Archives April 25, 2014

CAC Atende Diskusaun Ho Komisaun A PN Kona-ba Amandamentu Artigu 12

Dili – Komisáriu Adjuntus Comissão Anti Corrupção (CAC), Jose “Samala-Rua” Neves lidera ekipa CAC halo diskusaun ho Komisáun A Parlamentu Nasionál kona-ba proposta amandamentu lei kriasaun CAC artigu 12 kona-ba nomeasaun Komisáriu Adjuntu sira ne’ebé bankada governu iha PN, CNRT, Frente Mudança no Partidu Demokratiku mak proposta iha salaun enkountru komisaun A PN.

Komisáriu Adjuntu Neves akompanhadu husi Komisáriu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar Corte Real, asesor senior CAC Leonor Furtdao no Rui Manuel Oliva hamutuk ho tekniku CAC nian ohin ba

Prezidenti Komisaun A PN, Carmelita Moniz ne’ebé lidera diskusaun loron ohin hateten Komisaun A hanesan parte prosesu konsultasaun ho Prokurador Jeral, Ministru Justisa no ohin ho instituisaun CAC kona-ba proposta alterasaun artigu 12 nune’e bele iha harmoizasaun servisu entre CAC ho Ministeriu Públiku.

Esplikasaun husi Adjuntu Neves ba proposta ne’e ba deputadus sira mak Komisáriu CAC iha poder tomak hodi hili komisáriu adjuntu CAC nain tolu. Komisáriu bele hili komisáriu adjuntu CAC nain ida mai husi majistradu Ministeriu Públiku nian maibe laos indika husi Prokurador Jeral hanesan proposta primeiru alterasaun ba artigu 12 husi bankada governu iha PN.

“Se obrigatoriu komisáriu adjuntu CAC nain ida tenki indika husi Prokurador Jeral bele fo impresaun katak iha dependensia ba Ministeru Públiku no hafraku Komisáriu nia kompetensia atu hili Komisariu Adjuntu” katak Adjuntu Neves.

Durante audiensia deputadus sira hato’o sira nian kritikus konstrutivu atu hadian CAC nian kualidade investigasaun. Deputadus sira enkoraja CAC atu konsidera kritikas hanesan dezafius ba CAC atu kontinua servisu nafatin ho didikasaun diak ne’ebe CAC halo tiha ona durante ne’e ba povu no Nasaun Timor-Leste nian diak iha area prevene no kombate korrupsaun.

“CAC halo parte importante katak CAC mos sei fo buat ruma ba rai no povu ida ne’e ho responsabilidade ne’ebe PN tula ba iha imi nian leten,” Katak proponente alterasaun artigu 12, Deputadu Natalino dos Santos.

Komisaun A PN sei halo konsultasaun no diskusaun kona-ba alterasaun artigu 12 ho instituisaun relevante hanesan MP, Ministeriu Justisa no entidade seluk molok lori ba plenaria PN atu halo votasaun. (*)

CAC Attends Discussions with PN’s Commission A on Amendents to Article 12

Dili — Deputy Commissioner Jose “Samala-Rua” Neves today led a team in discussions with the Commission A of the National Parliament, regarding the amendment proposal originating from the government benches.

Deputy Commissioner Neves was accompanied by Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar Corte Real, senior advisers Leonor Furtado and Rui Manuel Oliva and othter staff.

The President of Commission A Carmelita Moniz, who presided over the discussion said it was part of a consultation process between the CAC, Prosecutor-General and the Ministry of Justice regarding a proposal to amend Article 12 of the CAC’s organic law, to harmonize responsibilities between CAC and the Prosecutor-General’s Office.

Deputy Commissioner José Neves explained that under the current law, Article 12 gives power to the Anti-Corruption Commissioner to appoint up to three deputy commissioners. Under the proposal from the government benches, the CAC Commissioner would have the power to nominate two deputy commissioners, however the third deputy commissioner would have to be indicated by the Prosecutor-General’s Office.

“Under this proposal, it would be mandatory for a CAC deputy commissioner to be indicated by the Prosecutor-General, meaning that the independent nature of CAC and competency of its Commissioner would be undermined given their power to make appointments has been weakened,” Deputy Commissioner Neves said.

Raising constructive criticism of CAC’s investigations functions, members of the National Parliament encouraged CAC to consider these as challenges and continue the work and dedication it has shown to date to prevent and fight corruption for the people of Timor-Leste.

“CAC holds an important role in this country and, with the responsibility that Parliament has placed on your shoulders, can really make a difference to this country and its people,” said Natalino dos Santos.

Commission A of the National Parliament will continue to consult about amendements to Article 12 with other relevant state institutions like Ministry of Public, Ministry of Justice and other entities before bring it to the plenary for a vote. (*)