Archives February 17, 2012

Staff CAC tuir Post-Graduate Certificate Course iha Hong Kong

Atu hasae kapasidade staff, mak CAC haruka staff nain tolu ba tuir ‘post-graduate certificate course’ nebe’e organisa husi  Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) ho Universidade Hong Kong. Kursu ne’e sei han tempu durante semana tolu hahu husi loron 6 fulan Novembru to’o loron ida fulan Dezembro de 2011.  Staff nain tolu ne’e mak Sr. Alexandre Faustino Freitas, Sekretario Ezekutivu; Sra. Jesuina Maria Abel, Diretora Diresaun Edukasaun, Kampana no Peskiza; no Sr. Agusto da Costa Castro, Investigador Senior. Iha tinan 2010, CAC mós haruka ona staff nain rua ba tuir kursu ne’e. Tuir Komisario Adérito katak, ‘kursu ne’e importante no relevan tebes mai CAC, tanba oferese husi ICAC Hong Kong ne’ebé  mak iha reputasaun internasional ba kombate korupsaun. Husi kursu ida ne’e, sei fó benefisiu bo’ot liutan ba CAC iha tempu oin mai’.

CAC staff 0ff to Hong Kong for post-graduate certificate course

Timor – Leste Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) sent three staff to take Post- Graduate certificate course aimed at enhancing their capacities. The study program was organized by Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and Hong Kong University. This course takes three weeks from November 6 until December 1, 2011. The three staffs are Executive Secretary Mr. Alexandre Faustino Freitas, Director of Education Director, Research Campaign Mrs. Jesuina Maria Abel, and Senior Investigator Mr. Agusto da Costa Castro. In 2010, CAC had sent two staff to attend the same course.

According to Commissioner Aderito, this course is very important and has relevance for CAC because ICAC Hong Kong have international reputation in fighting against corruption. This course has good benefit for the CAC in the future and the three staff are really enthusiastic because of an opportunity to increase their own capacity to prevent corruption. “We will encourage ourselves to get enhanced results in this course, when this course is finished, we receive a certificate each after writing our papers or articles to be evaluated by lecturers,” said Alex Gusmao.

Komisario Adérito partisipa iha Konferensia UNODC iha Marrakesh, Morroco.

Iha loron 24 to’o 28 fulan Outubro, 2011, Komisario Adérito J. Soares lidera delegasaun Timor-Leste partisipa iha Conference of State  Parties (CoSP-4) ba dahat iha sidade Marrakesh, Morroco ne’ebé organiza husi  United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Timor-Leste sai hanesan membru ba CoSP desde ita ratifika Konvensaun Nasoens Unidas Kontra Korrupsaun (UNCAC) iha tinan 2009. Kuaze membru husi CoSP atus ida resin mak partisipa iha konferensia ne’e. Nune’e mós ONG no ajensia internasional barak mak partisipa iha konferensia ne’e.  Konferensia ne’e diskuti  asuntu barak inklui, asisténsia téknika ba implementasaun UNCAC iha nasaun balun, agenda prevensaun ba korrupsaun, esperiensia husi nasaun sira ne’ebé halo tiha self-assessment checklist (avaliasaun implementasaun UNCAC nian), no sst.

Durante konferensia ne’e, Komisariu Adérito mós halo enkontru informal ho delegasaun ADB  hodi koalia konaba Timor-Leste nia partisipasaun hanesan membru ba ADB/OECD Initiative on Anti Corruption. Nune’e mós Komisario hasoru malu ho Komisario Anti Korrupsaun husi Namibia nian hodi update konaba prosesu self-assessment checklist iha Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste halao hela prosesu self-assessment checklist ba implementasaun UNCAC nian. Namibia ho Fiji ho asistensia UNODC  mak sei sai avaliador ba implementasaun UNCAC iha Timor-Leste, tinan oin.

Komisariu Adérito hateten katak, ‘konferensia ne’e importante, tanba delegasaun Timor-Leste bele rona no aprende husi esperiensia nasaun barak ne’ebe  mak implementa uluk UNCAC nomós oinsa sira halao sira nian prosesu  self-assessment checklist hanesan ezersisiu ida hodi hare’e gap iha parte lejislasaun nomós implementasaun UNCAC nian’.  Komisario Adérito mós hateten katak liu husi konferensia ne’e, ‘Timor-Leste mós, li-liu CAC ne’ebé mak foin moris bele estabelese rede/networking ho komisaun no entidade husi nasaun seluk’.  Delegasaun Timor-Leste kompostu husi Komisario Adérito Soares, Adjunto Prokurador Dr. Vicente Brito no Sra. Atanasia Pires husi MNE.


Commissioner Aderito Attends Marrakesh Conference

On 24 – 28 October 2011, Commissioner Aderito J. Soares led a delegation of Timor – Leste to participate in the fourth conference of state parties (CoSP-4) in Marrakesh, Morocco. The conference was organized by the UN Office on Drugs & Crimes (UNODC). Approximately one hundred members of CoSP participated in this conference, including NGOs and international agencies. The conference delegates discussed technical support for UNCAC implementation in some countries, the agenda to prevent corruption, experience from the countries that had done self-assessment checklist (UNCAC implementation evaluation) and others.  Timor – Leste became member of CoSP during the United Nation Anti-Corruption commission ratification Convention in 2009.

During this conference, Commissioner Aderito used his extra time to meet with ADB delegation and discussed Timor – Leste participation as a member of ADB/OECD Initiative on Anti-Corruption. He also used this opportunity to meet the Commissioner of Anti – Corruption from Namibia for updates on planned self – assessment checklist process in Timor – Leste. Timor – Leste is still doing the process of self – assessment for UNCAC implementation.  Namibia, Fiji and UNODC assistants will become UNCAC implementation evaluator in Timor – Leste for next year.

Commissioner Aderito said this conference is important because Timor – Leste delegation listened and learned from other countries’ experiences in implementing UNCAC; and how to make their self-assessment checklist process as an exercise to see the gap in legislations and UNCAC Implementation. During the conference Commissioner Aderito said “Timor – Leste, with a newly formed Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC), can establish networks with other anti-corruption bodies from other countries. Timor – Leste delegation composed of Commissioner Aderito Soares, Deputy Attorney General Dr. Vicente Brito and Mrs. Atanasia Pires from Minister of Foreign Affair (MNA).