Working Group Meets to Finalize Asset Declaration Law Project

Dili – Wednesday (12/4), Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar held a meeting with other state institutions in the National Parliament Conference Room yesterday, to finalize the Asset Declaration Law.

The Working Group on Asset Declaration Law consists of Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC), Commission A of National Parliament, the Prosecutor-General’s Office, Provedor of Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ), and the Secretary of State for Parliament.

Yesterday’s meeting was a continuation of roundtable discussions held by the Commission since 2012 with other state institutions. On 16 May 2013, the Working Group formed a technical group composing officials from CAC and the National Parliament to further consider the Asset Declaration Law project, which they completed in January 2014.

CAC adviser Dr. Rui briefed members of the Working Group during the meeting and explained the law in detail.

Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar said the finalized law would now be presented to the plenary of the National Parliament, and passage of the law would assist in preventing corruption in Timor-Leste.

Participants in the meeting were Deputy Commissioner Manuel Bucar, Deputy Prosecutor General Zelia Trindade, Deputy of the PDHJ Rui dos Santos, Inspector General of State Francisco de Carvalho, Secretary of State for Parliament Maria Terezinha Viegas, and the President of the National Parliament’s Commission A Carmelita Moniz, along with other deputy technical law makers. (*)

Komisáriu Adérito Hato’o Relatoriu Annual 2013 Ba PN

Dili – Ohin Tersa-feira (4/3), Komisáriu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Adérito de Jesus Soares hato’o relatóriu annual 2013 nian ba Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) akompaña husi Komisáriu Adjuntu nain rua José de Jesus Neves, Manuel Bucar Corte-Real, Sekretáriu Ezekutivu Alexandre Freitas, direitores no staff balun.

Aprezentasaun relatóriu annual tinan 2013 ho nian pajinas hamutuk 33 ne’e ba Dahat ka dala ikus ba Komisáriu CAC, Adérito de Jesus Soares hafoin nian mandatu remata nudar Primeiru Komisáriu CAC TL nian iha loron 22 Fevereiro 2014.

Komisáriu Adérito Soares rejeita ba segundu mandatu no hato’o karta offisial ba Prezidenti PN Vicenti da Silva Guterres hodi PN nomeia Komisáriu CAC foun. Komisáriu Soares sei kontinua fali nian estudu doutoramentu iha Australia ne’ebe interope tiha durante tinan hat nian laran hodi servi povu no nasaun Timor-Leste hanesan Komisáriu CAC.

Primeiru Mandatu Komisáriu CAC Adérito Soares lidera instituisaun foun ba esforsu luta kontra krimi korrupsaun ne’e hahu husi zero iha loron 22 Fevereiro 2010 hamutuk ho Komisáriu Adjuntu nain rua durante tinan hat ho espetativa husi povu ne’ebe a’as tebes konsege halo investigasaun kriminal korrupsaun balun no ezekuta programa edukasionál hodi halao sorumutu no workshop ne’ebé involve rihun ba rihun estudantes, lider komunitáriu, konfisoens relijiosas no funsionáriu Estadu iha teritoriu tomak ho diak.

Iha Komisáriu Adérito nian mandate, CAC investigate no akuza ona offisiais governu nivel a’as lubun balun ba krimi korrupsaun, simu despaisu husi Ministeriu Públiku ba kazu hamutuk 73 ne’ebe CAC investiga no kompleta ona relatoriu hamutuk 69 kazus korrupsaun. Halao sorumutu ka workshops liu 100 iha teritoriu tomak hanesan parte edukasaun kampanha. Kompleta ona relatoriu tekniku lubun ida unklui monitor persepsaun korrupsaun nasaun no peskiza integridade ba seitor publiku.

Maske hasoru dezafius oin-oin Komisáriu Adérito de Jesus Soares konsege estabelese rede servisu diak ho entidades tomak iha TL; governu, PN, medía, ONG no liga instituisaun CAC ba ajensia anti-korrupsaun nasaun seluk hanesan Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Hong Kong, Australia, Amerika no nasaun seluk iha rede internasionál ba luta kontra korrupsaun liu fronteira nasaun. Dirijente Senior no staff CAC nian mós partisipa ativa iha konferénsia no treinamentu iha rai laran no rai liur.

Durante mandatu tinan ha’at Komisáriu Adérito Soares hamutuk ho Komisáriu Adjuntu nain rua mós lori CAC halo servisu ativamente ho ajénsia internasionál ba programa luta kontra korrupsaun; UNODC (United Nations Organization of Drugs and Crime), UNDP (United Nation Development Programme), FOTI-USAID (Fostering Transparency and Integrity-United States Agency of Aid and Development.

Maske otas instituisaun CAC sei nurak, Primeiru mandatu Komisáriu CAC konsege hetan fiar husi komunidade internasionál hodi halibur ajensia anti korrupsaun husi nasaun seluk hamutuk 29 iha Konferénsia Internasionál; 18th Steering Group Meeting and 12th Regional Seminar, ADB-OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative For Asia and the Pacific iha Dili iha fulan-Julhu 2013 no representa ADB-OECD apresenta relatório iha Konferénsia UNCAC (United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption) iha Panama iha fulan-Novembru 2013.

