Archives May 2014

CAC Kontinua Eduka Seitór Privadu Iha Distritus Ba Prevene Korrupsaun

Liquiça – Empresariu lokal liu 100 iha distritus rua, distritu Aileu ho Liquiça semana ne’e asesu ba informasaun kona-ba esforsu luta kontra korrupsaun liu husi seminariu ne’ebé organiza husi Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC).

Seminariu iha distritu Aileu halao iha loron Tersa-feira (27/5) no Distritu Liquiça iha Salaun Sentru Toko Dede iha loron Kinta-feira (29/5) ohin.

Workshops iha distritus rua diferente ne’e ho topiku “Papel Setór Privadu ba Fortifikasaun Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál: Kontestu Prevensaun Korrupsaun”. Ida ne’e konsistente ho Planu Prevensaun CAC ba tinan 2014-15 nian, iha ne’ebé fokus liu iha area prioridade hat inklui Aprovizionamentu. Areas prioridade tolu seluk mak Desentralizasaun Poder Governu, Alfandega, no Vontade Politiku.

Objetivu seminariu ne’e atu eduka emprezariu lokal ne’ebé halibur malu iha organizasaun emprezarial ho naran Camara Comercio e Industria Timor-Leste (CCI TL) nudar parseiru governu atu hetan informasaun oin sa prevene pratika subornu ka korrupsaun hodi dezenvolve rai doben TL iha transparansia no dignidade nia leten.

“Ami ohin mai iha ne’e atu koalia ho ita boot sira husi fuan ba fuan nudar Timor oan atu ita konstrui nasaun TL iha transparansia nia leten la ho subornu no korrupsaun,” katak orador uniku seminar ohin, Direitur Prevensaun Abrão Jose Freitas ba partisipantes sira.

“Diak liu ita prevene duke ita monu iha pratika korrupsaun ne’ebé bele fo konsekuensia ladiak ba familia nia naran diak, dignidade, honra no privileiju nudar Timor oan.”

Prezidenti CCI-TL Distritu Liquiça, Vicenti da Conceição lori naran emprezarius Liquiça oan sira agradese ba prezensa ekipa CAC iha distritu hodi fahe informasaun no eduka seitor privadu kona-ba Timor oan sira nian esforsu ba luta kontra korrupsaun.

Emprezarius lokal iha distritus Aileu no Liquica ho antusiasmu boot partisipa ativamente durante workshop to’o nian rohan. Emprezariu sira rekomenda ba CAC atu nia “manu ain” sira regularmente desloka ba iha distritus hodi monitoriza sedu prosesu ekzekusaun projeitu estadu husi kompanha lokal sira iha distritus hodi garante kualidade projeitu.

CAC firmi fiar metin ba Timor oan hotu – tantu sira lider komunitariu, husi seitor privadu ka governu, ou elementus públiku – tenki involve iha kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. Ami sei kontinua halao workshops hanesan ho seitor privadu iha tinan tomak. (*)


CAC Continues To Educate Private Sector In The Districts On Preventing Corruption

Liquiça – More than 100 local businessmen in two different districts, Aileu and Liquiça, today accessed information about efforts they can use against corruption through seminars organized by the Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC).

The seminar in Aileu was held on Tuesday (27/5), with a second seminar held in Liquiça today (29/5) at the Toko Dede Centre.

Seminars in both districts addressed the topic of “The Private Sector’s Role in Strengthening National Development; Corruption Prevention Context”. This is consistent with CAC’s 2014-15 Prevention Plan, which focuses on four priority areas including procurement. The other three prevention priorities are the decentralization of local government power, customs and political will.

The objective of the seminars was to educate local businessmen that are part of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Timor-Leste (CCI-TL), as government partners, on how to prevent bribery practices and corruption so development within the country occurs in a transparent and dignified manner.

“We are with you here today, to speak to you from heart to heart as East Timorese so that we can construct Timor-Leste in a transparent way without bribery and corruption,” CAC key speaker, Director of Prevention Abrão Jose Freitas, said to participants today.

“It is better for us to prevent than to fall into the corrupt practices that can bring bad consequences upon a family’s good name, dignity, honor and privilege as East Timorese.”

Chairman of the Liquica CCI-TL, Vicenti da Conceição, on behalf of local businessmen, extended appreciation and gratitude to CAC for its presence in the district in providing information and educating the private sector about East Timorese efforts against corruption.

Local businessmen in both districts enthusiastically and actively participated in the workshop. They recommended that CAC personnel should visits districts across the country regularly to monitored early execution of projects by local companies in the districts to ensure the quality of the projects.

CAC firmly believes that everyone – whether they are community leaders, from the private sector or government, or members of the public – must be involved in eradicating corruption in Timor-Leste. We will continue to hold these workshops with the private sector throughout the year. (*)

Eransa Ida Nebé Lori CAC Ba Iha Futuru

Eleitu sai Primeiru Komisáriu Commissão Anti Corrupção (CAC) iha loron 22 Fulan Fevereiru tinan 2010 iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Násional (PN), Adérito de Jesus Soares simu responsabilidade Estadu ne’ebé povu Timor-Leste (TL) tula ba nia ho orgulhu no prestiju tomak hodi servi nia povu no nasaun TL.

