Archives April 2014

Universitariu UNTL Nain 200 Resin Partisipa Seminariu CAC

Dili – Ohin Sesta-feira(4/4), Commição Anti-Corrupção (CAC) realiza seminariu loron sorin iha Universidade Násional Timor-Leste (UNTL) Fakuldade Ekonomia ne’ebé universitariu kuaze nain 200 resin ho antisiasmu partisipa iha seminariu ne’e ho orador principal Komisáriu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar Corte Real.

Semináriu  ne’e hanesan meius sosializasaun papel CAC ba estudantes iha teritoriu tomak husi eskola baziku to’o universidade ho topiku “Onestidade Nu’udar Xavi Ba Estudante Sira Atu Hado’ok-An Husi Korrupsaun” ne’ebé knar ne’e ekzekuta husi diresaun Edukasaun e Peskiza.

Objetivu principal CAC halao seminariu iha universidade atu esplika ba universitariu sira misaun no vizaun CAC nian. Universitariu nudar lideransa nasional iha future presija konhese orgaun Estadu independente CAC ne’ebe halao misaun mak; Prevensaun Krimi Korrupsaun, Edukasaun e Peskiza no Investigasaun Krimi Korrupsaun.

Iha seminariu ne’e Komisáriu Adjuntu Bucar esplika kona-ba direitu no dever jerasaun foun ka universitariu sira nudar lideransa nasional iha future atu estuda didiak hodi mantein atetudade diak nudar estudante ho responsabilidade boot ba povu no nasaun. Adjuntu Bucar mos esplika kona-ba Timor-Leste nian rekursu naturais hanesan mina rai no gas iha Tasi Timor laran hanesan riku soi Estadu atu jestor Estadu bele utiliza didiak ba prosperiedade povu no nasaun.

“Dever ho obrigasaun universitariu sira nian mak estuda no domina siensia atu servi povu no nasaun dobben Timor-Leste laho korrupsaun. Ho siensia mak universitariu sira prontu dezenvolve siensia jestaun atu promove luta kontra korrupsaun no hamrik atu infrenta solusiona konkretas problema,” Katak Komisariu Adjuntu Bucar.

Seminariu ne’e taka ho sesaun perguntas no resposta iha ne’ebé universitariu sira hato’o perguntas mesak kritiku no konstrutivu ba instituisaun CAC nian diak iha future. Partisipa iha seminariu ne’e mak Vise Dekanu Filipe Mendes Pereira, Longuinhos dos Santos no dosentes Fakuldade Ekonomia UNTL.

Tinan ne’e tomak, CAC sei kontinua halao seminar ho future lideransa TL nian atu esplika ba sira kona-ba konhesimentu no oin sa atu kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. (*)

200 UNTL University Students Participate in CAC Seminar

Dili – The Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) today held a half-day seminar at the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL) for the Faculty of Economics. The seminar was attended by more than 200 university students where Deputy Commissioner of CAC, Manuel Bucar Corte Real, was the principal speaker.

At the seminar, students from elementary to university level learnt about the duties and responsibilities of the Education and Research directorate through the topic, “Honesty is the Key for Students to Avoid Corrupt Behaviour”.

CAC’s main objective of conducting the seminar was to explain the mission and vision of the Commission. As future leaders, university students need to know how CAC as a state institution works to prevent corruption, educate and research corruption, and investigate criminal corruption.

In this seminar, Deputy Commissioner Bucar explained about the rights of university students and the obligations placed upon this new generation to become the national leaders of the future. He said they should study hard and maintain a good attitude towards the big responsibilities they will have to the people of this country.

Deputy Commission Bucar also explained that as Timor-Leste is a small nation rich in oil and gas natural resources in the Timor Sea, this wealth should be managed well by the State for the prosperity of the people of Timor-Leste.

“The onus is on university students to study hard and serve their own people of Timor-Leste to free it from corruption. With knowledge, university students can be ready to develop ideas that promote anti-corruption crime practices, and offer a solution to real problems,” said Deputy Commissioner Bucar.

The seminar closed with a questions and answers session where students came up with their own constructive criticism to the CAC, to assist in further developing the institution. Also participating in today’s seminar was the First Vice-Dean of the Economics Faculty, Filipe Mendes Pereira, and Second Vice-Dean Longuinhos dos Santos and students.

Throughout the year, CAC will continue to hold seminars with the country’s future leaders to provide them with the knowledge and tools to fight corruption.  (*)