Archives July 4, 2012

“Living with Honesty”: CAC’s Message to Students on Combating Corruption

Dili, 04/07/201 The Anti-Corruption Commission’s team from the Education, Campaign and Research Directorate (EKP), during two weeks recently carried out a series of seminars on CAC’s role in combating corruption with about 1000 elementary and secondary students from three districts: Bobonaro, Liquiça and Aileu. The seminars, which highlighted a theme “Hamutuk Ita Kombate Korrupsaun/Together We Fight Corruption,” was part of CAC’s effort to educate young Timorese to uphold the spirit of living with honesty in their daily life.

In his series of presentations, EKP Interim Director Rosário de Araújo talked about the importance of showing good attitudes that reflect living with honesty such as–follow the common practice, obey the rules and retain themselves from lying to their parents, teachers, and society in general. In similar sessions, EKP official Almério Álvares Maria Barros emphasized the importance of students to promote the culture of shame, fear and regret when they commit any wrong doing and to make such cultural deeds as their habits.

In those series of workshops, the students and teachers from those three districts demonstrated great enthusiasm in following the presentations of CAC team. During the questions and answers sessions, the participants were curious to learn more about CAC’s role in combating corruption. In addition, some students and teachers proposed for CAC to establish its office in districts as a way to facilitate and broadening the work of combating corruption in Timor-Leste.

The total of students who attended the seminars on CAC’s role in combating corruption: from the Male-Ubu Elementary School in Bobonaro were 129 students, Aileu Pre-Secondary and Secondary Schools were 559 students and Liquiça Pre-Secondary and Secondary Schools were 265 students.

“Moris ho Honestidade”: Mensajem CAC ba Estudante Sira konaba Kombate Korrupsaun

Dili 04/07/2012– Ekipa Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) husi Diresaun Edukasaun, Kampaña no Peskiza (EKP) iha fulan Juñu foin lalais ne’e hala’o simináriu sosializasaun kona-ba papel CAC iha kombate korrupsaun ba estudantes ensinu báziku no sekundária besik rihun ida iha distritu tolu: Bobonaro, Aileu no Liquiça.

Semináriu ho tema “Hamutuk Ita Kombate Korrupsaun” ne’e hanesan esforsu ida atu tulun eduka jerasaun foin sa’e sira atu tane a’as espíritu honestidade iha sira nian moris loron-loron.

Iha nia aprezentasaun sirak ne’e, Diretór Interinu EKP Rosário de Araújo koalia kona-ba hahalok diak nebe refleta moris ho honestidade–hanesan: la’o tuir dalan los no hakru’uk ba lei hodi la monu ba tentasaun halo korrupsaun, evita a’an husi bosok inan-aman, edukador sira, no sosiedade iha sira nia moris lor-loron. Iha fatin hanesan, ofisiais EKP Almério Álvares Maria Barros hatutan ba estudante sira kona-ba atu hatoman a’an hodi promove kultura moe, tauk, no arepende wainhira estudante ida monu ba sala ruma.

Durante semináriu, estudante no edukador sira iha distritu tolu ne’e hatudu entuziasmu bo’ot hodi tuir no rona aprezentasaun sirak husi ekipa CAC. Iha sesaun perguntas, partisipante sira iha kuriosidade tebes hakarak atu hatene liu tan papel CAC nian iha esforsu kombate korrupsaun. Nunemos, estudante no edukador sira balu propoin atu CAC  bele estabelese nia iskritóriu iha distritu atu fasilita no habelar tan servisu kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.

Estudantes husi eskolas públiku no privadu ne’ebe tuir semináriu  sosializasaun CAC durante semana rua ne’e mai husi eskola Ensinu Báziku Suku Male-Ubu Bobonaro hamutuk 129, Pre-Sekundária no Sekundária Aileu Vila hamutuk 559 estudantes, no Liquiça hamutuk 265. (*)