Komisáriu Adérito Soares simu knar todan ida ne’e husi PN, ho ida ne’e, estabelese CAC hamutuk ho nian belun boot nain rua nia rasik eskolha; Komisáriu Adjuntu José Antonio de Jesus das Neves no Komisáriu Adjuntu Manuel Countinho Bucar Corte Real. Hahu husi Komisáriu nain tolu iha tinan 2010, sira nain tolu haburas to’o iha tinan 2014 ho staff hamutuk nain 71 ona.

Asaun primeiru iha mandatu Komisáriu Soares nian mak estabelese Vizaun CAC nian “Timor-Leste Estadu demokrátiku ida ho kultura rejeisaun korrupsaun ida mak forte ba interese no prosperiedade povu nian” ho Misaun “Kombate korrupsaun liu husi dalan prevensaun, edukasaun no investigasaun”.

Iha primeiru mandatu Komisáriu, CAC konklui investigasaun kriminál korrupsaun balun, ezekuta programa edukasionál no prevensaun sira hodi halao sorumutu no workshop ne’ebé involve estudantes barak, servisu nain ONG sira, veteranus, lider komunitáriu, konfisoens relijiosas no funsionáriu Estadu iha teritoriu tomak ho diak.

Iha Komisáriu Adérito nian mandatu, CAC investiga ona offisiais governu nivel a’as balun ba indikasaun krimi korrupsaun. CAC simu despaixu husi Ministeriu Públiku hamutuk 73 kazus, no to’o ohin loron, CAC investiga no kompleta ona relatoriu hamutuk 69 kazus. Halao sorumutu públiku ka workshops liu 100 iha teritoriu tomak hanesan parte edukasaun ka kampanha sensibilizasaun ba públiku. CAC konklui numeru relatoriu tekniku, peskiza balun inklui perkiza persepsaun korrupsaun iha TL no peskiza integridade ba seitór públiku.

Maske hasoru dezafius oin-oin, Komisáriu Soares konsege estabelese rede servisu efetivu ho entidades lubun ida iha TL; governu, PN, media no ONG sira.

Komisáriu Adérito liga instituisaun CAC ho ajensia anti-korrupsaun iha mundo no iha ita nian rejiaun, hanesan Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Hong Kong, Australia no Estadus Unidus Amerika, dezenvolve rede internasionál tamba rekonese korrupsaun la para iha nasaun ida no liu fronteira nasaun.

Komisáriu Adérito Soares hamutuk ho Komisáriu Adjuntu nain rua mós servisu ativamente ho ajénsia internasionál hodi dezenvolve programa luta kontra korrupsaun iha TL – servisu hamutuk ho UNODC (United Nations Organization of Drugs and Crime), UNDP (United Nation Development Programme) no partikularmente ho FOTI-USAID (Fostering Transparency and Integrity-United States Agency of Aid and Development. Dirijente Senior no officiais CAC nian mós partisipa ativamente – konferénsia no treinamentu sira iha rai laran no mos iha rai liur.

Maske otas instituisaun CAC sei nurak, Komisáriu lidera CAC lori Estadu TL nian naran halibur ajensia anti korrupsaun husi nasaun seluk hamutuk 29 iha Konferénsia Internasionál ida iha Fulan Julhu tinan kotuk; 18th Steering Group Meeting and 12th Regional Seminar, ADB-OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative For Asia and the Pacific iha Dili. Nia mos representa ADB-OECD no aprezenta relatório iha Konferénsia Estadu parte UNCAC (United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption) nian iha Panama iha fulan-Novembru 2013.

Ida ne’e klaru katak lideransa diak durante Primeiru Mandatu Komisáriu nian hodi lidera instituisaun CAC husi zero to’o ohin loron ho naran morin no reputasaun iha TL, nune’e mos iha mundo internasionál. Agora servisu sei fasil liu ba Komisáriu foun hodi kontinua servisu diak ne’e iha future, ho projeitu sira hanesan lei deklarasaun rikusoi, planu estratejiku nasional ba anti-korrupsaun.

Hamutuk, Dirijente Senior tula matenek ba malu konsege lori instituisaun nurak ne’e konvense povu no Estadu TL ho sira nain tolu nian abilidade kontra korrupsaun liu husi servisu la sente kolen no aprosimasaun badinas.

Husi rekrutamentu staff, fortalesimentu infstituisional (konstrusaun edifisiu CAC), kapasitasaun ba staff sira, hametin kooperasaun instituisional iha rai laran no haberan kooperasaun internasional, iha Komisáriu Adérito nian okos sai instituisaun ida forte hanesan sira nian liman fatin ne’ebé istoria CAC sei hakerek ho tinta osan mean.

Bazeia ba nian prestasaun iha tinan hat nian laran, Timor oan tomak iha obrigasaun moral atu la tatoli liafuan Goodbye ba Komisáriu Adérito Soares, maibe hanoin hikas  oinsa nia esforsu tomak hodi tulun instituisaun CAC ba nasaun nian diak iha nebé sei tulun asegura TL nian future.

