Komisáriu Interinu Bucar Sai Orador Workshop Iha SEJD

Dili – Funsionariu  Públiku liu nain 30 husi Sekretariu Estadu Juventude e Desportu (SEJD) – husi  Gabinete Inspetoria no Auditoria Interna Kuarta-feira ohin (14/5) estuda
tekniku foun oin sa kombate korrupsaun iha sira nian servisu fatin.

Funsionariu públiku sira iha  workshop internal ho topiku “Divulgasaun  Lei Funsionalismu Públiku (direitu, dever & proibisoens)”. Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) atende, iha nebé Komisáriu Interinu Manuel Bucar  lori material kona-ba “Lei AC nian (Kombate Korrupsaun)”, Workshop halao iha Sional Dili ne’e  organiza husi Gabinete de Inspeitoria e Auditoria Interna SEJD nian.

Primeiru Sessaun dadersan nian Komisariu Bucar esplika ba partisipantes hanesan mos funsionariu, direitur ho  nian estrutura tomak kona-ba lei CAC, saida mak korrupsaun, tipu korrupsaun, no  estudu kazu korrupsaun. Sesaun lokraik Offisial Prevensaun Lizia Soares lori material ho topiku “Oinsa Prevene No Kombate Korrupsaun Iha Servisu Fatin”.

Diresaun Prevensaun CAC nian halao  workshops hanesan parte husu Planu Prevensaun 2014-15 nian, iha ne’ebé  identifika prioridade hat ne’ebé identifika iha risku korrupsaun.  Desentralizasaun Poder Governu, Aprovizionamentu, Alfandega, no Vontade Politiku.

Funsionariu nudar jestor Estadu  katak Komisáriu Bucar tenki tane a’as onestidade no servisu ho integridade hodi evita a’an rasik husi kualker tentasaun ba aktu korrupsaun wainhira halao knar nudar servidor Estadu.

Aprezentasaun CAC nian loron ohin hanesan meius importante atu tulun aumenta partisipantes sira nian horizonte. Funsionariu públiku sira iha antusiasmu boot durante workshop, envolve an hodi fo sira nian sujestaun kona-ba sa mak sira bele halo atu hapara korrupsaun iha sira nian servisu fatin.

Sesaun husu no hatan mos halao, iha nebé partisipante sira bele fó sira nian sujestaun no rekomendasaun kona-ba sa ma sira bele halo iha future atu tulun prevene korrupsaun.

CAC sei kontinua reafirma ba a’an rasik, CAC labele hamo’os korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste mesak – funsionariu públiku no sidadaun hotu tenki utiliza forsa koletivu ba kombate krrupsaun, CAC sei suporta esforsu sidadaun hotu hodi fortifika konhesimentu no oferese meius hodi hateten lae ba korrupsaun iha funsionariu públiku no povu nia moris lor-loron nian – iha uma ka iha servisu fatin. (*)

Liders Komunitariu-Estudantes Besik 1000 Iha Distritu Tolu Atende Workshop CAC Nian

Dili – Lider komunitariu no estudante sira husi nivel eskola baziku to’o sekundariu besik 1000 atende workshops serial iha distritu diferente tolu ne’ebé organiza husi Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC).

Workshops halao iha distritus Dili, Viqueque no Lospalos.

Topiku workshop ba lider komunitariu sira mak “Kultura Kombate Korrupsaun Hahu husi Familia” no topiku workshop ba estudantes sira makOnestidade Nudar Xavi Importante Ba Estudante Sira Atu Hadok-an Husi  Korrupsaun”, ne’ebé molok ne’e halao ona mos ba estudantes sira iha Dili .

Aitividades edukasional ne’e CAC realiza hanesan parte husi edukasaun sivika CAC nian atu prevene pratika korrupsaun  hanesan kauza ida nebe fo influensia maka’as hodi estraga povu nia moris diak, hafoer estadu nia dignidade no hamate integridade no moral iha aspektu politika no boa governasaun. Hametin konhesimentu sosiedade kona-ba prevene no kombate korrupsaun.

