Archives March 2014

Ekipa Trabalhu Hasoru Malu Hodi Finaliza Projeitu Lei Deklarasaun Rikusoin

Dili – Iha loron Kuarta-feira (12/4), Komisáriu Adjuntu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC), Manuel Bucar halao sorumutu ho reprezentante instituisaun Estadu seluk iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) iha Sala Konferénsia PN nia horseik, atu finalize Projeitu Lei Deklarasaun Rikusoin.

Ekipa Trabalhu ba Projeitu esbosu Lei Deklarasaun Rikusoin nian kompostu husi CAC, Komisaun A PN, Inspesaun Jerál Estadu (IGE), Prokuradoria Jerál Repúblika (PGR) no Provedor de Direitus Humanu e Justisa (PDHJ), Sekretariu Estadu ba Asuntu Parlamentar.

Sorumutu ne’e nudar kontinuasaun husi konsultasaun workshops serial ne’ebe CAC halao tiha ona durante tinan 2012-2013 liu ba iha diskusaun meza redonda ho instituisaun Estadu nian. Iha loron 16 fulan Maiu 2013, Ekipa Trabalhu forma ekipa tekniku CAC-PN hodi elabora projeitu Lei Deklarasaun Rikusoin ne’e no sira konsege finalize iha fulan Janeiru 2014.

Asesor CAC nian Dr. Rui Oliva Neves da Silva esplika detalha ba membru Ekipa Trabalhu durante sorumutu horseik kona-ba projeitu Lei Deklarasaun Rikusoin. Komisariu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar hateten lei ne’ebe finalize ona ne’e sei aprezenta ba plenaria parlamentu Nasional, no lei ne’e mak pasa sei tulun tebes hodi prevene krimi korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.

Partisipa iha sorumutu ne’e mak Komisáriu Adjuntu CAC Manuel Bucar, Adjunta Prokuradora Jeral da Republika Zelia Trindade, Adjuntu PDHJ ba boa-governasaun Rui dos Santos, Inspeitor Geral do Estadu, Francisco Carvalho, Sekretaria Estadu ba Asuntu Parlamentar, Maria Terezinha Viegas, Prezidenti Komisaun A PN, Carmelita Moniz ho deputadus sira no ekipa tekniku CAC-PN. (*)

Working Group Meets to Finalize Asset Declaration Law Project

Dili – Wednesday (12/4), Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar held a meeting with other state institutions in the National Parliament Conference Room yesterday, to finalize the Asset Declaration Law.

The Working Group on Asset Declaration Law consists of Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC), Commission A of National Parliament, the Prosecutor-General’s Office, Provedor of Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ), and the Secretary of State for Parliament.

Yesterday’s meeting was a continuation of roundtable discussions held by the Commission since 2012 with other state institutions. On 16 May 2013, the Working Group formed a technical group composing officials from CAC and the National Parliament to further consider the Asset Declaration Law project, which they completed in January 2014.

CAC adviser Dr. Rui briefed members of the Working Group during the meeting and explained the law in detail.

Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar said the finalized law would now be presented to the plenary of the National Parliament, and passage of the law would assist in preventing corruption in Timor-Leste.

Participants in the meeting were Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar, Deputy Prosecutor General Zelia Trindade, Deputy of the PDHJ Rui dos Santos, Inspector General of State Francisco de Carvalho, Secretary of State for Parliament Maria Terezinha Viegas, and the President of the National Parliament’s Commission A Carmelita Moniz, along with other deputy technical law makers. (*)