Servisu diak nebé Primeiru Komisáriu CAC atinji akompanha ho memoria diak sira no relasaun ho instituisaun sira seluk hanesan eransa ida. Ho forsa ida ne’e ita espera bele konvense Timor oan sira tau sira nian fiar no esperansa iha CAC hodi luta kontra krimi korrupsaun iha ita nian rai doben, Timor-Leste.

Ita espera nia diak iha nian estudus iha Australian National University (ANU) iha Canberra, Australia.

Ikus liu, Komisáriu Adérito nia liafuan murak mean ne’ebe ita Timor oan sira tau iha neon no tau iha fuan kona-ba esforsu luta kontra korrupsaun iha TL mak; CAC mesak sei la hamoos korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste – kada sidadaun rai ida ne’e tenki utiliza forsa koletivu ba luta kontra korrupsaun”.

Mensajen husi Komisáriu Soares ida ne’e tenki serve hanesan mensajen importante ba Timor oan tomak nian partisipasaun iha konstrusaun nasaun. Ita uza oportunidade ida ne’e hodi tatoli katak; Every beginning has it done and every end is another new beginning!”

Nune’e, ida ne’e laos boa viajen ida ba Komisáriu Soares tamba ami hatene ita boot nian eransa sei nafatin sai reflesaun forte iha CAC nian future. (*)

A Legacy That Leads CAC Into The Future

Elected as the inaugural Commissioner of CAC on 22 February 2010 by the National Parliament, Adérito de Jesus Soares accepted state responsibility that the people of Timor-Leste gave him with honour and prestige in serving his country.

Commissioner Adérito Soares accepted this great responsibility from the National Parliament, and with it, established CAC together with the two comrades he appointed: Deputy Commissioner José Antonio de Jesus das Neves and Deputy Commissioner Manuel Coutinho Bucar Corte Real. From a start of three commissioners in 2010, they grew CAC to its current total staff of 71 people.

The first action in Commissioner Soares’ mandate was to establish CAC’s vision of “a democratic State of Timor-Leste with a strong culture of rejecting corruption in the interest and prosperity of the people”, through the mission of “fighting corruption through prevention, education and investigation”.

Under his watch, CAC conducted several criminal investigations on corruption, and executed education and prevention programs that encompassed workshops involving students, community leaders, NGOs, veterans, religious leaders and public servants across the country.

In addition, CAC investigated certain high-level government officials for corruption crime indication. CAC received dispatches from the Minister of Public for 73 cases, and to date, we have investigated and completed the reports for 69 cases. We have held more than 100 public meeting or workshops across the country as part of education and public awareness campaigns. And we have concluded a number of technical reports, including a corruption perception survey in Timor-Leste and research into integrity in the Public Service.

Although facing many challenges, Commissioner Soares established effective working relationships with several state institutions in Timor-Leste, the government, National Parliament, media, and NGOs.

He connected CAC with anti-corruption agencies around the world and in our region, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, and the United States, developing international links because he recognized corruption does not stop at a country’s borders.

Commissioner Adérito Soares together with his two deputy commissioners also worked actively with international agencies to develop programs to fight corruption in Timor-Leste – working with the UNODC, UNDP and FOTI-USAID in particular. Senior management and CAC officials also participated actively in-house and overseas conferences and trainings.

Even though CAC was a new institution, the Commissioner led a gathering of anti-corruption agencies from 29 countries in an international conference in July last year: the 18th Steering Group Meeting and 12th Regional Seminar, ADB-OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific in Dili. He then went on to represent the ADB-OECD and presented regional reports at the Conference of the State Parties of UNCAC (United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption) in Panama in November 2013.

It is clear that good leadership during the first Commissioner’s mandate led CAC from a fledgling institution to one with a good and reputable name in Timor-Leste, as well as internationally. The task will now be for the new commissioner to continue this brilliant work into the future, with projects such as the asset declarations law, and a national strategic plan for anti-corruption on the cards.

Together, senior management has helped develop a young institution that has shown the people and the government its ability to fight corruption through working tireless and its industrious approach.

From recruitment of staff, to fortifying the institution, to the capacity building of staff and strengthening institutional cooperation domestically and internationally, under Commissioner Soares CAC has been built into a strong institution.

Based on his achievements over the last four years, every East Timorese should not say goodbye to Commissioner Adérito Soares, but instead remember how he has helped support an institution for the nation that will help secure its future.

The good work that CAC’s first commissioner achieved has also been accompanied by good memories and relationships with other institutions. It is these strengths that we hope will ensure people put their trust and hope in CAC to fight corruption crime in our beloved country, Timor-Leste.

We wish him well in his studies at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia.

Finally, Commissioner Soares’ message for the Timorese people is to remember that “CAC alone cannot rid Timor-Leste of corruption – every citizen must utilize their collective power fight against corruption”.

This message from Commissioner Soares should serve as a reminder to the people of their role in building the country. We now take this opportunity to say that: “every beginning has an end and every end is another new beginning!”

So, this is not a goodbye Commissioner Soares, because we know your legacy will always be reflected in CAC’s strong future. (*)