Archives December 2013

CAC Vizita Distritu Hat; Ema 300 Partisipa Seminariu

Dili – Iha teritoriu Timor-Leste tomak, ema barak mai halibur hamutuk iha seminariu organiza husi Comissáo Anti-orrupçáo (CAC) hodi estuda klean liu tan kona ba sa mak korrupsaun no sa stratejia mak bele uza hodi prevene no kontra korrupsaun.

Semana ida molok tama ba iha loron Mundial anti-korrupsaun nebe monu iha loron 9 Fulan Dezembru, CAC halao seminariu iha distritu Manufahi, Ainaro, Ermera no Liquica.

Ema kuaze 300 husi prefesaun oin-oin mak mai atende seminariu ne’e; povu bain-bain, leader komunitariu, estudantes, servidor Estadu no emprezariu ho antusiasmu maka’as mai atende seminariu ne’e.

Topiku ba seminariu ne’e mak tinan ne’e mak “Integridade Nudar Fator Determinante Ida Hodi Prevene no Kombate Korrupsaun” nebe seminariu mak hanesan dalan importante ida atu CAC to’o ba iha povu no komunidade iha distritus atu haklean sira nian konhesimentu kona-ba korrupsaun.

Korrupsaun mak trava sidadaun nasaun ne’e hodi asesu no hetan servisus vital. Edifisiu Nasoens Unidas ba Krimi no Droga (UNODC) halo estimasaun katak tinan-tinan iha mundo kuaze US$ 40 billoens mak lakon liu husi atividades korrupsaun. Osan hirak nebe lakon ne’e bele afeta ba povu nia moris signifikativu tebes hanesan halo estradas ka bele prepara jerasaun foun liu husi edukasaun.

Vizita Ermera no Liquica Komisariu Adjuntu ba asuntu Edukasaun no Peskiza, Jose Neves hateten katak primeiru etapa atu luta kontra korrupsaun mak haklean povu nian konhesimentu kona-ba krimi korrupsaun.

“CAC mesak labele kombate korrupsaun – kombate korrupsaun presija Timor oan hotu nian matan, tilun no fuan,” katak Komisariu Adjuntu Neves.

“Tamba ida ne’e ita sei kontinua halao seminariu hanesan iha distritus hotu iha Timor laran tomak atu eduka no konsiensializa povu saida mak korrupsaun, oin sa korrupsaun afeta ba sira nian moris no saida mak sira sei halo kontra krimi korrupsaun,” Adjuntu Neves hatutan teni.

Sekretariu Eksekutivu CAC, Alexandre Freitas hateten antusiasmu komunidade husi diferente profesaun ba atende seminariu iha Manufahi ho Ainaro hatudu oinsa povu nian koriusidade atu halo parte iha esforsu luta kontra korrupsaun – partikularmente estudante hanesan future lideransa nasional.

“Partisipa ativamente iha prevene no luta kontra korrupsaun  hanesan potensia ba jerasaun foun nudar estudantes atu sai patriota iha Timor-Leste nian independensia agora. Ida ne’e fantastiku tebes atu hare’e alin estudantes sira mai partisipa iha seminariu ne’e maske imi feriadu hela,” katak Sekretariu Eksekutivu Freitas.

Seminariu hirak ne’e atu enkouraja administrador governu local ho komunidade sira atu dada besik liu tan CAC ba sira iha future liu husi diskusaun ka seminariu. CAC regularmente halao seminariu ho ofisial publiku no publiku em jeral iha Timor laran tomak.

To’o ohin loron, kuaze 10% servidor Estadu no ema liu 7500 mak partisipa ona iha seminariu halao husi CAC. (*)

CAC Visits Four Districts: Over 300 People Attend Seminars

Dili – Across Timor-Leste, people are coming together to learn more about corruption and what strategies can be used to prevent and fight it.

In the week leading up to International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) held four seminars in Manufahi, Ainaro, Ermera and Liquica.

Over 300 people attended the seminars, from all walks of life including local leaders, business owners, public servants, and students.

Held under the topic of ‘Integrity as the determining factor in preventing and fighting corruption’, the seminars are an important way of reaching out to the community to improve their understanding of corruption.

Corruption denies a country’s citizens access to vital services. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates that every year, $40 billion is lost through corrupt activities – money that could instead have been used to build roads or educate future generations.

Visiting Ermera and Liquica, Deputy Commissioner for Education and Research, Mr Jose Antonio Neves said the first step in fighting corruption in Timor-Leste is by improving the knowledge of its citizens.

 “CAC alone cannot fight corruption – it requires the eyes, ears and hearts of every Timorese citizen,” Deputy Commissioner Neves said.

“That’s why we will continue to hold these seminars across every district to raise the awareness of the people on corruption issues, how it has a pervasive impact upon their lives, and what they can do to fight it.”

CAC Executive Secretary, Mr. Alexandre Faustino Freitas, said that the enthusiastic attendance from the local communities in Manufahi and Ainaro showed how much citizens wanted to play a part in fighting corruption – particularly by students.

“Preventing and fighting corruption has the potential to be the new patriotic act for younger generations, so it was fantastic to see so many students attending the seminars this week,” Mr. Freitas said.

Local administrators are encouraged to discuss with CAC future opportunities for engagement with their communities. CAC regularly holds workshops and seminars with public officials and the general public throughout Timor-Leste.

To date, around 10 per cent of the Timor-Leste public service has received anti-corruption training from CAC, and nearly 7,500 people have attended seminars held by CAC this year. (*)