Archives March 6, 2012

CAC Introduces Its New Official E-mail Address

Dili, 6/03/2012–The Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) of Timor-Leste is pleased to introduce today its new official e-mail address: Its old official account would be inactive starting today onwards. CAC hopes that for any future official correspondence, please be advised to address it to the abovementioned new account.

In addition, CAC would like to take this opportunity do re-introduce its website that was launched two weeks ago in to languages, Tetum and English:


CAC Introduz Enderesu E-mail Ofisial Foun

Dili, 6/03/2012—Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) Timor-Leste ho laran kamaan ohin introduz nia enderesu e-mail ofisial foun:  Ida ne’e atu hatete katak hahu ohin ba oin, CAC nia inderesu ofisial tuan sei la aktivu.  CAC hein katak iha komunikasaun ofisial ruma iha future, halo favor didika liu husi nia enderesu foun nebe introduz iha leten.

Ho oportunidade ida ne’e, CAC mos hakarak atu repete dala-ida tan informasaun konaba nia enderesu website ho lian rua, Ingles ho Tetum nebe lansa semana rua liu ba:

CAC Lansa tia ona Survey Nasional ba dala-uluk konaba Persepsaun Korupsaun

Iha semana liu ba, durante selebrasaun ba nia sigundu anniversariu, Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) lansa tia ona survey nasional ba dala-uluk konaba persepsaun korupsaun iha Timor-Leste. Survey ne’e refleta kompresaun luan husi sosiedade Timor-Leste nia konaba natureza korrupsaun no dalan sirak atu kombate hahalok ne’e.  Atu hare relatoriu kompleta konaba survey ne’e halo favor Click iha ne’e hodi le’e liu tan relatoriu (Formatu PDF)