CAC Meet With President Of The National Parliament

Dili- Wednesday, (23/4), Deputy Commissioner José Antonio de das Neves and Manuel Bucar Corte Real accompanied by Director of Prevention Abrão Jose Freitas, Investigator Agusto Castro and the National Adviser to the Office of Commissioner Jonas Guterres, met with the President of the National Parliament, Dr. Vicente Guterres.

The objective of the meeting was to discuss a recent proposal by the Prosecutor-General to amend Law No.8/2009, which formed the Anti-Corruption Commission, in relation to the appointment of deputy commissioners to the CAC. CAC also thanked the National Parliament for its support in achieving its strategic goals during the first mandate of 2010-14. CAC will continue to work in good faith with its government partners to ensure the anti-corruption measures that support a prosperous Timor-Leste are achieved.

The meeting took place at the President of the National Parliament’s meeting room.


CAC Lidera Ekipa Peritus TL Ba Halao Revizaun Implementasaun Konvensaun UNCAC Iha Angola

Dili – Komisáriu Adjuntu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC), José Antonio de Jesus das Neves lidera enkountru regular ekipa peritus TL nian ba Daha’at atu ba halao avaliasaun relatoriu auto-avaliasaun ba Implementasaun Konvensaun ONU nian Kontra Korrupsaun (UNCAC) – Angola iha Salaun Enkountru CAC Farol, Dili Kuarta-feira (16/4) horseik.

Membru ekipa peritus TL nian ne’e kompostu husi Ministeriu Justisa, Ministeriu Negosoiu Estranjeiru e Kooperasaun (MNEC) no Prezidensia Counselho Ministru. Membru ida-ida sira sei ba estuda materias ne’ebé mak fahe tiha ona tamba ekipa peritus TL atu ba halao avaliasaun bazeia ba kapitulu III Konvensaun UNCAC nian.

Ekipa peritus TL nian sei halo fali analisa ba respostas sira mai husi Angola hodi ekipa bele halo komparasaun ba UNCAC nian artigus seluk mak iha nune’e bele husu ba membrus nasaun seluk atu kumpri.

Komisáriu Adjuntu José Neves mos hateten avaliasaun husi Angola ba implementasaun UNCAC nian sei finalize iha tempu badak. Atu kompleta revizaun ba dokumentus , TL sei kontinua komunika no servisu besik liu ho Angola ho United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) atu rekolha informasaun liu husi relatoriu no dokumentus sira ne’ebé mak molok ne’e entrega ona iha sira nian relatoriu.

Ekipa peritus sira sei halibur malu hikas iha loron 25 Fulan Abril atu finaliza TL nian obrigasaun internasional atu halo avaliasaun ba Angola nian implementasaun UNCAC, hanesan TL nian komitmentu forte ba nian obrigasaun internasional.

Iha enkountru ne’e ekipa peritus TL koalia mos kona-ba auto-avaliasaun tuir mai ba Nauro nian ne’ebé TL sei  nafatin ho ekipa peritus no material hanesan tuir UNCAC nian mekanizmu revizaun.

“Ita antisipa iha Fulan Maiu tinan ne’e, ekipa peritus Timor-Leste nian bele haruka on aba Vienna atu hamutuk ho grupu revizaun implementasaun UNCAC, no tuir mai bele halao ona country visit ba Angola,” Katak Adjuntu Neves.

“Ita mos nakloke ba feedback husi Angola tuir sira nian kontekstu,” Katak Komisáriu Adjuntu Neves.

Timor-Leste nian primeiru revizaun finalize iha tinan 2012, no halao revizaun ba dokumentus no vizita husi nasaun-nasaun sira hanesan Namibia no Fiji. (*)

CAC Leads Timor-Leste Expert Team On UNCAC Angola Peer Review

Dili – Deputy Commissioner CAC, José Antonio de Jesus das Neves yesterday (16/4) chaired the fourth regular meeting of Governmental Experts of Timor-Leste Review of Implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) into Angola.