Lideransa diak Primeiru Mandatu Komisáriu CAC nian hodi lidera Instituisaun CAC husi zero ho naran morin iha TL no iha mundo internasionál sei fasil liu ba Komisáriu foun kontinua servisu diak ne’e iha futuru.

Parlamentu Nasional oras ne’e dadaun iha prosesu atu hili Komisáriu CAC foun atu atinji objetivu 2020 Comissão nian iha segundu mandate Komisáriu nian. (*)

Commissioner Soares Presents 2013 Annual Report to National Parliament

Dili – Tuesday (4/3), The Anti-Corruption Commissioner Adérito de Jesus Soares, accompanied by Deputy Commissioners, José de Jesus Neves and Manuel Bucar Corte-Real, today presented the Commission’s 2013 Annual Report to the National Parliament. CAC Executive Secretary Alexandre Freitas, directors and staff were also present.

The 2013 Annual Report, which spans 33 pages, is the fourth report and marks the end of the first mandate of Commissioner Soares on 22 February 2014.

Commissioner Soares has sent an official letter to President of National Parliament, Mr. Vicenti da Silva Guterres, indicating that he will not continue in a second term as Commissioner of CAC.

Commissioner Soares will continue his PhD study at the Australian National University, which has been pending for the last four years.

The first mandate has seen Commissioner Soares and Deputy Commissioners Neves and Bucar lead CAC effectively since its beginnings in February 2010. With high expectations from the community, CAC has been successful in a number of investigation cases and implementing educational outreach programs. This has included conducting workshops, conferences, and meetings that have involved thousands of students, community leaders, religious leaders and civil servants in every district.

Under Commissioner Soares, CAC has:

  • Investigated several high-level government officials accused of corruption, receiving dispatch orders from the Prosecutor-General’s office for 73 cases of which we investigated and completed a report for 69 of these cases.
  • held more than 100 town hall meetings across every district as part of our education campaign
  • Completed a number of landmark technical reports, including a country-wide corruption perception monitor and a public service integrity survey.

Despite a number of challenges encountered, under Commissioner Soares, the leadership of CAC has established an effective and strong network with its stakeholders in Timor-Leste, including the Government, the National Parliament, media, and civil society organizations.

During its first mandate, CAC also successfully established a network with international anti-corruption organizations in other countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore Hong Kong, Australia and the US. In order to increase its technical capacities, CAC Senior Management and staff also attended numerous international conferences and trainings.

Commissioner Soares, together with the Deputy Commissioners, also engaged in discussions with international anti-corruption organizations such as the United Nations Organization of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the USAID/MCC FOTI Program, and the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Although CAC is a new institution, during the first mandate, Commissioner Soares gained international trust to host the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative Conference for Asia and the Pacific: 18th Steering Group Meeting and 12th Regional Seminar, which was attended by anti-corruption agencies from 29 countries in Dili last July. He also represented the Steering Group to deliver a message to the Conference of United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption (UNCAC) in Panama in November 2013.

Together, these actions have established international cooperation that will allow the new commissioner to continue the CAC’s important work into the future.

The National Parliament is now in the process of appointing the next Commissioner to ensure the Commission meets its 2020 objectives during its second mandate. (*)

Ekipa Estatal Divulga Lei Municipios Ba

Dili – Iha Tersa-feira (25/2), Komisáriu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) Adérito de Jesus ho dirijente no staff tomak hetan divulgasaun informasaun kona-ba lei municipios ka “Matadalan Ba Pré-Deskonsentrasaun Administrativa” husi ekipa Sekretariu Estadu ba Desentralizasaun Administrativa hamutuk nain walu (8).

Ekipa ne’e lidera husi Direitur Secretariado de Apoio Instalação de Municipio (SAIM) akompanha ho Direitur Nasional Plano e Finanças Municipio, Valente de Fatima Miranda.

Iha planu prevensaun korrupsaun tinan 2014-2015, CAC estabelese prioridade haat inklui desentralizasaun hanesan fatin risku ba korrupsaun nune’e sei servisu besik liu tan ho governu local nudar prosesu no progresu servisu institusional.

Objetivu husi ekipa Estatal mai iha edifisiu CAC atu divulga informasaun kona-ba planu governu nian atu estabelese municipios; “Matadalan ba Pré-Deskonsentrasaun Administrativa” nian. &  

Komisáriu Adérito Soares iha nian intervensaun hateten CAC agradese no orgulhu tamba ekipa Estatal nebe hadulas instituisaun Estado tomak hodi disemina informasaun ne’e bele fo oportunidade ba CAC hodi asesu ba informasaun kona-ba pré-deskonsentrasaun administrative iha Ministerio da Administração Estatal nia mahon.

“CAC nudar instituisaun Estadu nebe sei foun no iha relasaun estrutura servisu diak ho instituisaun Estadu sira seluk, CAC agradese ba oportunidade diak ida ne’e hodi asesu ba planu boot governu nian iha sorumutu loron ohin nian,” Katak Komisáriu Adérito de Jesus hamutuk ho Komisáriu Adjuntu nain rua, diretores no staff tomak tuir diseminasaun informasaun kona-ba poder local salaun enkountru CAC Farol Dili. (*)