Archives February 2014

Komisariu Adérito Loke Formasaun Legal Ba Offisial CAC No PNTL

Dili – Ohin loron Kinta-feira (6/2), Komisáriu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC), Adérito de Jesus Soares offisalmente loke formasaun kona-ba “Investigador Formasaun Legal Ba Prosesu Prevensaun No Investigasaun Kriminal” ba official CAC no membru Policia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) husi Servisu Investigação Kriminal (SIK) hamutuk nain 25. Formasaun ne’e sei halao iha loron Kinta no Sesta-feira kada primeira semana durante fulan tolu nia laran iha Salaun Enkountru CAC Farol, Dili.

Objetivu formasaun ne’e atu kapasita no haklean konhesimentu investigador, funsionariu  CAC no membru PNTL sira nian kona-ba prosesu investigasaun krimi korrupsaun nebe formador ba formasaun ne’e mak Doutora Leonora Furtado no Prokurador Distrital Dili nebe durante ne’e kaer kazu korrupsaun Doutora Angelina Saldanha nebe sei fahe ba faze tolu hahu husi fulan Fevereiru to’o Abril 2014.

Materia nebe formandus sira sei hetan durante formasaun mak Organização Funçionamento da Investigação Criminal em TL, Do Inquérito; Organização, tempo, forma e documentação da Investigação no Procedimento Administrativo nebe sei lori husi Senior Adviser CAC, Doutora Leonora Furtado. Doutor Angelina Saldanha sei lori material kona-ba oin sa planu no estratejia ba kombate korrupsaun prokuradoria nian.

Komisariu Adérito Soares iha nia Lian Nakloke husu ba formandus sira atu uza oportunidade formasaun ne’e ho diak hodi haklean konhesimentu no abilidade kona-ba investigasaun criminal no prevensaun korrupsaun. Komisariu mos hateten intenasaun husi formasaun ne’e atu oin sa formador ho formandus sira dezafia malu hodi hare’e kona-ba estratejia klean liu tan oin sa CAC nian esforsu ba kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.

 Formandus hamutuk nain 25 ne’e kompostu husi investigador CAC nian nain 15,  nain hat husi Diresaun Prevensaun, nain hat seluk husi Diresaun Edukasaun e Peskiza no membru PNTL nain rua husi SIK sei termina iha loron 11 fulan Abril. (*)

Commissioner Adérito Opens Legal Training Course For CAC And PNTL Officials

Dili – On Thursday (6/2) Commissioner of Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) Adérito de Jesus Soares officially opened a training course for 25 of CAC’s staff and National Police officials. The Legal Process on Criminal Investigation and Prevention training course will be held on the first Thursday and Friday of each month, for three months, at the CAC office in Farol, Dili.

The objective of the training course is to increase participants’ knowledge on corruption investigation processes. The instructors of the training course are Senior Adviser to the Commissioner, Leonora Furtado and Dili district prosecutor, Angelina Saldanha.

CAC’s Senior Adviser, Leonora Furtado, will coach participants on three main subjects: the organization and function of criminal investigation in Timor-Leste, method and documentation of investigations, and administrative procedures. Prosecutor Angelina Saldanha will coach participants on plans and strategies to combat corruption from a prosecutor’s perspective.

In his opening words, Commissioner Soares told participants to take the opportunity to increase in-depth its knowledge and skills about criminal investigation and corruption prevention. The training course also intends to challenge coaches and participants to further develop strategies to assist CAC’s efforts to combat corruption in Timor-Leste.

The training course that participates by 23 CAC officials and 2 National Police criminal investigators will be terminated on 11th of April 2014. (*)