Members of the experts comprise representatives from the Minister of Justice, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

The expert team will conduct their evaluations based upon Chapter III (Criminalization and Law Enforcement) of UNCAC. Each member of the expert team will analyze the response to the self-assessment checklist that has been provided by Angola.

Deputy Commissioner José Neves also said that the evaluation of Angola’s implementation of UNCAC will be finalized shortly. To complete the desk review, Timor-Leste will continue to communicate and work closely with Angola and UNODC to gather further information through reports or documents that have not been previously supplied.

The expert team will meet again on 25 April to finalize its evaluation of Angola’s UNCAC implementation, continuing Timor-Leste’s strong commitment to its international obligations.

In this meeting, the expert team will also discuss its evaluation of Nauru, the next country in which Timor-Leste will conduct a peer review – occurring as part of the second cycle of the UNCAC review mechanism.

“We anticipate that in May this year, Timor-Leste will be able to send our governmental expert team to Vienna to meet with UNCAC’s Implementation Review Group, and following that, a country visit to Angola is also a possibility,” said Deputy Commissioner Neves.

“We also welcome feedback from Angola on our review, based on their own experiences in implementing UNCAC.”

Timor-Leste’s first cycle review was finalized in 2012, following a desk review and site visit from reviewing countries Namibia and Fiji. (*)

Universitariu UNTL Nain 200 Resin Partisipa Seminariu CAC

Dili – Ohin Sesta-feira(4/4), Commição Anti-Corrupção (CAC) realiza seminariu loron sorin iha Universidade Násional Timor-Leste (UNTL) Fakuldade Ekonomia ne’ebé universitariu kuaze nain 200 resin ho antisiasmu partisipa iha seminariu ne’e ho orador principal Komisáriu Adjuntu Manuel Bucar Corte Real.

Semináriu  ne’e hanesan meius sosializasaun papel CAC ba estudantes iha teritoriu tomak husi eskola baziku to’o universidade ho topiku “Onestidade Nu’udar Xavi Ba Estudante Sira Atu Hado’ok-An Husi Korrupsaun” ne’ebé knar ne’e ekzekuta husi diresaun Edukasaun e Peskiza.

Objetivu principal CAC halao seminariu iha universidade atu esplika ba universitariu sira misaun no vizaun CAC nian. Universitariu nudar lideransa nasional iha future presija konhese orgaun Estadu independente CAC ne’ebe halao misaun mak; Prevensaun Krimi Korrupsaun, Edukasaun e Peskiza no Investigasaun Krimi Korrupsaun.

Iha seminariu ne’e Komisáriu Adjuntu Bucar esplika kona-ba direitu no dever jerasaun foun ka universitariu sira nudar lideransa nasional iha future atu estuda didiak hodi mantein atetudade diak nudar estudante ho responsabilidade boot ba povu no nasaun. Adjuntu Bucar mos esplika kona-ba Timor-Leste nian rekursu naturais hanesan mina rai no gas iha Tasi Timor laran hanesan riku soi Estadu atu jestor Estadu bele utiliza didiak ba prosperiedade povu no nasaun.

“Dever ho obrigasaun universitariu sira nian mak estuda no domina siensia atu servi povu no nasaun dobben Timor-Leste laho korrupsaun. Ho siensia mak universitariu sira prontu dezenvolve siensia jestaun atu promove luta kontra korrupsaun no hamrik atu infrenta solusiona konkretas problema,” Katak Komisariu Adjuntu Bucar.

Seminariu ne’e taka ho sesaun perguntas no resposta iha ne’ebé universitariu sira hato’o perguntas mesak kritiku no konstrutivu ba instituisaun CAC nian diak iha future. Partisipa iha seminariu ne’e mak Vise Dekanu Filipe Mendes Pereira, Longuinhos dos Santos no dosentes Fakuldade Ekonomia UNTL.

Tinan ne’e tomak, CAC sei kontinua halao seminar ho future lideransa TL nian atu esplika ba sira kona-ba konhesimentu no oin sa atu kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. (*)