumutu.

First Stakeholders Meeting on National Strategy for Combating Corruption

In late January 2012, CAC organized a first meeting of national stakeholders to discuss the importance of having to draft a national strategy for combating corruption in Timor-Leste. Participants at the first meeting included Prosecutor General Ana Pessoa, Second Commander of the National Police Afonso de Jesus, Inspector General Francisco de Carvalho, representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Justice, Baucau and Dili District Court, Ombudsman Office and Civil Society Organizations such as Luta Hamutuk, La’o Hamutuk, HAK Foundation, Justice System Monitoring Program and National Youth Council. Participants in the meeting unanimously welcomed the initiative and expressed their interest to work together in combating corruption in Timor-Leste. The meeting resulted in the formation of a small working group to develop terms of reference for the development of national strategic plan for combating corruption. Representatives of four national NGOs voluntarily expressed their interest to be in the working group for the development of TOR together with CAC.

Sorumutu Dahuluk kona ba Estratejia Nasional ba Kombate Korrupsaun

Iha fulan Janeiru nia rohan liu ba,  CAC organiza sorumutu ho parseiru nasional sirak hodi fo hanoin lisuk no halo diskusaun ba estratejia nasional ba kombate korrupsaun nebe halao iha loron 25 fulan Jeneiru 2012 iha CAC nia serivu fatin. Parseiru nasional sirak nebe mak marka prezensa iha sorumutu ne’e inkluindu Prokuradora Jeral Ana Maria Pessoa, Komandante Jeral Sigundu PNTL Afonso de Jesus, Inspetor Jeral Francisco de Carvalho, reprezentantes husi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru, Ministeriu Justisa, Tribunal Distritu Baucau no Dili, Provedoria ba Direitus Umanus no Justisa (PDHJ) no representante sira husi sosiedade sivil inkluindu Luta Hamutuk, La’o Hamutuk, Fundasaun HAK, JSMP no Konseilhu Joventude Timor-Leste (CJTL).

Diskusaun ba Estratjia Nasional ba Kombate Korrupsaun ne’e sei envolve nafatin entidade seluk iha estadu no sosiedade inklui parseirus internasional sira. Hein katak parseiru relevante sira kontinua iha vontande politika diak atu partisipa no fo hanoin lisuk ba prosesu trasa planu estratejia nasional ne’e.