Ba ida ne’e, CAC labele hamo’os korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste mesak – sidadaun hotu tenki utiliza forsa koletivu kombate korrupsaun, no ami sei suporta esforsu ne’e hotu hodi fortifika konhesimentu no oferese meius hodi hateten lae ba korrupsaun iha moris lor-loron nian.

Atu halo ida ne’e, Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) iha nia knar no responsabilidade oinsa halibur no informa lider komunitáriu, veteranus, organisasaun feto no jovens, Partidus Polítiko, profesóres, estudantes no  konfisoens religiosos  atu habelar informasaun liu husi dalan sorumutu ho komunidade iha eskolas, sukus, , Sub-Distritu no Distritus hotu iha TL laran tomak.

Partisipantes sira ativa ho antusiamu maka’as tuir workshop atu hatene kona-ba oinsa kontra pratika korrupsaun iha sira nian moris loron-loron durante workshop.. Estudante no partisipante sira mai ho sira nian perguntas kritikus konstrutivu no rekomendasaun kona-ba esforsu luta kontra korrupsaun iha TL.

Diretor Edukasaun e Peskiza, Rosario de  Araujo no director Prevensaun Abrão Freitas lidera ekipa rua ba halao sorumutu serial ne’e.

Lider komunitariu sira iha sub-distritus Ossu, Watucarbau, Lacluta no sub-distritu Viqueque Vila. Workshop ba estudante sira halao iha Eskola Sekundaria Watucarbau, Eskola Sekundaria Ossu, Eskola Sekundaria Santo Antonio Lacluta, Eskola Sekundaria Santo Estevão Viqueuqe Vila no lider komunitariu ho estudantes vokasional Becora Dili.

CA sei kontinua halao seminar sira hanesan ne’e iha teritoriu tomak. Nune’e mos, ekipa ida oras ne’e iha dalan ba Distritu Maliana atu realiza workshops kona-ba prevene korrupsaun semana ne’e. (*)

Nearly 1000 Community Leaders and Students in Three Districts Attend CAC Workshops

Dili – Nearly 1000 community leaders and students from primary and secondary schools have attended a series of workshops held in three different districts by the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC).

The workshops were held in the districts of Dili, Viqueque and Lospalos.

Community leaders attended a workshop which looked at “The Culture of Fighting Corruption Starting in the Family”. Students attended a workshop titled ‘Honesty Is An Important Key To Avoid Corruption’, which has previously been held with other students in Dili.

The workshops are part of CAC’s education awareness program that aims to prevent corruption practices. We know that corruption can destroy opportunity, and harm the dignity and integrity the state in regards to politics and good governance.

By itself, CAC cannot rid Timor-Leste of corruption – the country’s citizens must also utilize their collective power to fight corruption, and we will support them by fortifying their knowledge and providing them with the tools to say no to corruption in their daily lives.

To do so, CAC knows will gather and inform community leaders, veterans, women’s organizations, youth groups, political leaders, teachers, students and religion leaders through workshops in schools, sub-districts and districts held across the country.

Participants were active, enthusiastic and keen to know more about how to fight corruption in their daily lives during the workshop. Students and participants came up with their recommendations about anti-corruption efforts in Timor-Leste.

Director of Education and Research Rosario Araujo and Director of Prevention Abrão Freitas led the two teams holding the workshops.

Community leaders and students attended worshops in sub-district Ossu, sub-district Watucarbau and Viqueque Vila of Viqueuqe District. Workshops for students were held in the public secondary school of Watucarbau, Santo Antonio Catholic Secondary School of Lacluta, the Catholic Santo Estevão School of Viqueuqe Vila and with vocational student and community leaders in Becora, Dili district.

CAC will continue to hold these seminars across the country. Already, a team of officers are currently travelling to Maliana to deliver workshops on corruption prevention this week. (*)